Published at 7th of June 2024 05:28:00 AM

Chapter 135

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Chapter 135

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Chapter 135: The Ruins (3)


“You want to get hit that badly? I’ll grant your wish.”

Damien opened a subspace and pulled out the wooden club.

As soon as the wooden club appeared, Nos. 1, 2, and 3 let out a shrill scream.

“I offered you a chance, and you make such a foolish choice...”

Heyden looked at Damien with a ridiculous expression.

“Or do you not know who I am? If you knew who I was, you wouldn’t be able to do this.”

“I know roughly who you are.”

“Roughly? How can you be so ignorant? That’s why you made such a poor choice! But ignorance is not a crime, so I’ll let you understand.”

Heyden clicked his tongue and said.

“My name is Heyden Oldenburg! Some people call me this! Heyden, who even makes crying babies stop! The majestic Heyden! Do you know why?”

[PR/N- Bro worked as part-time nanny]

Heyden said, putting his hand on his chest.

“Because I’m a middle-class knight!”

Damien’s face became irritated as he listened to the information he already knew.

“Ah, but don’t think of me as an ordinary middle-class! I’m the real deal, who has fought and won against many middle-class! That’s why some people call me...”

“Can you just shut up and draw your sword?”

Damien said irritably. Heyden shook his head slowly from side to side with a stern expression.

“I was going to give you the last chance of the last chance... but you’re making this choice again. Fine. I won’t indulge you any further.”

Heyden slowly drew the sword from his waist. It was no ordinary sword, as it emanated a formidable aura.

“I don’t intend to take your life. My warning was only about one arm... I’ll cut it off cleanly and even provide you with first aid.”

Heyden raised his mana. A chilling aura pressured Damien.

“Ahyoho! Ohhoho!”

Heyden charged forward, letting out a strange battle cry. The blade imbued with aura pressured Damien.

‘He’s not just all talk.’

Just because they were of the same realm didn’t mean their skills were the same. Even within the same realm, there were differences in level.

Heyden was a strongman in the upper ranks of the middle class. His well-refined swordsmanship proved that fact.

However, even so, he was only a middle-class. Heyden’s attacks couldn’t even touch a hair on Damien’s head.

“You’re quite agile! But that won’t be enough to stop my swordsmanship! Yohoho!”

Suddenly, Heyden’s aura extended like a whip. As Heyden swung his sword wildly, the extended aura surrounded Damien.

“I’m going to chop you up like a diced potato!”

The aura pressured Damien. Just then, Damien grabbed the club with both hands and swung it at the whip of aura. Heyden burst out laughing at the sight.

“Have you ever seen such a foolish person! You can’t stop aura with a wooden club...”

With a sound of breaking pottery, Heyden’s aura shattered. Heyden’s mouth opened wide at the sight.

“...Is that possible?”

While Heyden was still in confusion, Damien struck him on the crown with the club.


With a dull sound, Heyden’s head bent forward. Seeing this, Nos. 1, 2, and 3 screamed and grabbed their own heads.

“Ugh, uwaaaah!”

Heyden held his head and backed away. Soon, he realized that his crown was intact and muttered with a surprised face.

“Huh? What, what is this? I thought my head was going to explode...”

“Do you have the time to be thinking about other things?”

Damien, who had somehow approached from behind, swung the club at the back of Heyden’s head.


It was a surprise attack, and there was no time to prepare. Heyden grabbed the back of his head and groaned.

“I-I’ve been hit again!”

Heyden turned around, filled with rage, but there was no one behind him.

“Huh, there’s no one...”UppTodated from nô/v/e/l/b(i)n.c(o)/m


Just then, he was hit on the back of the head with a club again. Heyden’s body lurched violently.

“Keep your eyes open and watch!”

Damien began hitting Heyden’s head with the club without a break.

With Heyden’s skill, he couldn’t even see Damien’s movements. So he was helpless to be beaten.

“Stop, stop!”

Heyden shouted, holding out his hands. Damien stopped his hand.

“Why, why are you only hitting my head? Do you think I’m a drum!”

Heyden protested, sobbing. Damien tilted his head and asked.

“Then should I hit you somewhere else?”

“Of course, you should... No, I’m not saying you should hit me...!”

Damien’s club moved again. This time, he started hitting Heyden all over his body, not just his head.

“Ouch! Ugh! Ah!”

Heyden screamed every time he was hit with the club.

“Okay, wait! Stop, stop!”

