Published at 7th of June 2024 05:25:43 AM

Chapter 181

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Chapter 181

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Chapter 181: Bad Blood (3)


As the sun reached its zenith, the mercenaries dragged Athena out of the cell.

The mercenaries hauled her to the entrance of the mercenary camp and threw her to the ground.

Lying face down on the dirt floor, she lifted her head and gazed straight ahead.

Claire stood before her, her face twisted into a cruel smirk as she looked upon Athena. Surrounding her were the other purebloods and their expressions a mix of indifference and amusement.


Claire addressed her, her voice dripping with venom.

“I’ve spent a long time thinking about your fate. And I’ve decided on the only punishment befitting you.”

Athena couldn’t help but scoff. Punishment? From the very woman who had imprisoned her without cause?

“You are exiled from the mercenary company.”

“From this day forward, you will never step a foot inside the Fafnir Mercenary Company.”

Having heard this from Claire the day before, Athena wasn’t entirely shocked.

Or so she thought.

The Fafnir Mercenary Company never stayed in the same place. They always roamed around the vast continent.

For Athena, there was no true place to call home, no familiar place to return to.

The Fafnir Mercenary Company was her only home and her only family.

To be cast out from her home was a devastating blow.

Her heart ached with the thought of returning to the place where her mother lived. a place she never wanted to visit, now forced to revisit.

With a glimmer of hope, Athena’s gaze fell upon the other pureblood. Surely, one of her fellow comrades would stand up for her, and offer her some semblance of support.

But the pureblood met her gaze with cold indifference, some even sneering at her misfortune.

A wave of emotions surged through Athena, but she forced them down, refusing to let Claire witness her vulnerability.

“Your armor, your weapons, and all other possessions will be confiscated.” Aall newest chapters on n.o./velbi/n/(.)com

Claire continued, her voice devoid of empathy.

With a flick of her wrist, Claire pointed towards the horizon, adding.

“You will leave this place with nothing.”

With her confidence damaged, Athena attempted to stand up but her ankle’s severed tendons prevented her from moving.

Athena was left with no choice and began to crawl. She was dragging herself forward with her arms.

“This is the most fitting end for a traitor.”

Claire’s mocking laughter echoed behind her, followed by the scattered chuckles of the other pureblood.

Just then, a towering shadow fell upon Athena. She looked up to see a familiar face staring down at her.

It was Ulric Hopper’s shadow. He was Claire’s son and acting head in the place of the Mercenary king.

“What’s the matter?”

Athena asked sharply, her voice tinged with thorns. Given the situation she was in, there was little chance of a pleasant response.

“Just give me a moment.”

Ulric Hopper replied as he lifted one of Athena’s feet. He poured antiseptic on the wound and applied ointment.

“Ulrich! What do you think you’re doing?”

Claire exclaimed upon seeing his actions. Despite her mother’s anger, Ulric Hopper didn’t even flinch.

“Mother, surely you can let me do this much mercy.”

“Don’t talk nonsense! Can’t you stop this right now?”

Despite Claire’s temper, Ulric Hopper silently continued treating Athena. The medication proved effective, swiftly alleviating the pain and even allowing movement in the ankle.

“I’d love to heal the other one, but I don’t know how my mother would react if I did. Forgive me for stopping here.”

With that, Ulric handed Athena a crutch.

“You think ...... will make me forgive you?”

“You won’t. I know that.”

Athena couldn’t understand Ulric’s behavior.

If her mother and other siblings hated her, why should Ulric be any different?

But now was not the time for questions.

“Father, please forgive me. It’s all my fault for not stopping my mother.”

Ulrich’s apology only fueled the Mercenary King’s anger.

The Mercenary King kicked Ulrich in the stomach with the tip of his foot and shouted,

“That’s right! It’s your fault! It’s your fault for not stopping her! Do you see the result of leaving your mother alone? Do you see what happened to Athena, that little girl!”

The Mercenary King began to beat Ulrich. It wasn’t just a simple venting of anger. He was really trying to kill Ulrich.

Ulrich spat out blood, but he silently endured the Mercenary King’s beating.

“Stop...... Stop it!”

Claire, unable to bear it anymore, stood in front of the Mercenary King. The Mercenary King stopped punching and glared at her.

“What did I do to make you so angry?”

“What nonsense are you talking about? Have you lost your mind?”

“You’re the one who discriminated against the children first! You were always protecting that little Athena!”

“Discrimination? Yes, I did favor Athena. But let me ask the other bastards.”

The Mercenary King shouted, looking around at the other purebloods.

“You guys tell me too! Were you so upset that I favored Athena? Spit it out!”

The purebloods were speechless.

The Mercenary King was a man of great discrimination. But his criteria for discrimination were very clear.

“No one is talking, huh?”

The Mercenary King growled at Claire with contempt. Claire’s face was filled with confusion.

“Is that... Is that all? Oh, only Athena’s mother... that woman... I... I’m looking for...”

“You bitch. Did you harass Athena just for that?”

The Mercenary King glared at Claire with disdain.

“From the first moment we met, I told you. I only wanted your body, and I promised to pay you enough if you satisfied me.”

Embarrassment flooded Claire’s face. But the Mercenary King had no intention of considering such a Claire.

“But still you’ve harbored such ridiculous thoughts throughout your life? This incident will not be overlooked!”


Claire desperately grabbed the Mercenary King. But he immediately brushed off her hand.

“Listen up, you scoundrels!”

The Mercenary King shouted at the mercenaries.

“I was a fool to entrust the mercenary company to fools like you! Thanks to you, I’m convinced!”

Turning to Athena, the Mercenary King spoke.

“From today, Athena is my successor!”

Mercenaries could only be deeply shaken when the successor position, which had been vacant for a significant period of time, was finally filled.

“Father! Even if that’s the case, just a high-class... child...”

One of the mercenaries unconsciously spoke out. At that moment, the Mercenary King picked up a stone lying on the ground and threw it.

The stone slammed into the mercenary’s temple, sending him flying back in a spewing blood.

“Is there anyone else who doesn’t like my decision?”

The Mercenary King looked around. The mercenaries remained silent.


“Yes, Father.”

Ulrich forced himself to stand up and replied.

“How do you plan to pay for what happened this time?”

“...Please hit me.”

“You can’t replace your punishment with such an easy method. From today, assist Athena. Protect Athena at all costs, even if it means risking your life.”

“I will obey.”

Ulrich immediately bowed his head and replied.

With the situation settled, the Mercenary King shouted at those around him.

“What are you looking at, you assholes! Get out of my sight now!”


[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!