Published at 7th of June 2024 05:27:15 AM

Chapter 158

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Chapter 158

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Chapter 158: Duel (2)


The moment the sword was about to cut her throat, Athena’s body disappeared.

Athena, who had turned into a lightning bolt, retreated far back before restoring her body to its original state.

At that moment, Athena could feel a tingling pain in her neck.

When she touched her neck with her fingers, a faint trace of blood came out.


Athena looked at Damien with a surprised face.

She thought she had completely dodged it, but it was Athena who was slightly slower.

“U, uwaaa!”

“Did you just see that? Lady Athena is using her lightning power!”

At that moment, cheers erupted from the mercenaries. The exchange just now was enough to excite them.

“Since when did you start using lightning so naturally?”

“That’s amazing. It’s like watching the young days of the Mercenary King.”

The ‘Thunderclap Heavenly Movement Technique’ that Athena was mastering was a mana cultivation technique that could convert mana into lightning power.

Lightning stimulated the muscles and nerves, allowing them to move even faster. Furthermore, by entrusting one’s physical body to the flow of lightning, one could move like lightning.

Even among the children of the Mercenary King, who was known as a genius, there were few who had learned the Thunderclap Heavenly Movement Technique. It was that difficult of a mana cultivation technique.

“......But what the hell is that guy? Where did such a monster come from?”

“It’s amazing that he reacted to the speed of lightning......but how did he able to react so fast?”

However, the skilled mercenaries, especially the master class, were admiring Damien.

The Thunderclap Heavenly Movement Technique was a mana cultivation technique that overwhelmed the enemy with its overwhelming speed and destructive power.

Damien had effortlessly turned all of that away.

“As expected, you can dodge this much.”

Damien spoke to Athena.

When she realized that she was the object of his evaluation, Athena found herself laughing involuntarily.

“You, you’re interesting.”

Most of the enemies she had fought so far had not even been able to react to Athena’s attacks.

But he had not only reacted, but he had also counterattacked.

“As expected, my eyes were not wrong. It’s a point.”

A smile spread across Athena’s mouth. It was bewitching, yet somehow joyful.

Damien slung his sword over his shoulder and looked at Athena with a crooked gaze.

“You’ve been talking about points since earlier, but what are you scoring?”

“I can’t tell you now. I’ll tell you when it’s all over.”

The wound on her neck had already healed completely.

The children of the Mercenary King all possessed such a fast recovery ability. However, it was not enough to instantly regenerate major injuries such as fractures or cuts.

“Now that I know you’re not to be taken lightly......”

Athena drew out her lightning even further. White lightning enveloped her body and soared high into the sky.

“I won’t let my guard down anymore.”

Athena kicked the ground and lunged at Damien, thrusting her spear out.

Athena’s spear, transformed by lightning, was so fast that it could not be tracked by the naked eye or even by sound.

However, Damien blocked the spear with his sword as if it were a matter of course.

Athena was not surprised. Of course, Damien could do this much.

Athena swung her spear at Damien one after another. Damien also did not dodge and responded.

The spear and the sword clashed several times in the air. Sparks flew each time they collided.

“Amazing? But I don’t think you can keep blocking it.”

Athena drew out her lightning even further.

The speed at which she thrust the spear became faster and faster. It was as if she was scattering multiple spears at the same time.

“Huh? What...?

“How can he... ?”

A look of amazement gradually appeared on the faces of the mercenaries.

This was because Damien was blocking all of those countless attacks.

With the blade, hilt, pommel, and so on.

He was blocking the spear with various parts of the sword. As a result, Athena was not able to land a single effective attack.

Athena was just as surprised.

She had been attacking intending to corner Damien, but all of her attacks were being blocked.

It was as if he was reading her mind.

“You’re really amazing.”

After a moment of surprise, Athena rejoiced like a child.

Athena was born with an overwhelming talent. That’s why she had never been able to find a proper rival until now.

Her peers were much weaker than her, and she had quickly surpassed those who were much stronger than her.

That’s why, in Athena’s eyes, other people looked like animals. The only person who was not like that was her father.

But today, she met a new ‘person’. It was Damien.

“I don’t know how long it’s been since I had this much fun. So... can I go a little rougher?”

Athena’s movements changed.

“I win. Do you admit it?”

Athena nodded in a daze.

The moment Damien’s victory was confirmed, the mercenaries cheered in unison.

Even though he was an outsider, Damien’s final move was enough to excite the mercenaries.

Damien put away the sword and enjoyed the cheers of the mercenaries.

‘Every time I see them, I’m reminded that they’re a great mercenary group.’

Just by listening to their voices, you could tell how thoroughly trained they were.

Suddenly, Damien noticed that Athena’s face was flushed red.

Was she sick? There was no way she could have been injured.

As Damien looked at Athena with a puzzled expression,


Athena muttered in a small voice.


“What are you talking about?”

“T-that, how can I say that with my own mouth!”

Athena let out a shrill scream and turned to run away.

“It seems that Athena from this time has a bit of a problem mentally.”

Damien muttered with a dumbfounded expression.


“Hmph, heh.......”

Amidst the cheers, the Mercenary King was so shocked that he could not say a word.

“Athena...... my greatest pureblood...... has lost......?”

The Mercenary King knew well where his bloodline originated from.


The apex of all living beings under the heavens.

That extinct creature was his father.

That’s why the Mercenary King was so proud of his bloodline.

That’s why he gathered the outstanding children among his descendants and named them ‘Pureblood’.

But now, those Purebloods, his children, had been defeated by that one man.

“This...... this can’t be happening...... this shouldn’t be happening.......”

The emotions the Mercenary King was feeling right now were truly complex.

He was shocked and horrified. And then, anger flared up.

“Damien Haksen......! You insolent......!”

But the last emotion he felt was completely unexpected.

“......I’m intrigued.”


The desire to possess that limitless talent surged within him.

He had never thought for a moment that he, a man, would desire another man.

The possessiveness grew in an instant, snowballing out of control. Even the Mercenary King could not control it.

Dragons were creatures with a possessiveness that bordered on obsession. The Mercenary King, who had inherited their blood, was no exception.

“How I can recruit that man into my mercenary group.......”

Considering Damien’s personality, he would not be easy to win over.

“Isn’t there some way to do it?”

The Mercenary King stroked his chin and pondered.

“That’s right. That’s it.”

A sly smile slowly spread across the Mercenary King’s lips.

Perhaps it was because of his young appearance, he looked like a mischievous boy who had come up with a naughty prank.


At that time, there was one more person who was interested in Damien.


The concubine who was favored by the Mercenary King was looking at Damien with a strange look in her eyes.

‘A genius that surpasses the blood of the dragon? Is this even possible?’

She had approached the Mercenary King early on, coveting the blood of the dragon.

After all, in the current era where dragons have disappeared, the Mercenary King was the only one who possessed the blood of the dragon.

That’s why the value of the Mercenary King’s bloodline was immeasurable. So much so that she had used it as bait to lure several dark mages from Pandemonium.

‘I thought he was just a crazy man at first.......’

But if he had that kind of skill, it was a different story.

‘Didn’t he say that he was looking for outstanding souls to create Death Knights?’

He was traveling the continent in search of souls that would satisfy him, in order to create a Death Knight that could lead all wars to victory.

If she offered him a soul that he would be satisfied with, she would surely receive his great favor.

Perhaps she would even be able to learn dark magic that surpassed her teacher’s.

‘Handling men...... is easy for me.’

Lust gleamed in Rubia’s eyes.


[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!