Published at 7th of June 2024 05:27:57 AM

Chapter 136

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Chapter 136

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Chapter 136: The Ruins (4)


Rumors about Damien spread quickly throughout the Almond Country.

Within a day, everyone near the ruins knew about him, or rather, Victor.

“Did you hear? A new explorer named Victor has appeared. He’s apparently very good at finding relics.”

“So what if he’s good at finding them? Why are you so excited?”

“Didn’t you hear? He found an APG!”

“What? The 1st and 2nd floors have been dry for a long time! Where did he find such a precious thing?”

“I don’t know either. But sometimes there are people who have a knack for sniffing out treasure.”

People were amazed and talked about the items Damien had found.

“It’s been a while since a big shot appeared. Maybe this explorer can find the Relic sword.”

“Well... maybe he’ll die before that.”

“What do you mean?”

“That Victor guy messed with Duplessis’ faction.”

“What, really?”

The Almond Country was currently filled with nobles who wanted to find the Relic Sword and marry Princess Freize.

Among the nobles, there were many who formed alliances instead of exploring the ruins alone.

Of the factions that were created in this way, Duplessis’ faction was the largest and most powerful.

“If what you say is true... that young Victor won’t last long.”

“It’s good for us. It means one less dangerous competitor.”

While people were talking about him, Damien was lying in bed at the inn, making plans.

“It’s a total of 7 floors deep.”

Damien muttered as he looked at the map he had obtained from the ruins.

The ruins were shaped like a triangle. The scale got larger and larger as you went down the floors.

“It’s going to take a long time to search this place thoroughly.”

It wasn’t enough to just search the visible areas. There were probably hidden rooms in the ruins as well.

However, Damien was not too worried. Damien’s detection range was very wide.

If he could detect even a little bit of Gathdal’s dark magic, he could follow it and find him.

“Maybe he’ll come out to catch me.”

Gathdal would definitely react in some way after Damien destroyed the undead he had created.

Would he be angry? Probably not. The undead that Damien had destroyed during the day were simple undead that Gathdal could create easily.

Right now, Gathdal was in the process of collecting people’s souls for his research on ‘memories’.

And not just any souls, but souls with rich combat experience.

So there was no way he would let go of a skilled warrior like Damien. He would try to catch him by any means necessary.

“I’ll have to go deeper tomorrow.”

Damien decided to become the most tempting bait possible to lure Gathdal out.


The next day, Damien headed to the entrance of the ruins early in the morning.

“Lord Victor! Good morning!”

Thibaut greeted Damien, bowing his waist.

“Please leave all the annoying tasks to me today!”Rread latest chapters at n/ov(e)lbin(.)co/m

He looked at Thibaut and said in surprise.

“You didn’t run away?”

Before they parted ways yesterday, Thibaut was trembling, saying that the Duplessis faction would not sit still.

So Damien thought Thibaut would have run away to avoid being associated with him anymore.

“To be honest, if I said I didn’t think about that, I’d be lying...”

Thibaut said with a determined face.

“When else in my life will I meet someone as great as Lord Victor? I can’t miss this opportunity.”

“I never said I would give you an opportunity?”

“Huh? Yes? That’s...”

Despair appeared on Thibaut’s face. Damien laughed.

“I’m just kidding. If you do your job properly, I’ll make sure you get a share.”

Thibaut’s knowledge was quite useful, even though Damien didn’t know it.

Thanks to him, Damien didn’t need to learn about the Almond Country separately.


Damien threw the guard uniform and APG he had obtained yesterday to Thibaut.

Thibaut took the equipment and looked at Damien with a surprised face.

“Why are you giving this to me...?”

“I’m not giving it to you. I’m lending it to you.”

Damien was planning to go deep into the ruins today.

Damien himself was not in danger, but he didn’t know about Thibaut.

“It might be dangerous, so I’m lending it to you. Use it carefully and return it.”

“I’ll lend it to you in case you have to fight. Use it carefully.”


