Published at 7th of June 2024 05:25:29 AM

Chapter 186

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Chapter 186

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Chapter 186: Family Vacation (4)


“A-ahhhh, there are... a total of five of us.”

Damien used the Cotton-Lined Forbidden Needle to twist a few joints and tore some muscles, and the Grim brothers quickly began to answer Damien’s questions.

“Tell me the total strength of your group.”

“Uh, one is a High-level dark mage like my brother... the other two are Master Class and Grand Dark Mage.”

“What are their names?”

“The Grand Dark Mage is named Sucré. The Master Class is Winston...”

Damien compared the answers he had heard from the two brothers to his own memories.

Both belonged to Hedoniac, a notorious criminal organization even in his previous lives.

There were two main reasons why Hedoniac was able to gain such notoriety.

First of all, they had no proper motive for their crimes.

Unlike other criminal organizations, they didn’t commit crimes for money, power, or even to gather dark magic materials.

So, the Church couldn’t predict Hedoniac’s movements at all.

The second reason was the strength of the two persons who were the backbone of Hedoniac.

A Master Class and a Grand Dark Mage.

Two transcendents that ordinary people would be lucky to see once in their lifetime were among them.

Because of this overwhelming force, the Church had no choice but to miss Hedoniac every time.

“Where are the other three? Are they in the city too?”


They seemed to hesitate. Damien immediately dug his five fingers into their shoulder.

The injected mana flowed through the two brothers’ veins. In that instant, the muscles in their shoulders began to squirm as if they were alive.

The muscles constricted their bones and nerves. Their eyes were bloodshot.

“P-please stop...!”

“T-this much is... Agh!”

Damien immediately covered the mouths of the two brothers. It was impossible for the brothers to even scream, as they waited for the pain to subside.

After a while, Damien took his hands off. The two brothers gasped for breath.

“Where are the other three?”

“They’re not... in the city yet... They’re coming now...”

The brothers answered Damien’s questions obediently. They now seemed to have completely lost their will to resist.

“They’re coming now? Why?”

“Sucré... Lady Sucré and Mr. Winston... want to ruin everything... when the festival is going on... So they’re coming... a little late...”

“Then why did you come to the city first?”

“We... preparatory work... to follow Lady Sucré’s orders...”

Preparatory work probably meant drawing magic circles all over the city.

Send the two men first to draw magic circles all over the city.

The rest will arrive while people are enjoying the Starlight Festival and activate the magic circles.

“Why go through all this trouble?”

“It’s Lady Sucré’s taste... she enjoys... crushing the moment... when people are happiest...”

“Disgusting bitch.”

Thanks to his previous life experience, Damien knew how flithy dark mages were.

But there weren’t many dark mages who would commit genocide purely for their own pleasure.

‘A Master Class and a Grand Dark Mage...’

It couldn’t be a worse combination.

Instead of answering, Damien loosened his bracelet slightly. Dark mana oozed out of the bracelet.



The brothers’ eyes widened. They were about to shout in disbelief.


Damien activated his darj magic. Flames shot up from the two men’s bodies.

Before they could even scream, their bodies turned to ash.

Damien used another dark magic spell to cleanly erase the traces left by the two men.

“I can’t let any dark mage live.”

Finally, Damien erased the magic circle drawn in the alleyway and disappeared.


“Damien! What are you doing so late?”

When he returned to the rooftop, his family was enjoying their meal.

The table where his family was gathered was filled with freshly prepared food. People who looked like hotel staff were attending to them.

“Why are you suddenly sightseeing in the city?”

“I went out to check if there were any dangerous guys.”

Damien said as he sat down next to his father. His father burst into laughter.

“Hahahaha, what danger? Do you know how safe this city is? They say they’re even more careful about security during the festival.”

Damien couldn’t help but smile bitterly at his father’s words.

His father was right. That was the natural way of thinking in this world.

Who would think that a Master Class and a Grand Dark Mage would burn down a city just for fun?

There were too many crazy people in this world with great power.

“You must be hungry. Hurry up and eat. The chef is very good.”

At his father’s praise, one of the staff bowed slightly. He seemed to be the chef who made the food.

“Brother, try this. It’s a dish where they wrap the suckling pig in cabbage and roast it.”

“Damien, try this too. It’s a drink made from fruits imported from abroad.”

His family competed to offer Damien food. Damien said okay and put all the food in his mouth.

After the meal, Sandler said to the family.

“According to the mages’ predictions, the Starlight Fairies will fly in two days from now. They say it will last for about three days.”

The Starlight Fairies would fly into the sky every night and look for their mates.

So the flight of the Starlight Fairies didn’t end in a day. It continued for several days.

“Duke has said that he will offer all the events in the city for free until then so that you don’t get bored. We would appreciate it if you would enjoy the plays and concerts that are scheduled.”

At Sandler’s words, his older sister Louise was especially pleased. She loved plays and concerts.

“Victor. I have something for you to do.”

While his family was enjoying Sandler’s explanation, Damien called out to Victor.

“Why are you doing that?”

“There’s something you need to do.”

Damien took something out and handed it to Victor.

It was none other than the sliver pendant given by the holy empress. Victor looked at the pendant with a surprised expression.

“Why are you giving me this precious thing?”

“Go to the Church branch in the city right now and deliver my message.”

Victor couldn’t help but feel tense at Damien’s serious face.

“Tell them that Hedoniac is aiming for the city, so send a Master Class right away.”


[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!