Published at 7th of June 2024 05:23:55 AM

Chapter 214

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Chapter 214

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]


Chapter 214: Helian Tournament (3)


The faces of the spectators turned pale upon hearing Everis’s words.

No one among the imperial citizens could have not heard of the atrocities of Pandemonium, and so they couldn’t help but feel a great deal of fear.

The sworn enemy of the Empire.

Those who wanted to overthrow the Empire.

A group of the most dangerous dark mages.

To the extent that Pandemonium was involved in most of the major crimes that occurred in the Empire.

“......How did the scum of Pandemonium get in?”

Right now, the Helian tournament, one of the Empire’s biggest events, was being held in this colosseum.

And since even the Emperor was present, security had to be tight.

“Did a traitor appear?”

The dark mages were like cockroaches, and you never knew when or where they would spread if you left them alone.

After all, dark mages are masters at stimulating human desires.

“As expected, they’re not the kind of people you should leave alone.”

It wasn’t for nothing that Pandemonium was called the sworn enemy of the Empire.

While they were no match for the Empire in terms of power or size, there were many times when the Empire had to backtrack or change its national policy due to their interference.

The Empire had continuously dispatched elite pursuit teams to eradicate Pandemonium root and branch but had not achieved satisfactory results.

And even while hiding from the Empire’s pursuit, Pandemonium was not only constantly plotting evil schemes, but also taking advantage of any opportunity to inflict damage.

“Your Majesty, there is no need to worry. I will guard your side.”

The guard knight whispered in a small voice.

Right now, the Imperial Knights were surrounding the Emperor. Even if the main force of Pandemonium came, they could not threaten the Emperor.

Moreover, the colosseum was thoroughly separated into the arena and the spectator seats.

In preparation for any unforeseen events, protective magic spells were cast around the arena in multiple layers.

“I will give the order to the Knights to subdue the dark knight.”

“No, stop them.”

A look of doubt appeared on the guard knight’s face.

“It won’t be difficult to capture a dark knight of that level if we mobilize the Knights. But won’t that shame to us?”

They dared to ruin the Helian tournament and only sent one filthy scum. This was a provocation from Pandemonium.

– One man here is enough for the Empire.

The corners of the Emperor’s mouth twitched. It had been a long time since he had seen such a blatant provocation.

If that’s the way they wanted to play it, I have no choice but to respond in the same way.

The dark knight you sent was nothing.

“For now, let’s trust and wait for the participants of the tournament.”


The guard knight bowed his head and said.


“How dare the scum of Pandemonium even mention the Empire in their mouths!”

Archbold said with a furious face.

“Malenka, step back. I’ll subdue this woman first and then proceed with the match.”

“Look here? Where are you trying to hog the spotlight? I’ll take this woman on, so you just step back.”

The two knights growled at each other.

“Excuse me...”

Everis cautiously suggested to the two men.

“It would be fine if you both came at the same time...”

“What’s this bitch spouting!”

“Hi, hiick!”

“If that’s what you prefer, then so be it! Don’t regret it!”

“Come to think of it, there’s no need to be courteous to the likes of Pandemonium.”

The two knights lunged at Everis. They swung their weapons simultaneously from the left and right.

“Ugh, ugh!”

Everis screamed. And then, in the next instant, the position of the two-handed sword had changed.

The Two-Handed Sword, which had been lying on the ground, was suddenly soaring into the air. Moreover, its position had changed to the opposite side.


The faces of the two knights wore a look of bewilderment. When had she moved the weapon? Why hadn’t they seen it?

It was as if two different pictures had been swapped.

The scene was so unnatural and incomprehensible.

“I-I can’t...!”

Even when he released the aurablade from behind, Everis managed to dodge it. Her reaction speed was the same.

The blindness is certain. Instead, other senses must be developed.

‘It will be difficult to find an opening. Then I have no choice but to take a risk.’

Bradley crouched down. The muscles in his entire body contracted.

‘The quick sword is dangerous, but that’s okay. I can block it by surrounding it with the aurablade.’

He planned to reuse the method he had used to block a barrage of aurablades in yesterday’s match.

Bradley put strength in his legs. If I charge straight ahead...

At that moment, Everis’s arm tensed up. The next instant, the position of the two-handed sword changed.

What had been on the ground was now soaring into the sky. The moment he realized this, Bradley’s stomach burned.

His abdomen burst open, and blood spurted out. His internal organs spilled out.


Bradley’s face contorted in pain and bewilderment.

What had just happened?

Why the hell did I cut myself?

“Bar, you fool, my strikes, Burr, have a lot of range, but do you know why I let you go, go, go?”

Everis let out a strange and eerie laugh.

“Da, it was because it was oo, funny to watch you make a fool of yourself.”

Bradley’s body crumpled to the ground like a broken doll.

“I, I must... escape...”

Although he knew he had to flee, his body wouldn’t move.

“I’ll, I’ll cut your th-throat this time.”

Everis grasped the Two-Handed Sword again.

Perhaps due to being on the brink of death, Bradley was able to observe Everis’s technique in detail.

The moment Everis twisted her waist, her entire body’s muscles expanded. The massive Two-Handed Sword suddenly sliced through the air.

At the same time, the aurablade attached to the Two-Handed Sword extended.

The extended aurablade sliced through Bradley’s neck.


Just before that, something grabbed Bradley by the back of his neck.

His body was pulled back and the aurablade grazed past his nose. Bradley felt his bones cracking.

“Wh, who...”

He looked up and saw Damien’s face.

“Th, thank you...”

“Michael, take this woman and heal her.”

Damien wasn’t even listening to Bradley.

All of Damien’s attention was now focused on Everis.

“Ah, ah!”

Everis’s eyes widened at the sight of Damien.

“D-Damien Hansen! Ah, I know! You’re the man who fucked the plans Mrs. Sla! You’re really famous...”

“That’s strange.”

Damien cut Everis off abruptly. His voice was full of displeasure.

“Who the hell are you?”

“Ah, I introduced myself earlier... I’m Everis.”

“I’ve never heard that name before.”

“Of course, you haven’t. I’ve only been by my master’s side until now. I haven’t had a chance to introduce myself...”

“Could it be an alias? No, even so, I can’t not remember a Master Class of this level.”

Just because he’s Damien doesn’t mean he knows all the Master Classes in the world. The world is a big place, and there are many hidden masters.

However, it was no exaggeration to say that he knew most of the Master Classes on Dorugo’s side.

In particular, this woman, Everis’s quick swordsmanship, was so impressive that even Damien was amazed.

Damien couldn’t have forgotten a Master Class that wielded such a high level of quick swordsmanship.

“Could it be that you died in the Helian tournament and didn’t know? No, that’s not it either.”

From what Damien knew, Bradley Heath won the Helian tournament when it was held in his previous life. The next time it was held, the Sword Empress won.

He had never heard a single story about a dark knight of Pandemonium ruining the Helian tournament.

In other words, this person named Everis was causing events that had never happened in the future, even in topics that were not in Damien’s memory.

“Who is this master you speak of? On whose orders did you do this?”

“I can’t tell you that much...”

“Oh? Well, that can’t be helped.”

Damien drew Dawn. A fierce killing intent engulfed the entire colosseum.

“I will twist your heart out and make you spill everything.”


[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!