Published at 7th of June 2024 05:25:25 AM

Chapter 189

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Chapter 189

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Chapter 189: Death Knight (1)


An invisible pressure crushed the entire field.

The surface was shattered and the ground sank. The entire field was sunken as if it had been hit with a hammer.

It was a horrible and eerie scene that was hard to believe it was the result of just one dark magic spell.


A whistle was heard.

Winston stood on the crushed field. Winston said with an admiring expression.

“That’s incredible. You’re no ordinary dark mage, are you?”

Winston did not dodge or block the ‘Blackness’.

He simply stood still and endured it. He withstood the pressure that could crush the entire field with his bare body.

Yet, he had not suffered any injuries. He stood there, just as he was before.

‘He’s no pushover, after all.’

Damien wasn’t particularly surprised.

He knew what kind of monsters the Master Class were.

A mere ‘Blackness’ would not be enough to kill a Master Class.

It wasn’t for nothing that the Grand Dark Mages were constantly searching for ways to surpass the Master Class.

“Sucré, my fragile kitten. Are you okay?”

Winston turned his gaze. There, a large ball of fire had taken its place.

The fire moved and turned back into the form of a spirit. And then Sucré appeared.

“Ugh, ugh... This, this bastard...”

Sucré was kneeling on the ground, gasping for breath.

“Trash like that... daring to... ugh...”

Then Sucré spat out blood from her mouth. The blood was mixed with bits of internal organs.

‘She must have suffered internal injuries.’

Sucré used the spirit to block the ‘Blackness’.

However, she was unable to completely block the pressure of the ‘Blackness’ and suffered internal injuries.


Sucré shouted with difficulty. Then, the fire spirit placed its hand on Sucré’s back.

A faint flame enveloped Sucré’s body. Sucré’s expression instantly eased.

‘That’s why spirits are annoying.’

Damien clicked his tongue internally.

Spirits could not only attack but also defend and heal.

They were omnipotent assistants who could do anything. From the opponent’s perspective, there was no more annoying existence.

“I thought you completed the vision because you had a spirit... but you don’t seem to have that kind of skill.”

A Grand Dark Mage who has completed the vision gains combat power comparable to a Master Class.

However, unlike Winston, Sucré was unable to completely block the ‘Blackness’.

She even suffered internal injuries severe enough to crush her internal organs. This meant that she was not a Grand Dark Mage of a very high level.

If she had not completed the vision that meant the spirit she had was not subdued by her. This meant that the spirit of fire that Sucré possessed was given to her by someone else.

“Who did you get that spirit from? Did you get it from the Ruler of the Flames?”

The Ruler of the Flames.

One of the Great Evils of Pandemonium.

He was a Grand Dark Mage of the Doom sect who had subdued countless spirits of fire.

In his previous life, he had even succeeded in subduing the Fire Spirit King.

“Ugh... I’m going crazy... How dare you... You bastard...”

However, Sucré was not in a position to answer Damien’s question.

“Our fragile little kitten. Shall I help you?”

“Get away! Just try to stand up! I’ll kill you too!”

Sucré refused Winston’s help again this time.

She was so angry that she seemed to be blind.


Sucré shouted loudly. Then Glemy transformed into a blue flame and enveloped Sucré.

‘I guess she has plans to unite with the spirit to maximize the power of dark magic.’

If Sucré was indeed connected to the Ruler of the Flames, there was only one school she could belong to.

The Doom sect.

Perhaps she specialized in fire-based black magic even within the Doom sect.Diisscover new chapters on n0ve(l)bin(.)com

The Doom sect was the most destructive school of black magic.

What would happen if a dark mage from the Doom sect united with an intermediate spirit?

It was hard to imagine how much the power of dark magic would be amplified.

“Be prepared. I’m not going to let you die easily.”

Sucré pointed at Damien with her index finger. She didn’t release any dark mana or draw a magic circle.

However, at that moment, an explosion occurred under Damien’s feet.

A crimson flame erupted with a roar. The place where Damien was was instantly engulfed in flames.

It was powerful enough to turn the entire area into a sea of fire if it was properly activated.

And yet... it was devoured so easily?

“N-no way...”

The moment Sucré denied reality, the wolf lowered its head.

And it swallowed Sucré and the ground she was standing on whole.


“It can’t be.”

Suddenly, the body of the black wolf exploded. It disappeared without a trace.

Before Sucré stood a man with his fist clenched. It was none other than Winston.

“Whew, whew...”

Sucré gasped and collapsed to the ground.

“Our little kitten, are you okay?”

Sucré remained silent in response to Winston’s question.

She simply trembled with a look of sheer terror.

“I didn’t know you would push our cute kitten this far.”

Winston turned to Damien. A black wolf had appeared by Damien’s side.

However, unlike when it attacked Sucré, its size was noticeably smaller. And it looked very weak.

It had suffered significant damage from Winston’s punch.

“Your name was Victor, right? You’ve committed a great sin by persecuting our little kitten.”

Winston said, slowly drawing his sword.

“So, you’ll have to pay the price now.”


From the moment Winston appeared, the entire area was filled with killing intent.

It was as if sand was floating in the air instead of oxygen. With each breath, sand infiltrated the trachea, scratching the airways and lungs.

‘This is incredible.’

Even Damien, a High-Class, found it difficult to endure the Master-Class’s killing intent.

Such was the stark difference between Master-Class and High-Class.

‘When will the Church arrive?’

No matter how much he expanded his senses, he couldn’t detect anything. It meant they hadn’t even arrived nearby.

‘This is getting complicated.’

As a High-Class, Damien couldn’t confront a Master-Class.

The result would be the same even if he used dark magic. No matter how skilled Damien was, he needed extensive preparation to face a Master-Class as a dark mage.

“I guess there’s nothing I can do.”

Damien opened his mouth. Winston responded to his words.

“What do you mean, ‘there’s nothing you can do’?”

Damien didn’t bother to answer. Instead, he suppressed all the mana flowing through his body.

And then, he absorbed the dark mana floating in the air.

As the normal mana suppressed, the dark mana began to fill the void.

“What are you doing?”

Winston immediately noticed Damien’s transformation.

“Why is a dark mage imitating a dark knight?”

Winston was right.

Damien wasn’t trying to use dark mana now. He was manipulating dark mana in the way of a dark knight.

Mana and dark mana were fundamentally different powers.

Therefore, the sensation felt when they flowed through the body was also different.

Mana was like clean water. It was effortless unless it flowed roughly.

But dark mana was the complete opposite.

It was as if thousands of insects were crawling inside his body. It felt like they were crawling up his organs.

It wasn’t just unpleasant. It was disgusting and nauseating.

‘That’s why I try not to use this method if possible.’

There was no need to absorb dark mana when using dark magic. But it was different for dark knights. They had to absorb dark mana and manipulate it.

“I don’t know what the hell you’re doing.”

Winston tilted his head and said.

That was the natural reaction, considering that a Grand Dark Mage was suddenly using dark mana like a dark knight.

But it was different for Damien.

Damien had lived as a dark knight.

He had a past where he had reached the pinnacle as a Death Knight.


He took a deep breath to shake off the unpleasantness. But it didn’t make him feel any better.

“Damn it.”

Damien activated the dark mana he had absorbed.

Immediately after, an overwhelming aura erupted from Damien.


[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!