“Heyden Oldenbourg. You have violated the rules, so I will have you expelled from the Almond Kingdom.”

“What, what are you saying? T, this can’t be! Do, do you think Lord Duplessis will just sit back and watch?”

“Do whatever you want. Take this man away.”

The soldiers of the Almond Kingdom approached Heyden Oldenbourg. Heyden glared at the soldiers.

“Just try to come near me! I’ll kill you all...”

Just then, Dominico moved. He approached Heyden and punched him in the jaw.


Heyden rolled his eyes and collapsed. The soldiers of the Almond Kingdom dragged Heyden away and disappeared.

“That was a close call.”

Dominico said, looking back at Damien. Damien could not help but admire the light shining from within his helmet.

‘He’s a High-Class.’

There was a reason why he was so confident even after hearing the name Duplessis. He was a powerful man who had reached the realm of High-Class.

Damien went on to see the true value of the knight, Dominico.

‘He has the talent to reach Master Class.’

It had been a long time since he had seen such a genius after the sword empress.

“As the person in charge of security, I have no choice but to apologize. I’m sorry for the inconvenience.”

Dominico said, taking off his helmet. A rough face, like a poorly made loaf of bread, appeared.

His eyes were so small that they were barely visible, and he was covered in scars, making him look very fierce. It was a face that could not be called handsome even with empty words.

The moment he saw Dominico’s bare face, Damien could not help but be shocked.

Was it because he was ugly? That wasn’t it.

‘...The Domingo the Bloody Tears.’

In his previous life, he was one of the most powerful commanders that Gathdal had ever had.

The cursed monster that had killed countless Masters was standing before his eyes.


Death Knights are born when their flesh and soul are both corrupted, while Commanders are undead born when only their soul is corrupted.

Gathdal gathered the souls of excellent knights to create Commanders. He then formed them into an order of knights and made them his main force.

Among them, the Commander Gathdal loved the most was Domingo the Bloody Tears.

The name Domingo was given by Gathdal, but the nickname “Bloody Tears” was given by humans.

True to his nickname, Domingo constantly shed red tears. The places he passed by would be marked with a red line.

‘Domingo is probably just a different reading of Dominico.’

Dominico asked, touching his face, wondering if it was strange that Damien was staring at him.

“Why are you staring so hard? It’s not like I’m a very handsome face.”

“You look like someone I know.”

“That friend of yours probably doesn’t have a very handsome face either.”

Dominico burst out laughing. But when Damien didn’t laugh, he scratched the back of his head with an awkward expression.

“Anyway, you’re really strong. Heyden is a bit strange, but he’s an excellent knight who is hard to find an opponent for. To think you would crush him so easily.”

Dominico continued, looking worried.

“But you were reckless. Heyden belongs to the Duplessis faction. Duplessis won’t leave you alone after this.”

It was understandable that Dominico was worried. No one would be content to sit back and do nothing after their pride was hurt.

This was especially true for a High-Class like Duplessis.

“I’ll protect you as much as I can while you’re on the ground... but be especially careful when you enter the ruins.”

With that, Dominico turned and left with the soldiers of the Almond Kingdom.

Damien followed Dominico’s back and realized something.

There was a woman standing in the direction he was walking.

She was a beautiful woman with long, flowing hair that seemed to have been drawn with a brush. Her eyes were calm and her skin was pale, almost white.

“Wow... I never thought I’d see Princess Freize outside.”

Thibaut, who had approached at some point, spoke to Damien.

“There’s a reason why the nobles are flocking to the ruins. Not only can you get your hands on the Relic sword, but you can also marry a beautiful woman like that.”

As soon as Dominico approached, Princess Freize stuck to his side. She began to whisper in a small voice.

Whatever the conversation was about, Dominico’s face was covered in a smile.

“It seems like Lord Victor also likes the princess.”

Thibaut said with a meaningful smile. Damien couldn’t help but frown at his words.

“What nonsense are you talking about all of a sudden?”

“Yes? Then why are you still staring at the princess ?”


Damien looked back at the two of them. The two people together looked very happy.

But that happiness would soon be destroyed.

This is because Gathdal would kill all the soldiers and knights of the Almond Kingdom and absorb them into his own army.

Maybe it was because of his memories from his Death Knight days. The fate of those two didn’t seem good.

It seemed like he knew why Dominico was called Domingo the Bloody Tears in his previous life.

‘I’ll stop it this time.’

Let’s find Gathdal and kill him before those things repeat again.

Damien added one more goal.


[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!