Published at 7th of June 2024 05:24:10 AM

Chapter 205

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Chapter 205

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Chapter 205: Master class (1)


As the blade sliced into his flesh, the Weapon Master was flung backward. The wooden pillar shattered when he hit it, and he landed heavily on the ground.

Weapon Master thought as he buried beneath the rubble.

“What just happened?”

“He ingested both Mithra Holy Water and the Flower of Fire and survived, not to mention amplifying his physical abilities to this extent?”

“And even surpassed my Master Class Dynamic Vision?”

“But what was most surprising was the demonic sword he was wielding.”

“An unmarked sword deflected my Aura Blade? That’s an impossible feat, even for a demonic sword crafted by a Duke-class demon.”

A series of inexplicable events unfolded. But the emotion that now colored the Weapon Master’s mind was not curiosity or wonder.

“This impudent bastard.”

Rage surged from his chest, and his jaw clenched.

“Even though it wasn’t my full power... a mere High Class dares to lay a hand on this body?”

The Weapon Master was currently in a state of possession, using the demonic sword as a medium to inhabit Joshua Silva’s body.

Compared to his true form, he could only unleash about 30% of his power.

However, even in this state, the Weapon Master was confident that he was stronger than any ordinary Master Class.

So, the fact that he had barely taken a blow from a mere High Class was hard to accept.

“It’s been a long time since I felt this feeling.”

The Weapon Master got to his feet, his body unscathed despite the cut.

Apparently, that demonic sword could withstand the Aura Blade, but it wasn’t strong enough to pierce his aura armor.

“You’ve reminded me of a long-forgotten emotion... I suppose I should return the favor!”

The Weapon Master lunged forward and swung his demonic sword. The black-purple Aura Blade aimed for Damien’s head.

Damien immediately blocked the slash with Erebos.

In that instant, the muscles in his sword-wielding arm exploded, and blood gushed forth. The force was too powerful for his body to withstand.

“Is that all you can do? You dared to challenge me with that level of strength!”

The Weapon Master swung his sword repeatedly, aiming for Damien’s vital points.

Damien relentlessly blocked the attacks. Each time he received an Aura Blade, the shock caused the muscles all over his body to tear.

“That’s right! This is how it should be! This is the right way!”

Even though he had amplified his physical abilities with elixirs, he was still just a High Class.

Compared to a Master Class like himself, he was bound to fall short.

“I will never let you die a painless death! I will sell your soul to the most insane dark mage!”

With each swing of his sword, his anger seemed to dissipate. The Weapon Master let out a loud cheer and pressed his attack on Damien.

Then, he suddenly realized something strange.

Given the gap in power between him and Damien, the battle should have been over already.

However, Damien showed no signs of falling, enduring every attack with unwavering determination.

“Your expression isn’t very pleasant. Why? Are things not going your way?”

Damien opened his mouth, his voice filled with mockery.

At these words, veins bulged on the Weapon Master’s forehead.

“I was just going easy on you! Don’t get cocky!”Diisscover new chapters on n0ve(l)bin(.)com

Just then, Damien bent his waist forward. Dodging the slash, he swung Erebos at the same time.

The Erebos swung in a diagonal line from bottom to top. It sliced across the Weapon Master’s face.

“This bastard!”

Thanks to his aura armor, he wasn’t cut. But the Weapon Master couldn’t help but feel enraged.

“A mere High Class dares to touch my body again!”

The Weapon Master let out a roar of anger. He pressed his attack on Damien even more ferociously.

“I’ll kill you! I’ll tear you to shreds right now...!”

The sword scratched Damien’s cheek, and blood flowed out. But he didn’t have time to tend to his wound. A second weapon fell.

Damien blocked the spear. But this time too, he couldn’t fully deflect it. All he could manage was to slightly alter its trajectory.

The spear grazed Damien’s side and pierced the ground and the blood gushed out.

Third, fourth, fifth.

The weapons continued to fall relentlessly. Damien gritted his teeth and deflected the weapons, but he couldn’t stop the wounds from multiplying.

Finally, when the rain subsided, Damien’s body was riddled with wounds, and the blood that had flowed out formed a pool on the ground.


The Weapon Master felt speechless.

The Ultimate Technique was a technique meant to kill the enemy for sure. Yet, a mere High Class had withstood such a technique?

Even though he had witnessed it with his own eyes, he couldn’t help but doubt his own vision. His mind was refusing to comprehend what had happened.

‘This can’t be.’

Damien opened his mouth, one corner of his lips twisted into a sneer.

“What’s the point of using the Ultimate Technique? You weren’t even aiming properly. If you’re going to use a technique halfheartedly like that, I can’t even die if I want to.”

The Weapon Master had nothing to say in response to Damien’s mockery.

As Damien had said, the Weapon Master had used the Ultimate Technique ‘halfheartedly’. However, that wasn’t the Weapon Master’s fault.

To a Master Class, a High Class was no different from an insect. They could be crushed to death with a flick of the finger if they wanted to.

In this world, what Master Class would seriously use their Ultimate Technique on a High Class?

“...Well, thanks for the advice.”

The Weapon Master raised his hand. The weapons that had been embedded in the ground were pulled out again.

Once again, aurablades formed on the surfaces of the weapons. The weapons turned black.

“This time, I’ll use it properly.”

Damien was now in a state of exhaustion. Not only that, but his entire body was covered in wounds.

“This time, you’ll die for sure.”

The Weapon Master lowered his raised hand, and a dark rain of weapons poured down.

The first spear shot out, aiming for Damien’s heart. Damien deflected the spear with Erebos.

In that instant, the spear bounced away. It spun a few times in mid-air before crashing to the ground.

At that moment, the Weapon Master felt a sense of doubt.

Why did it bounce back? Clearly, it was only supposed to slightly alter its trajectory...

Second, a longsword fell. Damien brought down his raised Erebos.

Erebos and the longsword clashed. The longsword eventually slammed into the ground.

“Wait a minute...”

Third, an axe came flying. Damien swung Erebos. The aurablade and the axe shattered into pieces.

“How can this be...”

The fourth, a spear pierced through the air. Damien slashed Erebos diagonally.

The aurablade and the spearhead were split in half. They fell to the ground powerless.

“You bastard, don’t tell me...”

Only then did the Weapon Master notice it. Something that was clinging to the surface of the magic sword.


The Weapon Master immediately denied his own thoughts. It wasn’t blue.


A radiant glow akin to the North Star shining at dawn faintly covered the surface of the Erebos.


A rain of weapons poured down, obscuring his vision. Amidst it, Damien swung Erebos repeatedly.

Every time he swung his sword, a blue shockwave cut through the air, and the fragmented weapons fell to the ground.

As the number of times he swung his sword increased, the blue glow grew stronger.

Finally, when he unleashed the last beam of light, a burst of blue light exploded forth.


[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!