Published at 7th of June 2024 05:31:47 AM

Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Demon God’s male Disciple]

[Quality Checker – Kawaii]

Chapter 22: The Goldpixie Duke (2)

After defeating the junior knights, Damien immediately headed towards the Duke’s mansion.

To reach the mansion, one had to cross through the garden.

‘Maintaining the garden was Mother’s only hobby.’

While the garden in the Haksen estate was no larger than a vegetable patch, the garden of the Duchy was vast and reminiscent of a forest.

‘Mother would appreciate hearing stories about the Duke’s garden.’

However, Damien couldn’t leisurely wander the garden.

“Found you!”

“You were here!”

Knights emerged from various spots in the garden.

Their aura was different from the junior knights they had just fought.

Low class knights.

The Duke’s official knights had stepped forward to stop Damien.

“I don’t know where you came from, but you dare attack the Duke!”

“Cut off his arms and throw him in prison!”

The knights drew their swords, their aura enveloping the blades.

Even faced with so many low-class knights threatening them, Damien’s expression barely changed.

“Taking life isn’t difficult... but the repercussions are.”

During the journey to the Duke, Damien had gathered quite a bit of power through the sword techniques he practiced in his previous life and mana through the Supreme Absorption Technique.

Right now, there was little difference to Damien between junior knights and low-class knights.

However, if he tried to spill blood here then it would pose a threat to his relation with the Duke, in fact, he might take it as an offense.

“Is there something suitable around here?”

Damien scanned the surroundings.

Conveniently, there were tools for tending the garden nearby.

Damien picked up a shovel from among them and struck its blade with his palm.

As the shovel’s blade cleanly fell off, it turned into a decently sized staff.

Damien swung the staff around. It felt good.

“Alright. you can come at me now.”

Damien flicked their finger. Veins popped on the knights’ foreheads.

“Do we look like a joke to you right now?”

“This is no petty provocation!”

“Kill him right away!”

The knights rushed forward, expressing their anger.

The lead knight swung his sword, tracing a semicircle with the blade.

Damien attempted to block the sword with a club.

“You foolish brat!”

The knight shouted. The knight’s sword was infused with aura, while Damien’s staff... was just a staff.

If things continued like this, the aura-infused sword would easily cut through both the staff and Damien.

However, contrary to the knight’s expectations, the sword couldn’t cut through the staff.

Instead, its trajectory deviated.


The sword, which was moving horizontally, suddenly shot upward.

Without missing the opportunity, Damien struck the knight’s head with the staff.

The knight collapsed right away.


Another knight followed, swinging his sword down.

Once again, Damien blocked the sword with the staff.

The slashing blade suddenly twisted to the left.

“What...? Ugh!”

Damien immediately struck the knight’s forehead. The knight, screaming, lost his consciousness.

In the blink of an eye, two knights immediately lost.

Witnessing this unbelievable sight, the other knights couldn’t help but hesitate.

Damien tapped his shoulder with the staff and said to the remaining knights,

“What’s up? Coming at me?”

The knights exchanged glances. Then, one after another, they lunged forward.

The sound of clashes echoed endlessly.


“...Only one intruder?”

The Duke asked with an incredulous expression. The attendant vigorously nodded.

“The knights? What are the knights doing?”

To take part in the duel, he had to suppress his level as a low-class knight. Hence, engaging in a fight with Ernest Horowitz, a middle-class, might cast doubts on his low-class knight status.

“If you keep hesitating, I’ll make the first move!”

Ernest Horowitz’s posture slightly lowered, ready to lunge forward.

Damien clicked his tongue briefly.

Under these circumstances, it seemed best to engage moderately and then retreat.

That’s when the door behind Ernest Horowitz swiftly opened.

“Both of you, stop!”

A middle-aged man walked in, shouting. Ernest Horowitz looked surprised.

“Your Excellency?”

“You, there, should be thinking of catching the intruder, but what if the entire building collapses?”

The middle-aged man tapped Ernest Horowitz’s shoulder.

Ernest Horowitz immediately lowered his head and apologized,

“I’m sorry. I was not attentive.”

“It’s fine. We’ll just summon the mages to repair everything anyway.”

After saying so, the Duke approached Damien.

“Your Excellency, it’s dangerous!”

“It’s alright.”

Despite Ernest Horowitz’s attempt to intervene, the Duke didn’t stop.

“Young friend, what’s your name?”

Just a few steps away.

The Duke asked, standing at a distance where Damien could easily draw his sword and cause harm to him.

He was indeed a man with a demeanor befitting his status as the duke.

Damien lowered the staff he was holding and said,

“I am Damien Haksen, Your Excellency.”

“Damien Haksen? Are you by any chance the troublemaker from the Haksen family?”

“Thank you for recognizing me.”

The Duke’s expression subtly changed.

“I thought the rumors were false or exaggerated... I never expected them to be true.”

“That’s a bit unfair. Because of that misunderstanding, everyone I meet tends to underestimate me.”

The Duke chuckled at Damien’s words.

“You came all this way and didn’t kill a single member of the Duchy’s knights. No one suffered fatal injuries.”

“I went through some trouble to handle things appropriately.”

“What? Appropriate? You’re quite an interesting character.”

A smile crept onto the Duke’s lips.

“So, what do you want from me? You didn’t cause this uproar for no reason.”

Finally, the moment Damien had been waiting for arrived.

“I owe Your Excellency a debt.”

“A debt?”

The Duke wore a perplexed expression. He couldn’t fathom what Damien was hinting at.

“I borrowed money from the loan firm you operate. I have to repay 30 gold coins, principal plus interest.”

“Ah, that’s what this is about. Are you here because of that?”

“I don’t have the money right now, so I want to repay the debt in another way.”

The Duke nodded in response to Damien’s explanation.

“Another way?”

“I’ll offer victory by defeating Michael Ryan Bloom instead of repaying the debt.”

The Duke’s eyes widened at that response.

Michael Ryan Bloom.

Someone had emerged to resolve that troublesome issue.

“...Interesting. Truly interesting.”

The Duke rubbed his chin, examining Damien.

He was likely mentally comparing Damien and Michael Ryan Bloom.

“Michael Ryan Bloom is considered a monster who will one day become a Master. Are you confident?”

“If I lose, you may take my life without hesitation.”

Damien replied without a hint of hesitation.

The Duke burst into laughter at that response, forgetting his manners as he laughed heartily.

“Hahaha! I’ve never seen someone so spirited.”

Extending his hand, the Duke said

“Let me trust you for once.”

Damien shook his hand firmly, saying

“You won’t regret it.”

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Demon God’s male Disciple]

[Quality Checker – Kawaii]

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!