Published at 7th of June 2024 05:25:55 AM

Chapter 175

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Chapter 175

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Chapter 175


Kardak was an incredibly formidable opponent.

The fact that he was a Grand Dark Mage was impressive, but he was a genius among geniuses was truly terrifying.

The hope of the Venom sect.

A prodigy who was on the verge of becoming the future leader of the Venom sect.

This evaluation was not exaggerated.

Kardak’s poison-making skills were unparalleled among the dark mages of the Venom sect.

When Kardak poured his talent into dark magic, he would create a new poison every other day.

Several knights died before they could swing their swords at Kardak.

‘Thank goodness my opponent is Kardak.’

Of course, this didn’t apply to Damien.

Damien didn’t consider Kardak to be the least bit dangerous.

‘Poison is useless after all if you don’t come in contact with it.’

During his time as a Death Knight, Damien had never once used poison.

However, Damien’s head was filled with all the knowledge related to the Venom sect.

He had acquired it from Dorugo.

As a result, he could immediately identify the nature of a poison just by looking at it, and he knew exactly how to detoxify it.

“It’s a poison that burns up the nerves and brain.

“Even a small amount will send you to hell.”

When Kardak vaporized the poison and created a poisonous mist, Damien not only stopped breathing but also covered his body with aura armor.

This was because he knew that this poison could poison their enemy not only through the respiratory system but also from the skin.

“It’s a corrosive poison that disrupts the flow of mana.

“A high-class knight will never be able to withstand it.”

When Kardak created a net with his poisonous liquid, Damien used the Combined Infinity Cycle to increase the output of mana and compress it to its limits.

This was because he knew that corrosive poison only decomposes the surface of the aura.

He was able to cut through the poisonous net because of his tightly compressed aura.

“...A mere High Class like you is making me use this method!”Reead latest chapters on no/vel(b)in(.)com

Damien wasn’t even surprised when Kardak used poisonous needles in close range.

This was because he knew that the dark mages of the Venom sect always prepared traps in case a knight approached at close range.

So Damien had already reinforced his aura armor. And he did it using the Master class technique.

Seamless Sword Art.

In his previous life, this technique was created by a person named Skybreaker who reached Master class and created it as his symbol of reaching it.

Skybreaker could weave his aurablade like cloth by using Seamless Sword Art.

The aurablade created by Seamless Sword Art was much stronger and sharper than an ordinary aurablade. Above all, it could change its shape according to the user’s will.

Skybreaker freely changed aurablade’s shape to cut down and crush his enemies. Or he wrapped it around his body to block enemy attacks.

Thanks to Seamless Sword Art, Skybreaker could use a fighting style that combined offense and defense.

Damien was not yet a Master Class, so he couldn’t use Seamless Sword Art as freely as Skybreaker.

However, he could at least weave aura and wrap it around his body. Damien used this to deflect all the needles that Kardak fired.

“What the hell...!”

Damien immediately swung Dawn and cut off Kardak’s neck. His head flew through the air and landed on the ground.

Damien shook off the blood that was smeared on Dawn.

As the blood droplets fell to the ground, the earth turned black and charred.

It was no exaggeration to say that Kardak’s entire body was made of poison. That’s why he tried not to spill blood as much as possible in this battle.

“Rubia is not just a beautiful woman! She’s a dark mage several times more powerful than me! You’re nothing to Rubia....”

Damien reached out his other hand. He pulled Kardak’s soul out of his head.

-What, what, what?

He cried out in fear as his soul was all that he had left.

-Ho, how can a knight manipulate souls? No, no way! You, you are...

Damien did not answer Kardak’s question. He didn’t feel the need to.

Instead, he used dark magic to start soul-searching on Kardak’s soul. He rummaged through his memories and pulled out all his memories of the Mercenary King.

-Keu, keuueok... Keueueo...

Every time the dark magic soul searched his soul, Kardak had to feel terrible pain.

After rummaging through Kardak’s memories for a while, Damien finally got his hands on the memory he wanted.

“Found it. It was here.”

As soon as he got what he wanted, Damien destroyed Kardak’s soul.

-Kuaak! Aaaak!

The Venom sect tested the poisons they made on humans themselves.

It was clear as day how many people Kardak had sacrificed to get to where he was now.

To at least a little comfort their grudge, Damien completely destroyed Kardak’s soul.

He tore it to shreds and then infused it with dark mana to collapse it.

Damien clapped his hands together. Kardak’s soul turned to dust and scattered.

“I want to go quickly, but... I guess I have to clean up first.”

As Kardak’s body exploded, flesh and blood splattered everywhere.

They were all highly poisonous, so they couldn’t just be left alone.

Damien found them all and burned them, and then he found something.

It was a belt full of bottles of poison.

Even though they were tightly sealed to prevent poison from leaking out, they still felt ominous. It meant that they contained terrible poison.

These were too dangerous to leave behind as well. Damien was about to burn all the bottles.


Then, suddenly, he had another thought.

They were too dangerous and unpleasant to carry around. But he would use them just once.

Damien packed the bottles of poison and put them in his subspace.

After that, Damien focused on cleaning up. Only after he finished cleaning up was he able to go ahead.

Damien headed towards the place he had seen in Kardak’s memories.

According to the information he had obtained from Kardak, the Mercenary King was currently in a hideout near the border.

Kardak planned to leave the Mercenary King there temporarily and hand him over when Sla’s messenger arrived.

The person who had moved the Mercenary King to the hideout was none other than a Dark Knight.

The Dark Knight was at the High-Class level, but Damien was not too worried.

Unless he was a Grand Dark Mage, a High Class was no match for Damien.

He planned to kill the Dark Knight in one breath and free the Mercenary King.

However, when he finally arrived at the hideout, the being Damien encountered was not the Dark Knight.

“It’s a good thing you arrived on time.”


A disciple of the Giant evil Sla.

“You’ll pay dearly for killing Kardak. You filthy fraud.”

She blocked Damien’s path.


[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!