Published at 7th of June 2024 05:23:32 AM

Chapter 219

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Chapter 219

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]


Chapter 219: Famous (2)


A few days later, an invitation from the emperor arrived at the mansion.

“Hey, brother! It’s here! It’s here!”

“Da, Damien! Clothes! You have the clothes I prepared ready, right?”

“Wow, this is a letter from the palace? It’s nothing special.”

The people around Damien were more excited than Damien himself. It was only natural, as it was an invitation from the emperor.

‘Finally, I can get Hemaera.’


The armor that Damien used during his time as a Death Knight.

As far as Damien knew, there was no armor on the continent that was superior to Hemaera.

Even if you listed all the weapons and armor ever made, it would be so great that it would fit in the palm of your hand.

However, no one knew about Hemaera’s existence right now. This is because it was sealed as soon as it was created.

Even in a sealed state, Hemaera was strong enough to repel the aura and as light as a feather.

It was a far superior item compared to the armor made by others. It was so great that it was kept in the imperial treasury.

‘I wonder how Dorugo got Hemaera... I heard that Pandemonium got it after killing a knight.’

The empire gave the sealed Hemaera to a knight. Then, the knight was killed by Pandemonium while carrying out a mission.

Pandemonium investigated the fact that the armor the knight was wearing was unusual and eventually broke the seal.

After that, Hemaera was presented to Dorugo and worn by Damien.

‘Actually, I’d rather have a piece of Erebos.’

The empire had not only Hemaera but also a piece of Erebos.

However, Damien could not get it just because he wanted it.

This is because it was hidden inside the sword that the emperor had inherited from generation to generation.

‘I wonder how Dorugo got it in my previous life... Ah, I got it from the First Prince.’

I heard that when the First Prince went to the battlefield instead of the emperor, he received the sword as a symbol of authority.

The problem was that the First Prince made a series of mistakes and was eventually captured by Dorugo.

As a result, the piece of Erebos hidden inside the sword also fell into Dorugo’s hands.

“Then I’ll be going now.”

Damien prepared to go out and headed for the palace.

‘I’ll be back here again.’

Damien thought as he stood in front of the gate and looked up at the palace.

At the end of the War of Destruction.

After the death of the Imperial Supreme Sword, Damien and Dorugo marched into the capital.

And after slaughtering all the citizens of the capital, he captured the emperor.

It was on that day that Damien regained control of his body and took revenge on Dorugo.

“This is Damien Haksen. I have been invited by His Majesty.”

Damien said to the knights guarding the gate. The knights opened the gate without a word.

‘It’s still amazing to come back.’

Damien couldn’t help but gasp when he came in.

The imperial palace was protected by countless magic circles, as befitting the heart of the empire.

There were so many different kinds that even Damien had a hard time keeping track of them all.

‘Even Dorugo, who had attacked the capital, couldn’t break through the magic circles surrounding the palace.’

In the end, Dorugo had no choice but to use Damien to break through the palace’s magic circles.

“Welcome, Sir Damien.”

A middle-aged man greeted Damien as he went a little further inside.

“I am Chamberlain Balzak Jansen. I will guide you inside.”

Damien followed the chamberlain’s instructions and walked deeper into the palace.

“His Majesty is awaiting you inside.”

Damien walked down the corridor with the chamberlain. And he passed through a large door and arrived at the audience chamber.

The imperial audience chamber was so large that the word ‘magnificent’ was an understatement.

The ceilings were high and the space was wide. It was so vast that the word ‘sprawling’ came to mind.

The walls were decorated with tapestries of gold. The floor was paved with expensive amber.

A red carpet stretched from the entrance to the opposite side, and at the end of it sat the emperor on his throne.

“I’d like to be able to go and choose it myself.”

“I see. I will make arrangements for that.”

The emperor granted Damien’s request without a second thought. Damien’s absurdity could only grow.

“You seem to be asking for something rather trivial. This does not make me feel at ease. Tell me if you need anything else.”

“Mmm, then...”

At this moment, Damien was conflicted.

He would like Hemaera, but he would rather have a piece of Erebos.

The problem was that the piece of Erebos was hidden inside the emperor’s sword.

So he tried not to be hasty and think of another way, but the situation was turning strange. Maybe? Just maybe?

“I would like to receive Your Majesty’s sword.”

Damien said it with a scream. As expected, the audience chamber turned upside down.

“Have you ever seen such a crazy man!”

The reaction of the First Prince, Kael Adelard, was particularly intense. The First Prince stood up abruptly and shouted.

“He’s gone mad! Your Majesty! You must not let this man live! Behead him immediately...”

“First Prince, be quiet.”

“I cannot! The sword is a symbol of the emperor’s authority! That man is mocking Your Majesty right now!”

The emperor looked back at the First Prince. His eyes were blazing with anger.

“It seems you don’t listen to my words! Do I have to cut off your tongue for you to come to your senses?!”

First Prince was startled by the emperor’s roar and shut his mouth.

“The sword... I don’t know why you would want such a thing...”

The emperor stood up. He drew the sword from his waist and held it out to Damien.

“It’s nothing special. Take it.”

At that moment, the audience chamber turned upside down once again.


After that, Damien went to the treasury and chose an armor before returning to the mansion.



As soon as he entered, Michael and Rachel rushed in, looking urgent. The two of them asked with anxious faces.

“Is it true that His Majesty kneeled to you?”

“Is it a lie?”

Damien replied, scratching his cheek, to their questions.

“It’s true.”

Damien’s answer left the two of them frozen in place.

“Brother, I’m sorry to ask, but... is it true that you’re the Emperor’s illegitimate child?”

“What the fuck?”

Damien furrowed his brow at the mention of the rumor. What was this nonsense about him being the Emperor’s child when his parents were alive and well?

“What kind of ridiculous rumor is that?”

“No... right now, there’s a rumor going around that you’re the Emperor’s illegitimate child, and that’s why the Emperor was so moved to tears.”

Damien looked at Michael with a disbelieving face.

“Don’t believe such an absurd rumor.”

“Then why did the Emperor... kneel to you?”

Damien felt his words getting stuck. He himself had no idea what was going on.

“Perhaps it’s just a misunderstanding.”

Damien chose his words carefully.

“There’s someone you need to meet, Damien. I left them waiting because you have to meet him yourself.”

Damien headed to the reception room with Rachel.

“Oh... Damien Hasson! The Knight of the Heavenly Sword!”

A drunk Sword Saint was waiting for Damien.

“What’s going on?”

The Sword Saint downed a drink before answering Damien’s question.

“I saw you looking interested in joining Extermination Squad last time.”

The Sword Saint’s eyes sparkled as he spoke.

“I’m going to go kill giant evil. Want to come with me?”


[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!