Published at 7th of June 2024 05:31:55 AM

Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Demon God’s male Disciple]

[Quality Checker – Kawaii]

Chapter 16: Warning (2)

“Isn’t it a bit suspicious?”

A young investigator asked a senior colleague while examining the excavation site.

The senior investigator, rummaging through the debris scattered around the site, replied,

“What? The sudden sound of something munching on grass?”

“No, not that. It’s about Akitora. He’s an executive of Yulan who has thwarted the pursuit of the Holy Church multiple times.”

Yulan wasn’t an ordinary group of dark mages.

Their size was small, but each individual’s skills were remarkably high.

To the extent that all the Paladins dispatched by the Church fell in their trap during the hunts.

“Of course, Akitora belongs to the cursed faction, so his combat prowess is relatively weak.”

Compared to those skilled in commanding undead or those who strengthen themselves for battle through fervent practices, the curse faction lacked direct combat abilities.

“But still, does it make sense for a high-ranking dark mage like Akitora to lose his life to a countryside noble?”

However, it was a relative statement.

Even knights of regular status found it challenging to kill a curse sorcerer as skilled as Akitora head-on.

“Maybe that man, Damien Haksen... could be Yulan’s spy? It’s possible he disguised someone else’s body as Akitora and handed it over to the Church.”

The senior investigator nodded in agreement with the junior’s suspicion.

“I’ve had similar thoughts.”

“So, I’m not the only one who finds this strange!”

“But what can we do? Lady Agnes hasn’t said a word about it.”

Agnes was a respected Paladin who had eliminated countless heretics until now.

The young investigator couldn’t believe that Agnes would just overlook something even the investigators doubted.

But Agnes didn’t harbor even the slightest suspicion about Damien Haksen.

“Nevertheless, wouldn’t it be wise to make a suggestion?”

“Finish the investigation first and then voice your concerns. Focus on the work for now...”

“Damien Haksen is not a spy.”

Suddenly, a voice from behind startled both investigators.

Agnes was looking at the two of them with her usual impassive expression.

“I understand your doubts, but Damien Haksen is not that kind of man.”

At Agnes’s words, the two investigators blinked in surprise.

“But-but how could he possibly have killed Akitora in the first place?”

Summoning courage, the young investigator asked.

Without hesitation, Agnes replied.

“Didn’t you already hear how he killed him?”

“Yes? Ah! Yes we did hear it.”

Suddenly, the young investigator recalled Damien Haksen’s words.

“Roughly dodged and then struck at the neck to kill.”

A deep sense of bewilderment appeared on the young investigator’s face.

“Oh, no, so that means he really... just dodged his attacks and killed him?”

Agnes nodded.

“When that servant brought Akitora’s severed head, I didn’t immediately intervene. I observed Damien.”

In truth, Agnes had already been suspicious of Damien.

It didn’t make sense for a figure like Akitora to die so easily.

The situation was unavoidably suspicious.

“Truly... he was a skilled person to the point of astonishment.”

And upon witnessing Damien Haksen’s fighting prowess, all her doubts were dispelled.

“Facing dozens of opponents simultaneously, yet he didn’t sustain a single injury. Instead, he overwhelmed all of them.”

Agnes still couldn’t forget.

Damien Haksen evaded attacks coming from all directions by the smallest margin and surpassed his enemies.

Every move was meticulously calculated.

It felt almost unreal, as if watching a meticulously orchestrated play.

“The most astonishing thing was... the fact that he deflected magic using a sword.”

At first, the two investigators didn’t grasp the meaning of her words.

“One of the members of the Black Serpent gang used a magical tool to shoot a fireball. Damien Haksen wielded his sword and redirected the trajectory of that fireball.”

Only after hearing Agnes’s explanation did they begin to understand.

No, in truth, they still couldn’t comprehend it this time either.

“Is that... even possible?”

People struggle to even block an approaching sword right in front of them.

In such a scenario, deflecting magic? It was an unbelievable tale.

“It is possible. I’ve heard that the Empire’s Swordmaster ‘Gyumsung’ can withstand any attack, even magic.”

The jaws of the two investigators dropped.

In other words, it meant a feat achievable only by a master-level expert.

“If, if that’s true, then Damien Haksen...”

“He’s an extraordinary expert, an unparalleled genius. There’s no way such an individual would merely serve as a spy. Just using him as a combat agent alone would cause significant damage to the Church.”

Agnes spoke with an infinitely serious expression.

“Surely the reason you came here personally was because of that man, isn’t it?”

“The reason I followed all of you is because of Yulan.”

Agnes cut in sharply.

There was no one in the sect who didn’t know that Agnes harbored deep animosity towards Yulan.

“But I also have something to deal with regarding that man. I would prefer to take him to my mentor as soon as possible. If other Great Elders find out about him, it will cause significant trouble.”

In the Church, Cheongyeom Brigandin held a position not inferior to a monarch of a country.

And among Cheongyeom’s disciples, Agnes was the most outstanding figure.

Such a person was pouring out praises for someone without a hint of conceit.

“So, now, please set aside your suspicions about him and focus on the investigation.”

In response to those words, the investigators could only nod in agreement.

Four hours passed before the investigation concluded.

Regrettably, due to the aftermath of the battle, everything had turned to rubble, leaving little information to gauge.

