Published at 7th of June 2024 05:28:09 AM

Chapter 130

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Chapter 130

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Chapter 130: The Other Woman (2)


Regina Hopper was born as the 98th granddaughter of the Mercenary King.

The Mercenary King, Karl Hopper, was famous for his outstanding skills as well as his lecherousness.

Not only did he change women every day, but he even had ten in his arms at one time.

Because of such a chaotic private life, the Mercenary King had more than a dozen children. His grandchildren were much more numerous.

Unusually, all of the blood relatives who inherited the Mercenary King’s blood had outstanding talents.

Among them, Regina Hopper seemed to have inherited the Mercenary King’s blood especially strongly, showing outstanding talent in swordsmanship from a young age.

She learned faster than others, grew faster, and her class also rose faster.

That’s why Regina Hopper thought she was a genius.

It was at the family gathering she attended when she was 10 years old that this ridiculous illusion was shattered.

Among the blood relatives she met for the first time in her life, there were many geniuses who were far superior to her.

Some had already awakened their aura at the age of 10 or had killed a dozen orcs alone.

Monsterous geniuses who did incredible things without any difficulty.

The Mercenary King favored only them and kept them by his side. And he called them ‘Purebloods’.

Regina was not recognized by the Mercenary King because she could not even reach their ankles, and she had no choice but to wander outside.

“You... .”

When Regina Hopper saw him, Damien was comparable to those monsters.

No, no. None of the pureloods that Regina had seen could match Damien.

How could there be another madman in this world who would ingest two elixirs at the same time and raise his class?

“You dare... ask me to pay the price?”

It wasn’t that she was going to admit defeat.RreAd lateSt chapters at nô(v)e/l/bin/.c/o/m Only

Damien had just risen from the middle class to the high class.

Moreover, he was in a state of considerable internal injury from his previous act of madness.

Damien is a monster without a doubt. But right now, she was stronger.

“You cheeky brat. I’ll cut off that tongue first.”

Moreover, Regina’s specialty was the quick sword.

The quick sword was disadvantageous in a long battle because its attacks were monotonous.

However, in a short battle, especially in the first attack, it had a power close to a sure-kill.

No matter how great a genius Damien is, he has only just risen to high class.

He would not be able to catch up to the quick sword that Regina had honed throughout her life.

I’ll kill him with a single blow.

Regina drew out her mana to the fullest so that she could cut Damien down at any time.

But why is it?

Even though she was confident of victory, something kept bothering her. Fear seemed to be crawling up her legs slowly.

“You’d better not spew any more nonsense.”

Damien approached her. He fearlessly stepped into Regina’s range.

At that moment, Regina swung her sword. A flash of light cut Damien’s throat.

No, it should have been cut off.

She swung her arm, but the sword did not come off. Regina looked down with a puzzled face.

The sword was still sheathed. And her own wrist was caught in the hilt.


She turned her gaze and looked at the arm she had just swung. There was nothing below the wrist.

“W, what did you just.......”

“I cut it off first.”

Damien said nonchalantly and swung his sword into the air. A drop of blood splattered on the ground.

When did he cut it off? No, when did he swing it?

Countless questions came to mind. But she forcibly pushed all the questions back into her memory.

Right now, she needed to fight. Fortunately, Regina had always practiced using the sword with her opposite hand as well.

She couldn’t use it as skillfully as her right hand, but she could still fight to some extent.......

“Your abdomen is open.”

Damien kicked Regina’s abdomen. Her body folded forward as her head turned white.


Regina let out a short scream and flew backwards.

“I told you. I will make you pay the price for your trash talk.”

Damien immediately followed after Regina. At that moment, Regina kicked the ground and rushed towards Damien.

A dagger was suddenly clutched in her left hand. Regina tried to stab Damien with the dagger.

Without even flinching, Damien kicked Regina’s shin.

With a cracking sound of bones breaking, her body fell forward.

“By the way, I wonder what the mayor will say. I’ve caused such an accident... .”

Ballad sighed deeply.

He had finally established a relationship with a platinum badge mercenary. It was all ruined because of Ballad.

“Does the mayor know that you’re engaged to your sister-in-law?”

“He knows. Why?”

“Then there’s no need to apologize, is there? The mayor told you to entertain Regina knowing that fact, didn’t he?”

“That’s true, but... I might have to find another job in the future.”

“Then just come to Haksen County.”

Damien said nonchalantly.



The two reacted with confusion.

“Recently, Father was promoted to the title of count, and as a result, we’ll be in need of additional assistance. I believe you would be an ideal candidate to lend a hand.”

“That’s also... I see.”

Ballad scratched the back of his head and said. It seemed that he hadn’t thought of such a simple solution himself.

“But... is that okay?”

“What are you talking about?”

“I’m worried that you’ll be uncomfortable if I go... .”

Ballad hesitated and said. He seemed to know that Damien didn’t like him.

“...You’re saying strange things. You’re going to be a part of our family soon, so why would I be uncomfortable?”

Damien said with a smile. Ballad made a very surprised expression.

“I ask you to take good care of my older sister in the future.”

At Damien’s words, Ballad nodded with a serious face.


Soon after, the city guards arrived. The guards gasped at the charred scene.

“W, what on earth happened... .”

The mayor, who had also come outside, looked around with a dumbfounded face.

“B, Ballad Hugo! What on earth is going on here? Explain yourself immediately!”

“That’s... .”

At the mayor’s words, Ballad told him everything he had seen.

“What, what? To Lady Regina... .”

The mayor shouted, foaming at the mouth.

“This crazy bastard! I told you so! You have to make her feel as good as possible! If you do that, high class will just fall into your hands! Do you understand? High cl... .”

“If you’re talking about high class, I’m here.”

Damien stood behind Ballad. The mayor shut his mouth after seeing Damien’s face.

“Ah, ahahaha... Isn’t that Sir Damien Haksen?”

“You must have made a lot of profit by selling out my brother-in-law until now, but you don’t have anything to say about it.”

Damien said in a sharp tone. That alone made the mayor’s face turn pale.

“Then, brother-in-law, please speak. You don’t have to be so careful... .”

Ballad expressed his intention to submit a resignation letter to the mayor. The mayor was furious after hearing the circumstances, but he soon became quiet.

This was because Damien was standing by Ballad’s side.

Thanks to Damien following him, Ballad was able to sort out the situation comfortably.

“Ballad wants to work for our family?”

Count Haksen was surprised at first, but soon welcomed Ballad.

“Hahaha, that’s good. I was just running out of hands. I can trust you with anything.”

“I will do my best in whatever you entrust me with.”

Ballad said confidently at Count Haksen’s words.

And so, Ballad Hugo joined the House of Haksen. Thanks to this, Louise’s face was filled with smiles for a while.


Damien had traveled the long distance from the House of Haksen to Ocean City, but he had no time to rest and was once again preparing to leave the family.

‘I haven’t dealt with Gathdal yet.’

Gathdal would become an important figure in the future, supporting the army as Dorugo’s covenantor.

‘He’s a dangerous man, so I need to be prepared.’

Even at this time, Gathdal was already a genius among geniuses, having risen to the position of Grand Black Magician.

The Grand Black Magician was equivalent to the Master Class in terms of knights.

In other words, it meant that he was a transcendent being who had surpassed the shackles of humanity.

‘I will kill Gathdal and obtain the fragment of Erebos.’

After setting his plan, Damien left for the Almond Country.


[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!