Published at 7th of June 2024 05:26:17 AM

Chapter 172

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Chapter 172

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Chapter 172: Untitled


Rubia’s pupils began to tremble slightly as she gazed at Damien.

“W-who would believe such lies?”

Finally, Rubia spoke up vehemently denying Damien’s words.

“I-I know who all his followers are! B-but I’ve never seen them!”

“I can’t help it. I’m only tasked with secret missions. So only Dorugo knows of my existence.”

“T-that’s absurd! I’ve never heard of any secret missions!”

“Of course, they’re ‘secret’ missions. They shouldn’t be known by just anyone.”

Rubia was speechless in the face of Damien’s counterargument.

“Dorugo has countless plans in preparation. What you know is just the tip of the iceberg.”

Damien’s words were undeniably true.

Dorugo’s aim was to overthrow all kingdoms and ultimately exterminate humanity.

Even though he utilized dark mages, they too were merely tools to be disposed of in the end.

Thus, Dorugo had separate plans to eliminate all dark mages as soon as the war ended.

“Originally, I shouldn’t be exposed to anyone. It’s because of your foolish actions that I have to reveal my identity.”

“I-if you’re his direct follower... why are you killing dark mages?”

Rubia still couldn’t bring herself to believe Damien’s words.

“Yulan disappeared because of you, and this time, you killed Garrot!”

“How would I know Dorugo’s true intentions? I merely received orders and carried them out.”

Damien cut in sharply.

“Perhaps he interfered with Dorugo’s plans, doing things against his will, or stole dark magic ingredients that he shouldn’t know about. It’s just my speculation.”

“Don’t make excuses like that! Are you still trying to deceive me?”


Damien’s pupils shifted subtly.

“Then, do you claim to know all of Dorugo’s secrets?”

“T-that’s not it but...”

“Even your master, Sla, wouldn’t know all of Dorugo’s secrets, yet as her disciple, I didn’t expect you to speak so disrespectfully.”

As Sla’s name was mentioned, Rubia’s pupils dilated even further.

“H-how would my master...”

“I just said it, didn’t I?”

Damien raised his chin slightly, speaking with a very arrogant attitude.

“I am Dorugo’s ‘direct’ ‘secret’ agent. Even if you don’t know me, I know you.”

Unconsciously, Rubia took a step back. Then, tripped over her own feet and fell.

“W-wait! I-I’ll ask him through my master and come back with an answer!”

“Asking Sla? A mere disciple like you daring to question about Dorugo’s plans? Seems you don’t value your life much.”

Damien said with a smirk.

“T-then you do it! Show me contacting him in front of me, and I’ll b-believe you!”

“Don’t talk nonsense. Or maybe you haven’t received the information yet?”

Feigning bewilderment, Damien continued.

“Dorugo changed the method of communication long ago to unilateral orders. We can no longer contact him.”

“....Even you?”

Rubia’s words disappointed Damien internally.

Since his return, Damien had been tirelessly searching for ways to communicate with Dorugo.

If he could send out a transmission to Dorugo, it would be possible to trace his location.

So, whenever dark mages died, he tried to absorb their memories to find a way.

But there was no harvest. It was because Dorugo had given the order long ago.

Dispose of all communication means if there is a mission.

He had thought that the cunning Sla might have another way, but it was a futile hope.

“Do you now believe me?”

“....Y-yes, I have no choice.”

“Rubia, I’m back. No one has noticed that the Mercenary King is a fake yet.......”

Kardak’s eyes caught sight of Damien and Rubia, who was clinging to him.

Kardak’s face turned red and blue in an instant. Kardak finally couldn’t hold back and exploded in anger.

“...Rubia, what is this!”


Just like Damien, Athena was also imprisoned.

She was imprisoned in a prison that held criminals who had committed terrible crimes.

The floor was covered with rotten hay. The walls were covered with bloodstains.

Even though she was a suspect in the case, it was not a place where Athena, a first-generation pureblood, should be imprisoned.

“Is Damien okay?”

Athena was more worried about Damien than the state of the prison.

She was a pureblood, so they wouldn’t treat her too harshly, but Damien was an outsider.

“What the hell was that story about my father being a fake...?”

While Athena was lost in thought, the door to the prison opened and someone entered. Athena clenched her teeth when she saw the visitor’s face.

“This is convenient.”

Those were the first words that the visitor, Claire Fowler, uttered.

“What is this?”

Athena said in a voice full of anger. Claire Fowler laughed at her and said.

“I told you, didn’t I? You are a strong suspect in this case. You will have to be investigated here for a while.”

“Stop talking nonsense and tell me the real reason. Why did you lock me up?”

“You really don’t know?”

Athena frowned at Claire Fowler’s question.

“What did you just say...?”

“Weren’t you the one who acted like you were above everyone else because you were favored by the Mercenary King? You should have been more careful and made friends with me beforehand.”

Athena said with an incredulous expression on her face.

“Is that all you’re doing this for?”


In an instant, Claire’s voice rose.

Athena couldn’t help but flinch at the strange pressure.

“Do you know how hard we all work to be favored by the Mercenary King? Especially women like me who are getting old. We have no way to get the Mercenary King’s attention unless we have children.”

The number of women that the Mercenary King had been with was countless.

Considering that Claire Fowler, his first lover, was approaching old age, it was not difficult to imagine how many there were.

“But then you born... You, who have inherited the blood of the Mercenary King the most... You, who have turned the purebloods into fools...!”

The attention of the Mercenary King was focused on Athena. The more the Mercenary King protected Athena, the less attention he could pay to the other women and their children.

“I gave the order to imprison you, but... all the women agreed with that decision. Do you understand now? What do they all think of you?”

Athena was silent for a moment before opening her mouth.

“......When my father wakes up, he won’t sit still.”

“Of course. With the Mercenary King’s personality, he won’t let this go. But that’s only when he wakes up, isn’t it?”

Athena frowned at those words and asked back.

“What are you talking about now!”

Athena shouted. But Claire just stared at her without saying a word.

“Tell me! What the hell do you know? Why won’t my father wake up...!”

“It’s a bit late, but... you really look just like your mother, except for your hair color.”

Athena was speechless at the sudden words.

“What are you talking about...?”

“The regret of my life is that I didn’t kill your mother myself... I’m so glad you’re here, though.”

Claire stared at Athena with dark eyes.

Athena found herself swallowing dry saliva. Claire’s eyes were that creepy.

“Then get some rest.”

With that, Claire walked out of the prison.


[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!