“Thank you all for your hard work.”

Despite this, Agnes rallied the investigators without a hint of disappointment.

It was when Agnes and the investigators emerged from the site.

As soon as they stepped outside, they witnessed an unusual sight.


“What’s that?”

The air was swirling.

In accordance with the air, the leaves around them also started vibrating.

“Yes, sir!”


The two knights quickly replied.

Gerrick was loyal but known for his rough temperament. There had been an occasion when he had whipped the residents of an estate for not showing proper respect to the Lord’s flag.

Given Gerrick’s temperament, they had to agree, even if they didn’t think so. Otherwise, they might be the first ones to face the consequences before the Haksen household.

“Let’s go.”

The three knights headed towards the Haksen household. At the entrance, they found a steward sweeping.


Lavender spoke to the steward.

The servant paused his sweeping and looked up.


The servant exclaimed, startled. Lavender, in turn, was also surprised.

“What-what brings the knights to our estate?”

The servant trembled as he asked.

The steward trembled as he asked.

The steward’s submissive attitude made Lavender feel a faint sense of superiority.

“I’m here to meet Damien Haksen. Tell him to come out right away.”

Lavender spoke louder.

Upon hearing this, the steward’s eyes widened.

“Why are you looking for our master?”

“You don’t need to know that much. Just relay my message to Damien Haksen.”

“I’m afraid I can’t do that.”

The steward frowned at Lavender’s words.

“What did you just say?”

“You called for our master without revealing who you are. I cannot do it.”

The steward nervously stammered.

“If you wish to see our master, please state where you are from and your name. Then I’ll pass on your message to him.”


Lavender let out a sarcastic laugh and glanced at Gerrick.

As if eager to trample the Haksen household, Lavender had caught a perfect opportunity.

“What’s your name?”

“I’m Victor.”

“Okay then, Victor.”

Lavender approached Victor. Sensing an odd atmosphere, Victor stepped back.

“Why, why are you coming closer... ugh!”

Lavender struck Victor’s abdomen with a gauntlet-clad fist.

Victor doubled over, retching.

“W-Why are you doing this... Ugh!”

This time, a blow landed on Victor’s head, sending him sprawling on the ground.

“If I tell you to do something, you’d better do it, instead of whining around!”

Lavender raised his foot and pressed down on Victor, who attempted to cower but to no avail.

Against the disciplined physique of a knight, the body of an ordinary person was exceedingly feeble.

“What’s going on?”

“Victor! What happened?”

The stewards inside the mansion rushed out in a flurry.

However, upon seeing the knights, they froze in place.

“Get, get the master! Bring the master out!”

One maid hurriedly scurried back into the mansion.

Shortly after, Damien Haksen and his family emerged.

“We cannot continue like this!”

After hearing the commotion from Haksen Manor, the knights ceased their violence, but Victor was already covered in blood.

“At last, you’ve come out.”

Upon seeing Victor’s state, Viscount Paul Haksen erupted in fury.

“What is this! Knights assaulting a civilian like this!”

“It’s nothing compared to what your son did to young master Erwin Ryan bloom.”

At the mention of the name Ryan bloom, Paul Haksenr’s face stiffened.

“Paul Haksen, the Lord wants Damien Haksen. If you surrender him peacefully, there won’t be harm to your estate.”

“Damien? You’ve come for Damien?”

“That’s right. Shouldn’t you face the consequences for insulting Lord Ewin?”

Haksen Master’s eyes trembled. Biting his lip, he said, “I cannot hand over my son!”

Unsurprisingly, Gerrick showed no particular reaction.

“Are you sure you won’t regret this?”

“Of course not!”

“In that case, we have no choice. Bring it all down.”

At Gerrick’s command, Lavender and Olphis drew their swords, and blue smoke rose around the crimson blades.

“Oh, oh no! Are you really planning to kill someone?”

The Viscount shouted in horror.

Gerrick spoke calmly, “I won\t kill anyone instead, I\ll demolish everything here.”

Even the black rocks enveloped by aura were sliced as easily as water. When combined with the knights’ enhanced physical abilities, such a dreadful weapon would turn this small estate into ruins in no time.

Gerrick’s words weren’t mere bluff or exaggeration.

“What are you waiting for? Let’s get started.”


Lavender and Alpheus moved as they received Gerric\s orders , starting to break down nearby doors and walls.

The Viscount panicked, shouting at the knights.


However, the two knights paid no heed to his words and continued to break the walls.

“These guys! Why aren’t they stopping!”

As the Viscount rushed toward the knights...

“Did you lunatics lose your minds?”

A third voice made Gerrick and the two knights turn around.

Tufts of brown hair that seemed slightly burnt with eerily ominous eyes.

“Didn’t he tell you to stop?”

Damien Haksen was approaching the three knights.

[PR/N- mana is the energy present in the nature, while magic and aura are the ways by which you utilize that energy or rather mana, however mana sometimes can also be used in its raw form as used by Damien here and as used by Erwin when he sparred with Damien in the Haksen Household, but it is still referred to as magic I also don’t know why, I change it where it is of utmost importance so tell me if you guys want me to change it everywhere where you think ‘mana’ should have been used instead of ‘magic’]

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Demon God’s male Disciple]

[Quality Checker – Kawaii]

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!