Published at 7th of June 2024 05:25:24 AM

Chapter 190

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Chapter 190

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Chapter 190: Death Knight (2)


Mana and dark mana are fundamentally different powers.

Therefore, there was bound to be a big difference in all aspects, from their nature to their usage.

Just because one was proficient in using dark mana did not mean that they could also handle mana well.

This was exactly why Damien had started from a low-class knight in the first place.

He had reached the peak only as a Death Knight. He knew nothing about how to handle mana.

That is why, after regressing, Damien had accumulated new knowledge, conducted research, and honed his skills.

It was all in order to reach the peak as an ordinary knight, not a Dark Knight.

He could have become strong quickly by choosing dark mana, but he did not. It was to forget the past. It was because he hated the evil power of dark mana.

But at this moment, Damien chose dark mana again.

He chose this disgusting and repulsive power again, which he had missed. He threw off the shackles he had filled himself with, even if only for a moment.

With each surge of dark mana, power surged from the depths of his body. His senses expanded and spread widely.Diisscover new chapters on n0ve(l)bin(.)com

Master Class.

A realm of transcendence that all knights aspire to.

However, a realm that only a handful of geniuses blessed by heaven can barely reach.

Damien ascended to that realm all too easily. No, to say he ascended was an understatement.

He reclaimed it.

In exchange for using dark mana, he had briefly regained his past strength.

“This feeling is also a long time coming.”

Strictly speaking, Damien was not a true Master Class right now.

Technically, he was a Master Class, but his physique was still at the High Class level.

But what did that matter?

The opponent Damien had to trample on now was a bug no better than an ant crawling on the ground.


Damien turned his gaze to Winston.

Unlike a moment ago, Winston’s face was pale as if he was about to die.

“Let’s finish this off now.”

With these words, Damien slowly raised his hand.


Winston didn’t think much of Damien.

Even though Damien was a Grand Dark Mage, Winston was a Master Class.

He had no reason to fear a Grand Dark Mage who couldn’t complete his vision. To Winston, this wasn’t a battle, but an execution to appease Sucré’s heart.

However, the moment Damien absorbed the dark mans and spread it throughout his body, everything changed.

Something erupted from Damien.

Was it his aura? His spirit? Killing intent? Oppressive power?

It was hard to tell exactly what it was. A massive something exploded and filled the entire world.

“You, you are... what is this...”

At that moment, Damien’s gaze fell upon Winston.

There was no emotion in Damien’s eyes. They were simply empty.

But the moment Winston met his gaze, his whole body began to tremble uncontrollably.

He tried to stop it, but his body wouldn’t listen. No matter how much he commanded it, it refused.

Not only was his body trembling, but his head was slowly bowing down.

He was afraid to even look up, wanting to keep Damien out of his field of vision as much as possible.

Perpetuo was one of the Master Classes who represented the Church during the War of Destruction.

He was one of the first to be dispatched by the Church whenever Dorugo’s side sent out their strong warriors.

‘He’s not at that level yet, but he’s still strong.’

Damien was currently in a state where he had briefly regained the strength of a Master Class.

That’s why he could accurately assess Perpetuo’s strength.

“Hmm, hmm, hmm.”

Perpetuo narrowed his eyes sharply and looked at the two of them.

“Which one of you is the Master of Hedoniac?”

In response to Perpetuo’s question, Damien immediately pointed to Winston.

“That guy. Don’t you see the woman next to him? She’s part of the same group too.”

“Hmm, hmm? Now that I look closely, there really is a woman. A Master Class for the man is master class and the woman is Grand Dark Mage... Hedoniac for sure!”

Perpetuo nodded repeatedly.

“But who are you? I haven’t heard of another Master Class.”

Perpetuo tilted his head as he looked at Damien.

Damien didn’t panic even though an unexpected situation had arisen.

“I am Victor.”

He had prepared a mask for this kind of situation.

“Victor? I feel like I’ve heard that name before... hmm, hmm...”

Perpetuo pondered for a moment before snapping his fingers.

“Ah, yes! I remember now! The Dark Mage who defeated the Dark Mages who attacked the Church’s branch in the Mandarin Kingdom and then disappeared! Victor the Woodcutter!”

Perpetuo then made a bewildered expression again.

“But you’re a Master Class, not a Grand Dark Mage.”

To avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, Damien spread his palm and manifested dark magic.

A black flame burned on Damien’s hand. Perpetuo nodded as he saw this.

“I was mistaken. You are a Dark Mage. But wait... why were you fighting Hedoniac?”

“I just happened to be here.”

Damien’s original plan was to stall for time and then run away when the Church arrived.

So he hadn’t come up with an excuse beforehand. And he didn’t need to make an excuse anyway.

“Perpetuo, as you can see from the situation, I’m fighting Hedoniac.”

“That’s how it looks.”

“That’s right. I have no intention of antagonizing the Church.”

“Hmm, I guess that’s why I didn’t feel any killing intent from you.”

“So I’m going to step back. The Church can handle Hedoniac.”

With that, Damien prepared to leave.

Perpetuo shook his head as if it was absurd that Damien was about to leave.

“That won’t do.”

Perpetuo swung his greatsword at Damien.

The blade of wind raced along the ground and struck Damien.

Damien flicked his wrist and shattered the wind. Then he glared at Perpetuo and asked.

“What is this?”

Perpetuo raised his double swords and shouted.

“Come at me, you filthy bastards! I’ll cut off the heads of both of you right here!”


[PR/N- Poor Victor, His bounty gonna increase again.]

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!