Published at 7th of June 2024 05:25:27 AM

Chapter 188

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Chapter 188

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Chapter 188: Starlight Fairies (2)


Damien’s heart sank when he received the report.

The Hedoniac, whom he had been dreading, had arrived earlier than expected.

The information he obtained from torturing dark mages in the past indicated that their arrival was supposed to be a day later.

Despite the uncertainty of the situation, Damien knew he had to act quickly. There was no time for deliberation.

‘There’s no other way. I have to take matters into my own hands.’

If his assumptions had been correct, the Master Class dispatched by the Church would also have been nearby. His plan had been to stall the time until the Church’s Master Class arrived.

‘But what if the Church’s Master Class doesn’t arrive in time?’

Faced with no other option, Damien reluctantly employed a hidden method, one he never liked.

Having gathered his thoughts, Damien rose from his seat. While his family remained engrossed in the Starlight Fairies, he descended to the hotel lobby.

‘Ah, yes. I need to conceal my identity first.’

Damien intended to confront the Hedoniac outside the city.

To stop them, he would need to use dark magic.

Even outside the city, there could be passersby. He needed to hide his identity.

“Ahem, my lord, where are you off to?”

Damien encountered Victor on his way out. Victor was clutching an oddly shaped mask.

It was made of wood and painted with black dyed. It was large enough to cover his entire face.

“And what are you doing with that? What’s that mask for?”

“Oh, this? I bought it from a merchant. Apparently, it’s an old tradition to wear masks and watch festivals.”

Damien scans the crowd on the street. Not a single person is wearing a mask. It seems obvious to him that Victor was duped into buying the mask by a merchant.

“Well, this is perfect. Can I borrow it for a moment?” Damien asked as he pointed his finger towards the mask.

Victor stepped back and clutched the mask behind his back.

“Oh, no, you can’t! This is a very expensive item!”

Instead of snatching the mask, Damien had pulled out a gold coin from his pocket and extended it. Victor’s eyes had widened to twice their size at the sight of its gleaming brilliance.

“Please, take it! Use it as you wish!” Victor exclaims, handing over the mask without a moment’s hesitation.

Damien took the mask and placed the gold coin in Victor’s palm.Diisscover new chapters on n0ve(l)bin(.)com

“Here, take a few more.”

He then added a few more coins, placing them on Victor’s palm with a clink.

Victor looked at him in bewilderment and asked.

“Why are you giving me more?”

“It’s for your future trouble.”

Damien replied

Victor’s confusion only grew. Damien had left Victor to his bewilderment and exited the hotel.


A place far away from the city where the celebration was taking place.

“That’s the city, isn’t it?”

The three people appeared on a dark hill.

“Those twinkling lights seem to be Starlight Fairies, don’t they?”

Sucré had pointed towards the sky where hundreds of Starlight Fairies hovered above the city, creating a breathtakingly beautiful scene.

Man walked closer to Sucré and wrapped his arm around her shoulder in a subtle manner.

“Sucré, my sweet kitten. Isn’t it magnificent? I wanted to show you this... But where are those brats? At least they should welcome me upon my arrival, shouldn’t they?”

Sucré slapped the man’s hand away and scanned her surroundings. However, no matter how much she looked around, there were only the three of them present.

“I’ve been letting you do whatever you want for a while now, and you’ve lost all of your mind” Sucré snorted and clenched her fist.

The man tried to calm her down and said

“Sucré, my little kitten. It’s not appropriate to use such harsh language. You’re always so beautiful and lovely...”

“Winston, if you don’t want to get hurt too, shut up. I’m already in a bad mood, and you keep yapping like a dog.”

Winston’s shoulder slumped at Sucré’s irritable response.

“Those assholes... I hope they’ve drawn the magic circle around the city as I instructed, right? If they haven’t finished it properly, I won’t let them off easy. I’ll at least burn off one of their arms.”

Sucré said with a chilling glare.

Winston nodded in agreement.

