Published at 7th of June 2024 05:25:32 AM

Chapter 184

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Chapter 184

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Chapter 184: Family Vacation (2)


“My small and cute kitten, Sucré. There’s no one else who understands my intentions as quickly as you do...”

“Enough with the dog noises? What about you guys? Do you all agree?”

Sucré asked as she looked around at the other party members. The party members looked at each other’s faces and nodded.

“You’re like adorable baby ducklings. Watching you makes me feel so happy...”

“Everyone has agreed. Then let’s leave right away.”

Sucré jumped up from her seat and walked out of the inn. The other party members followed Sucré out as well.

When the man realized he was alone, the man shrugged and stood to approach the inn’s counter.

“Chef? The food was delicious.”

“Th, that’s, that’s good.”

The innkeeper who was standing at the counter, stammered. His face was as pale as a corpse.

“It’s commendable that you have a wide variety of dishes, but unfortunately, they didn’t taste good. The bean dish was the worst.”

“So, so-sor-sorry. Ah, I will, I will work on polishing my cooking skills in the future.”

“I really appreciate your proactive attitude. In that sense, I guess I should pay you what you’re due.”

The man took out a gold coin from his pocket and placed it on the counter.

The bright gold coin shone brightly. However, the innkeeper was not at all happy.

“Well, then, I’ll be going now.”

“Wa, wa, wait a minute!”

The innkeeper’s cry made the man look at him with a puzzled expression.

“Pl, please... could you please, please undo this?”

The innkeeper said, rolling up his sleeves. A magic circle was twinkling on the innkeeper’s wrist.

“Pl, please beg, beg you! Sa, save my life... please just spare my life!”

The innkeeper fell to his knees and put his hands together.

The man looked at the innkeeper’s attitude with a pitiful expression and said.

“Well... when you plead like that, my heart softens.”

At those words, a hopeful expression appeared on the innkeeper’s face.

“But that magic can only be undone by our adorable Sucré. I have no choice.”

With that, the man turned and grabbed the inn door.

“Wa, wait a minute! Pl, please! Please!”

Before the innkeeper could even grab him, the man walked out of the inn.

The moment the open door slammed shut, the magic circle suddenly began to emit light.

“Ah, no! Please! Stop! Aaagh!”

The innkeeper’s body turned bright red and was engulfed in flames. The innkeeper screamed and rolled around on the floor.

“Aack! Aaagh! Kwaaak!”

But the flames on his body did not disappear. The flames simply spread to the inn. Soon, the red flames completely engulfed the entire inn.

“Well... the magic has been activated.”

The man who had come out of the inn muttered as he watched the scene.

“Sucré’s work is always excellent, no matter when I see it.”

With that, the man turned and walked down the road.

The road the man was walking on was filled with the bodies of people.

Corpses were burnt and their bodies were barely recognizable amidst the charred remains.

All were the bodies of the villagers.

“Why are you so late?”

Sucré snapped as they emerged from the village. The man raised his hands in a gesture of apology.

“Shhh, don’t get angry. Don’t ruin that cute face of yours.”

“Stop barking and tell me why. What took you so long?”

“I had to pay for the food. Didn’t I?”

The man shrugged at Sucré’s nagging.

Sandler guided the family to a hotel in the center of the city.

The five-story hotel was the tallest and largest building in the surrounding area.

“This is a hotel owned by our Dukedom.”

“Oh, it’s huge. Which room are we going to use?”

“You can use all of them.”

“...What do you mean?”

“I said you can use all of them.”

Count Haksen and the other family members did not understand Sandler’s words at first.

“This is the best view in the city. His Excellency has told us not to accept other guests in order to accommodate you.”

Sandler’s words further shocked the family.

During the high season of the festival, the city was flooded with visitors, and the accommodation costs would have skyrocketed.

They couldn’t even calculate how much income the Duke had given up.

“Why don’t you go up to the rooftop and see for yourself? I’m sure you’ll love it.”

The family went up to the rooftop of the hotel.

There was a table set up in a spacious area so that they could enjoy the scenery while eating.

All the other buildings were lower than the hotel, so they could see the sky without any obstruction.

“To think I can see the swarm of Starlight Fairies from here...”

Count Haksen muttered in disbelief. Then, he looked at Damien and said.

“Damien, thank you.”

Damien was speechless at the unexpected words.

“Thanks to you, I’m able to enjoy such luxury. You are truly my pride.”

In that moment, memories of the past came flooding back.

“This idiot! You got kicked out of the bar for causing a ruckus?”

“How are you ever going to fix that temper of yours?”

“You’re a disgrace to our family!”

In his troublemaking days, Damien had never received praise from his father.

Cast out from the family and living as a mercenary, Damien reflected on his actions. He had achieved great success as a mercenary and intended to return to the family to seek forgiveness.

But Damien’s wish was never fulfilled.

Damien was transformed into a Death Knight, killed his family, and brought about the world’s destruction.

He spent his life filled with regret and suffering.

He wanted to apologize, but he couldn’t. His father and the rest of his family were already dead.

But today, he heard his father say thank you.

It felt like the guilt that had been weighing on his heart had lessened, even if just a little.

“...I just hope you’ll treat me better in the future.”

Damien said playfully, trying to hide his awkwardness.

“I understand. I’ll treat you better from now on.”

Father laughed heartily. Damien found himself smiling as well.

‘I guess this isn’t so bad sometimes.’

Damien thought, looking around at his family.

He couldn’t remember the last time he had spent time with his family like this.

He was determined to enjoy this leisurely time to the fullest.

That’s when it happened.

Damien’s senses detected a familiar aura.

The joy and happiness that had just filled his heart were gone in an instant.

His entire body turned cold and a sense of unease surged through him.

Damien looked down with a cold gaze. In the distance, he saw two figures walking.

Their faces were hidden by robes pulled up over their heads.

But Damien could feel it clearly.

The dark mana they were emitting.


[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!