“If you do a good job, I might just give it to you.”

Thibaut’s eyes widened at Damien’s words.

“What in the world...”

Thibaut was paralyzed with horror. Then, a heavy sound came from the direction of the door.

Something was coming up from the fifth floor to the fourth.

A metallic body.

Large external eyes occupying half of its face.

Seeing it, Thibaut exclaimed in horror.

“An... ancient golem!”

At his cry, other mercenaries on the fourth floor also looked towards the door.

“...An ancient golem!”

“The ancient golem is coming up!”

The mercenaries, upon seeing the ancient golem, dropped what they were holding and began to flee. Over dozens of people rushed towards the entrance.

“Oh, an ancient golem.”

Damien looked at the golem with an intrigued expression. Since his regression, it was his first time encountering an ancient golem.

The ancient golems here looked quite different from the ones Damien had encountered in his past life.


The ancient golem spoke in a strange language. Unlike others, Damien could understand that language.

“It seems they’ve found intruders and intend to kill them.”

Light emanated from the crystal embedded in the golem’s chest, spreading throughout its body.

Simultaneously, light began to flow from the surface of the sword held by the golem.

“Seems like it’s carrying dangerous items.”

The ancient golem itself was dangerous, but the sword it wielded looked even more perilous.

It was incomparable to the equipment of ancient guards found on the first floor.


The ancient golem leaped. Despite its metallic body, it looked as light as a feather.

“It’s better than human.”

Damien muttered in admiration as he dodged backward. At this point, a human would have been overwhelmed, but the ancient golem remained quiet.

“Perhaps because it’s made of metal, it doesn’t feel the satisfaction of ridiculing others.”

As the ancient golem swung its sword, splitting the ground and ceiling with each strike.

“This should trouble even middle-class knights. Quite a formidable piece of scrap metal.”

As the ancient golem continued to swing its sword, splitting the walls and ceiling.

Dodging another strike, Damien continued. The power of the ancient golem was remarkable, more so than he had anticipated.

The golem leaped again, aiming its sword at Damien’s head. He twisted his body, narrowly avoiding the attack.

At the same time, he swung his sword, beheading the golem. Its head fell to the ground, and its body knelt, lifeless.

Even without using Aura, Damien felt no resistance. It was evidence that the mana within him surpassed that of the metal body of the ancient golem.

“Your power has improved.”

Damien praised, and Dawn let out a joyful ring. It seemed quite satisfied.

“Collect everything. We can sell it later.”

Damien instructed Thibaut.

Since the ancient golem contained the technology of an ancient civilization, many mages were willing to pay a fortune to acquire it.

“Also, gather the weapons.”


Thibaut loaded the ancient golem onto a cart and tied it to his back.

“Huh? It’s lighter than I thought?”

Thibaut said in surprise. This too was a marvel of ancient civilization. Despite its appearance, the ancient golem was quite light.

“Shall we go down then?”


The two descended to the fifth floor along the entrance.


As soon as they went down to the 5th floor, they saw a large sign.

It said “Researcher’s Office” when interpreted.

The workshop and the researcher didn’t seem to go together, but it was nothing unusual in ancient civilizations.

After all, ancient craftsmen were also excellent researchers.

“Hey, Lord Victor. There’s something drawn here.”

Thibaut said, pointing to the wall next to him.

There was a large bulletin board hanging there. There were many papers hanging on the bulletin board.

Damien couldn’t help but be surprised as he looked at the papers.

“This is...”

These papers contained information about the equipment being manufactured in the workshop.

Among them, there was a paper that particularly caught Damien’s attention.

The surface of the paper was covered with a large sword and countless ancient characters.

Damien read the words one by one.

“A state commission... an item to protect the soon-to-be-born prince... a sword that moves on its own and protects its master... 30 blades in one body... must be able to move separately even when divided... the name of the project is...”

The last sentence was blurry, but he could somehow read it.

“Is it ‘Mana-Controlled Sword’?”


[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!