Published at 7th of June 2024 05:26:52 AM

Chapter 162

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Chapter 162

Chapter 162: Fenrir (2)


As they entered the fortress, the smell of death wafted through the air.

Every resident they saw had their mouths covered with cloth. Some were carrying bodies on stretchers.

“It seems the plague is still severe.”

“The entire eastern region is in this state. Our fortress is still one of the better ones. It’s much worse further inside.”

The lord spoke with a dark expression in response to Damien’s question.

“People call this plague the Three Nights’ Dream. Once infected, they suffer from extreme fever and nightmares for three days before losing their lives.”

Damien looked into the distance. There, people were digging pits and burning corpses.

“I envy the knights at times like this. They say knights are hardly affected by diseases, right?”

The lord’s statement was half-right and half-wrong.

Knights could also be infected with diseases. However, their high level of mana increased their immunity, making it seem insignificant to ordinary people.

High-class knights like Damien and Athena could be considered completely immune.

That was why the Mercenary King had sent them here without any specific countermeasures.

“Will you tell me about that undead from before?”

“Ah, you mean that wolf monster. We’ve known about it for a month now. It suddenly appeared from a pile of corpses.”

Judging by its appearance, it seemed that the soul of a wolf had fused with the surrounding corpses due to its lingering desires, resulting in the birth of an undead.

“At first, all the nobles of the east tried to subjugate it together... but they ended up with dozens of casualties. Even with more than ten knights involved, they couldn’t even scratch that monster.”

The lord shivered.

“After that, His Majesty the King dispatched Lord Opheus and Lord Ballet... but even those two high-class is were unable to defeat the monster.”

A newly born undead was bound to be weak as it hadn’t yet grasped its own situation.

Despite that, the nobles of the east were unable to subjugate Fenrir. It was truly worthy of being called the Beast of Destruction in the future.

“You two came here to subjugate that monster, right? Even with the plague, things are already grim, but everyone is on the verge of death because of that monster. Please subjugate that monster as soon as possible.”

Just as the lord spoke with a pleading tone, a voice rang out from beyond the walls of the fortress.

“Is Baron Burra here!”

The lord turned his head towards the source of the voice.

“That voice is...? Excuse me for a moment.”

Saying so, the lord approached the gate. He instructed the soldiers to open the gate.

The gate slowly rose as the drawbridge lowered. Then, a dozen armored knights came into view.

The lord, Baron Burra, was greatly surprised to see the two knights at the forefront.

“Lord Opheus? And Lord Ballet?”

“Hahaha! Burra! How have you been?”

“Burra, it’s good to see you. We meet again.”

Opheus and Ballet.

They were none other than the high-class of the Grape Kingdom who had been severely injured and forced to withdraw from the subjugation of Fenrir.

Those who had once failed to subjugate Fenrir had now reappeared in this region.

“Hmm... I have a bad feeling about this.”

Athena muttered in a small voice. Damien agreed with her sentiment.

“How did you two get here...? I heard you were recuperating.”

“How could we lie down after being insulted by that wolf cub!”

“That’s right. That’s why we’re here to finish off that monster this time!”

The two knights’ faces were filled with anger. It seemed that their defeat by Fenrir had been that humiliating.

“We came here because we needed a base before fighting that monster.”

“We’ll stay here for a while, even if it’s shameless.”

The lord made a troubled expression at the two knights’ words.

“Why are you doing this?”

“We plan to pay the price. So don’t worry about it...”

Just then, the two high-class noticed Damien and Athena.

The knights’ eyes changed instantly. Opheus asked the Barron.

“Who are those two?”

Behind Damien now stood the Fafnir Mercenary Company.

There was hardly a more formidable background in the world than the Empire and the Chruch.

In other words, it meant there would be no problem in confronting these two directly.

“That’s why people need backup.”

Damien opened subspace and pulled out something.

Seeing what Damien had taken out, Opheus and Ballet, the two high-class individuals, couldn’t help but wear grim expressions.

“W-what’s that?”

“Oh, this?”

Damien tapped his palm with the club.

“Say hello. It’s the teacher of manners here to correct your arrogance.”

“What nonsense is this?”

“Ah. You don’t have to understand right now. You’ll naturally come to understand eventually.”

“Really? How dare you lay a hand on us? This guy must be insane!”

“Sir Opheus, I’ve seen enough. Let’s teach him a lesson!”

With that, Ballet shouted as he attempted to draw his sword. However, that was as far as Ballet could go.

Before the sword could be fully drawn, Damien swung the club downwards. Ballet was struck by the club and slammed his head into the ground.


“R-Richard Ballet!”

Opheus shouted in confusion. He looked at Damien and yelled,

“What is this madness...?”


The entire field of vision was filled with something fuzzy.

Before realizing what it was, a dull impact struck his head.

Opheus, like Ballet, also slammed his head onto the ground.

“Gah, ack!”

Both high-class almost simultaneously grabbed their heads and struggled to get up.

“T-this lunatic! How dare a mercenary like him attack a duke?”

“This won’t just be overlooked!”

Athena, standing nearby, also looked at Damien in astonishment.

“D-Damien... Even if it’s you, this is...”

While the Fafnir Mercenary Company might be stronger than the Grape Kingdom, there was still a line not to be crossed.

A mercenary hired for a contract attacking a duke first? That was unheard of.

So, Athena stopped short of threatening the two.

“You’ll pay dearly for this!”

“Pay? What pay?”

“That, for our heads... our heads... Huh?”

Opheus felt around his head and realized something strange.

There were no injuries.

Despite expecting blood to flow from a cracked head, his hair felt smooth. There wasn’t even swelling.

“W-what’s going on...”

With a bewildered expression, Opheus looked at Damien. Damien tapped his palm with the club and said,

“Now, listen to me. Let’s not try to snatch others’ bowls after failing once.”


Opheus and Ballet swung their swords at Damien. They displayed a surprisingly coordinated skill in attacking together.

Damien deflected their swords with the club. The two swords swung in different directions.


Damien again struck the club toward their foreheads.

Twice each.

Bonk! Bonk! Bonk! Bonk!

The crisp sound resonated four times.


Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!