Published at 7th of June 2024 05:26:25 AM

Chapter 168

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Chapter 168

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Chapter 168: Reunion (1)


The thick fangs crushed the shell mercilessly.

The tender flesh and organs behind it were all crushed into the shell.

‘Ugh, ugh...... ugh......!’RreAd lateSt chapters at nô(v)e/l/bin/.c/o/m Only

The senses that had been developed in order to make Bagder a Master-class chimera now turned back on him.

The sharper his senses, the greater the pain. The pain, which had been amplified several times over, was transmitted directly to Garrot.

‘P, please...... hurry up and finish this......!’

The moment Garrot earnestly wished for it, the fangs shattered the core.

‘I, I’m alive.......’

At that moment, all of Bagder’s functions stopped. Garrot was finally able to find peace.


......He thought he had found peace.

“Where is this?”

When he came to his senses, Garrot was standing in the darkness.

There was nothing but darkness all around him. Even under his feet. He was standing on darkness, not ground.

‘Am I not dead?’

As Garrot was wondering, the darkness stirred and a wolf emerged.

The wolf quickly approached and bit Garrot’s arm before disappearing. Garrot grabbed his shortened forearm and screamed.

“Ugh, ahaaaa......!”

Blood gushed out of the wound like crazy. Garrot gasped for breath in excruciating pain.

That wasn’t the end of it. Another wolf appeared and bit Garrot’s leg.

His leg was bitten off below the knee. Garrot fell to the ground, bleeding.

“A-Ahaaa...... ahaaa...... aaaaa......!”

A dozen or so wolves appeared before Garrot’s eyes. He waved his one remaining arm and said.

“W, wait.......”

The wolves rushed at Garrot all at once and tore off his remaining limbs. They ripped open his stomach and scraped out his organs. They crushed his spine and licked his marrow.

“Aagh! Ugh......!”

Garrot screamed in excruciating pain. But no matter how much he screamed, the wolves didn’t stop.

“H, hahaha! Hahahahat!”

In the end, Garrot was reduced to a head. But he didn’t die. He was just insane, laughing like a madman.

The wolf opened its mouth and swallowed Garrot’s head. As he fell down the wolf’s throat, Garrot felt relieved.

‘F, finally it’s over.......’

But the next moment, Garrot was greeted by the sight of himself intact.


Garrot looked down at his body with a surprised face.

The limbs that had been torn off were now perfectly intact, and the stomach that had been ripped open had returned to its original state. The broken spine stood upright again.

– Grrrr.

– Grrr.

The wolves surrounded Garrot again. Garrot’s face turned deathly pale.


Once again, the wolves surrounded Garrot and devoured his entire body. Garrot had to go through the excruciating pain again as if he was going crazy.

It didn’t take long for the wolves to devour him completely.

And then, the next moment.


Garrot’s body was restored to its original state once again. The wolves were also surrounding Garrot.

Only then did Garrot realize.

He realized that this was a spiritual space and that he was suffering as a soul.

That’s why he kept regenerating even after his entire body was devoured. The soul of Garrot, the Grand Dak Mage, would not easily be destroyed.

“Th, that’s enough...”

Garrot shouted at the wolves.

“Stop it! Leave me alone... I said, leave me alone!”

Garrot’s screams echoed long and loud. But they were quickly drowned out by the sound of the wolves’ feasting that followed.


‘He must be suffering in Fenrir’s stomach right now.’

Looking at the corpses of Garrot and Bagder, Damien recalled his past memories.

Humans eaten by Fenrir did not die easily.

They were trapped in his stomach, forced to produce dark mana while suffering eternally. Until their souls were extinguished.

The soul of a grand dark mage like Garrot would not be easily extinguished, so he would suffer for a long time in Fenrir’s stomach.

‘A fitting end for a piece of trash.’

Thinking so, Damien approached Fenrir.

– Whimper...... whimper.......

Fenrir, whose body had now been replaced by darkness, was growling around Garrot’s corpse.

He didn’t seem to be grieving Garrot’s death. There seemed to be another reason.

“Why are you doing that?”

– Master...... Master is gone.......

– Munchi! Munchi! Munchi!

Fenrir shouted even louder. In the end, Damien had no choice but to follow Fenrir’s wishes.

“No matter how I look at it, I think another name would be better... Fine, I’ll call you Munchi.”

– New master! Good!

Munchi started rubbing his face against Damien. He looked at Munchi with an annoyed face. Then, Dominico approached Damien and said.

– Congratulations, my lord. You have acquired a powerful force.

“Well, he is strong.”

Although he acted like a dog, Munchi was a fearsome undead.

Then, he suddenly noticed Miya. Miya also noticed Munchi.


– Woof?

Miya and Munchi looked at each other and tilted their heads left and right.

“Kya! Kya!”

– Whimper.......

Miya growled, baring her teeth. Munchi tucked his tail between his legs.

“Kya! Kya!”

Then Miya patted her chest and made a proud face. Damien asked Dominico with an incredulous face.

“What is she saying now?”

– I’m not sure either... Maybe they’re establishing dominance?

“They’re in similar situations, they should be able to take care of each other.”

Just as Damien was clicking his tongue, the barrier that Garrot had put up began to collapse.

It would be inconvenient for others to see Damien surrounded by undead.

Damien took out a travel chest from the subspace and said.

“Everyone, get in.”


– Woop?

Miya and Munchi made faces of displeasure. Miya expressed her opinion that she wanted to stay outside, and Munchi seemed to want to play with Damien more.

“Don’t be annoying and get in quickly.”

Damien grabbed the two and forced them in. Miya and Munchi struggled, but it was no use.

Unlike the two, the skeleton and Dominico entered obediently.

“Ah, Dominico.”

Before Dominico could go inside, Damien stopped him.

– Yes, give me your orders.

“You seem to have trained Miya well. Well done.”

– You flatter me.

“So double the intensity.”

– ...Yes?

Dominico thought he had misheard at first. But there was no playfulness in Damien’s face.

– Ah..., I understand.

As a loyal knight, Dominico had no choice but to obey Damien’s words.

Then, suddenly, Damien stared into the void. Dominico asked with a puzzled face.

– My lord, why are you doing that?

“It’s nothing.”

Damien curled one lip and added.

“I just thought there was one more rat left.”


“....Garrot is dead?”

Kardak muttered with a perplexed expression as he observed the barrier from afar.

“What on earth happened...?”

Since Garrot had left Kardak outside the tent, he hadn’t seen anything.

“Garrot must have had a Bagder with him, right...?”

Garrot was a pervert who was only interested in monsters and undead, but his skills were undeniable. In particular, the Bagder he created was an incredible chimera that even high-class knights would die easily by his hands.

“Damien Haksen... What exactly is his identity?”

Feeling perplexed yet thrilled, Kardak couldn’t help but wonder.

“...If it’s him, perhaps he would truly satisfy them.”

The greatest master.

The originator of all dark magic.


He was seeking souls with exceptional talents.

As Rubia had mentioned, if they brought that human to him, Archlich would offer tremendous rewards.

Kardak almost wanted to kidnap him immediately. However, he doubted his ability to capture him alive.

Even if he used the weakest poison he possessed, Damien would likely turn into pile of flesh and die.

“I should go see Rubia for now.”

Kardak’s body melted back into the shadows and disappeared somewhere.

Shaken by the intense shock, Kardak failed to notice one crucial fact.

That Damien was still staring at the spot where he had been.


[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!