Published at 7th of June 2024 05:25:48 AM

Chapter 179

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Chapter 179

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Chapter 179: Bad Blood (1)


Beings who reached the Master class were undoubtedly monsters among monsters.

They were capable of effortlessly obliterating mountains or splitting lakes with a gesture.

However, not everyone in the Masterclass was on the same level. Just as there were various tiers in the High Class, likewise in the master class these gaps were ever wider.

The higher one ascends in the master class realm more powerful they become.

One of them was the Iron Spider, Valentino Michele.

He was a Dark Knight, and his primary weapon was chains. Every time he used one of his techniques, chains densely infused with Aura Blade poured like rain.

Valentino Michele earned the nickname ‘the Iron Spider’ for his skills, which resembled the image of a spider web.

During the Death Knight era, Damien had seen Valentino a few times.

Although they were on the same side and hadn’t fought directly, it was clear he was a formidable force.

“You’re very cautious right~? How intriguing~? How did you sense it when I was hiding all my mana~?” Valentino exclaimed with his oval-shaped mouth wide open.

“Do you have a keen sense~? Or is it exceptional intuition~? Whichever it is, I’m looking forward to the future with you, my young friend~.”

Valentino’s mouth curved into a thin and menacing smile, the corners dangling over his ears.

It was a thin, eerie smile, like leather that had been cut.

“This old man likes capable friends~ So I’m thinking of letting you live~ But only if you bring the person you’re carrying on your back to me~.”

At that, Damien chuckled.

He knew well that Valentino had no intention of sparing him anyway.Finndd new updates on n/ov/e/lbin(.)com

The members of Pandemonium were all out of their minds. They were nothing more than crazy individuals even worse than trash.

Valentino Michele was no different. His hobby was to give his victims false hope with all sorts of sweet talk, then lure them into a trap and hang them from trees with chains when they tried to escape.

It seemed he loved to give people hope and then crushed it.

“Why suddenly smile~?”

“I cannot hand over the Mercenary King. If you want him, come and take him yourself.”

Damien said firmly. Valentino’s head tilted in the opposite direction at his words.

“I like smart friends~ But I really hate friends with bad habits~.”

“Threatening me is useless.”

“Threatening~? I haven’t threatened anyone~? This is what you call a threat~.”

Valentino released his momentum.

In that instant, the ground shattered. The surrounding trees were torn apart like sheets of paper.

The lush forest disappeared in an instant. There was nothing left but a complete ruin.

Only Valentino Michele stood tall.


Damien couldn’t help but click his tongue.

Valentino hadn’t used any particularly great technique. He had simply released his aura.

That alone was enough to completely demolish the forest. It was a destructive power comparable to the limits that a High Class could unleash with all their might.

Damien looked at the Mercenary King he was carrying on his back.

Even though a Master Class was emitting a menacing aura right in front of him, the Mercenary King was fast asleep.

It seemed that this level of threat was not enough to make him feel his life was in danger.

To prepare for the battle, Damien put the Mercenary King down on the ground.

“Young friend.”

At that moment, Valentino opened his mouth.

Valentino was clearly in front of him, yet his voice could be heard from all directions.

“I’ll give you one last chance.”

Every time Valentino spoke, the bones in Damien’s body resonated. His internal organs vibrated. It felt like his blood was flowing back.

“Bring the Mercenary King before me.”

A tremendous killing intent surged from Valentino. The moment the killing intent touched him, Damien had the illusion that his whole body was being pierced by iron chains.

It was too vivid to be called an illusion. It was so painful that he could feel it.

Master Class.

The killing intent emitted by a transcendent was nothing short of a curse in itself.

If they were not of the same level, it was difficult to even withstand the killing intent. Even a High Class would struggle.

– Sir Damien? Can you see it?

The memories were still vivid.

Sla appeared and shook something in front of Damien, who was standing waiting per Dorugo’s orders.

– It’s your older sister. I’ve been thinking a lot about what to do with her soul.

It was a tiny glass bottle that contained Louise’s Soul.

– I decided to keep it like this. Isn’t it fun?

No, Louise wasn’t the only person inside. The souls of more than ten naked men surrounded her.

Louise’s soul was surrounded by the souls of men and subjected to horrific acts.

– It’s such a shame that she’s not good at this.

Damien couldn’t do anything but watch his sister’s dignity be trampled on as he was trapped in his own body.


Damien said softly. At his words, a smile spread across Sla’s face.

“I’m glad you recognize me. But I’m asking your name.”

Sla replied in a gentle tone. Then Damien spoke again.


Sla looked puzzled.

“Hey, I’m asking your name.”


Suddenly, laughter burst from Damien’s mouth.

“Ha ha ha.

The laughter grew louder and louder. Damien threw his head back and laughed to his heart’s content.


A roar erupted. The killing intent buried deep within his chest exploded.

Mana and killing intent intertwined. As his killing intent exploded sky seemed to dye in red. It spread out in all directions. It engulfed Sla and Valentino.

In that moment, the two could feel it.

The illusion of their entire bodies being slashed, torn apart and turn into mincemeat.

The horrific pain they felt as a result.

Sla’s body trembled. Even Valentino looked at Damien with a bewildered expression.

According to common sense, a High Class’s killing intent should not have any effect on the two of them.

A supernatural phenomenon that defied common sense was unfolding before their very eyes.

“How could you be here!”

Sla had been avoiding showing herself since she was being pursued by the Empire.

Therefore, Damien, even though he was involved with Rubia, had no expectation of meeting Sla.

But how could Sla be here?

“I’m so happy to see you!”

Damien cheered. The killing intent emanating from his body grew even stronger.

The world seemed to shrink around him, consumed by the immensity of his killing intent.

In that moment, there was only one thought in Damien’s mind.

To kill.

He would kill the woman right here, no matter what. He would repay her several times over for the pain his sister had suffered.

Damien grabbed his bracelet. He was about to unleash the dark mana by undoing the bracelet when...

“...I don’t know what’s going on here.”

Damien couldn’t help but freeze at the familiar voice.

The person who had been lying next to Damien rose to his feet. He held his head and opened his mouth with a tired expression.

“I woke up because I felt something dangerous and creepy...”

He looked around. Then he asked Damien.

“Damien Haksen, what’s going on here?”

Mercenary King, Karl Hopper.

The master among masters had opened his eyes.


[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!