“Sucré, you’re so adorable even when you’re angry. You can do whatever you want...”

“Everyone in the city must be having a great time by now, right?”

Sucré asked, her voice laced with anticipation.

“With such a beautiful sight, everyone is bound to have fun, right?”

“You clever little kitten. Who wouldn’t have fun at such a wonderful festival?”

“Hee-hee, isn’t that right?”

A dark smile formed on Sucrée’s lips.

“Let’s blow up the city. Let’s knock down buildings. Let’s burn people.”

Each time she spoke, Sucré folded her fingers together.

Killer intent oozed from Sucré.

“I’m curious about who you are and why you’re doing this... but I’m a bit angry right now.”

Sucré unleashed her dark mana. Dark mana rose high into the sky.


“Why are you like this? My angry kitten.”

“You stay out of this! I’ll take care of this guy myself!”

At Sucré’s shout, Winston shrugged his shoulders.

“If our brave kitten says so, then I guess there’s nothing I can do.”

Sucré stepped forward. Winston, on the other hand, stepped back.

“You want a solo fight with me. That was a foolish decision.”

Sucré sneered at Damien’s words.

“Foolish? I guess you’re wearing those two eyes as decoration?”

Sucré spread her arms wide.

The dark mana she had unleashed drew a magic circle in the air. Soon, flames erupted around her.

“I’m more than enough for the likes of you.”

The flames gathered in one place and began to take shape.

A giant.

It was over 3 meters tall from head to toe. Its head had horns protruding from it.

Its teeth were sharp like sawblades. Its large, shield-like palms had gruesome claws protruding from them.

Damien’s eyes widened at the sight of it.

“An Anti-Spirit?”

Spirits were beings with immense power.

That’s why many sought the power of spirits. However, spirits only formed contracts with elves and lent them their power.

However, there were occasional cases of dark mages forming contracts with spirits.

In fact, it should be more accurate to say that they subdue them, not form contracts.

This is because they used dark magic to corrupt spirits and force them into contracts.

“So you’re handling an intermediate spirit... You’re more dangerous than I thought.”

Spirits were incredibly pure beings. That’s why corrupting them was almost impossible.

Yet, Sucré had subdued not a lower-level spirit, but an intermediate spirit.

This was a testament to the power of the Sucré.

“Have you perhaps completed the vision?”


It was a term referring to the magic that Grand Dark Mages sought as their lifelong goal.

A dark mage who had completed the vision gained immense power that rivaled even the Master Class.

“Well, don’t try to delve too deeply into that.”

Sucré raised her hand with a smirk. The intermediate spirit opened its mouth wide.

“Glemy, burn that bastard to ashes.”

Immediately, the fire spirit spewed flames.

A giant wall of fire engulfed Damien. Not just Damien, but the entire plain as well.

Everything that touched the flames vanished in an instant. Not even burning, but completely vaporized.

The earth and rocks around the flames melted away in an instant, and lava began to flow.

The fire spirit continued to spew flames. Sucré watched the spectacle and laughed gleefully.

“Ahahat! Glemy! You’re the best! Such magnificent flames, no one else...”

At that moment, Sucré noticed something strange.

The flames were being pushed back from the center, as if blocked by an obstacle.

At first, she thought she was seeing things. But soon, she realized.

“Wait, that’s...”

Through the flames, the figure of Damien could be seen. A protective barrier resembling a black crystal surrounded Damien Haksen.


Even though it was corrupted, Glemy was an intermediate spirit.

Flames that spewed by an intermediate spirit were easily blocked. It was something that Sucré’s knowledge could not comprehend.

Inside the barrier, Damien slowly open his bracelet. Dark mana surged from the bracelet.


An ancient dark magic that crushes and shatters everything it touches.

There was no need to form an incantation or draw a magic circle. He simply manipulated the dark mana to complete the spell.

The sky turned black. Even the starlight and moonlight were erased.


Damien pointed his index finger down.

The flames vanished in an instant. Simultaneously, the entire field crumpled.


[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!