Published at 7th of June 2024 05:23:25 AM

Chapter 224

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Chapter 224

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]


Chapter 224: The Realm (1)

Salik and Barche stepped out from the shattered wall. Both of them had surprised expressions on their faces.

“Even if we were caught off guard... to think we’d get blown away like this.”Folll0w current novÊls on n/o/v/3l/b((in).(co/m)

“I heard it hasn’t been long since he became a Master Class. Is that information wrong?”

Originally, Damien had intended to hide his true strength for the time being.

There wasn’t a particularly grand reason for it. He just didn’t want to attract unnecessary suspicion.

However, he couldn’t just stand by when there was an opportunity to torment both Sla and the Weapon Master even if it was a little.

“By the way, this is really starting to piss me off.”

“Salik, I didn’t think we’d be on the same page.”

The two of them narrowed their eyes sharply. It seemed like they were about to pounce on Damien at any moment.


“Hold on a moment.”

Suddenly, they glared at each other.

“I’ll take care of that asshole first, so wait your turn.”

“Where does a kid like you get off giving orders? You back off.”

Instead of focusing on Damien, Salik and Barche growled at each other.

“If you keep acting high and mighty, I’ll kill you first.”

“That’s what I want to say to you.”

Damien couldn’t help but chuckle at the sight of the two about to explode.

“Maybe I hit both of you too softly.”

It seemed neither of them grasped the situation.

This was not a pleasant development for Damien. No one likes being underestimated by trash.

“I guess I need to make them snap out of it.”

Damien drew out the Dawn. A blue glow enveloped the blade.

As a killing intent emanated from Damien, both Salik and Barche briefly turned towards him.

“Damien Haksen, stay put. I’ll deal with this guy first...”

Damien’s body vanished. In the next moment, he appeared right in front of Salik.


Damien brought Dawn down on Salik’s head.

A blue flash split Salik in two.

* * *

Salik hurriedly blocked the attack with her greatsword.

The greatsword made of aurablade exerted physical force despite its lack of form.

When the two weapons collided, a sharp sound echoed as Salik’s body was pushed back.

“Are you out of your mind!”

The sudden attack ignited Salik’s anger. But before she could unleash her fury, Damien’s attack began.

His sword strikes were terrifyingly precise, aiming for Salik’s vital points. She frantically blocked the attacks.

“This... this bastard...!”

Salik’s face was filled with panic. Damien’s swordsmanship was far more refined than expected.

There was no room for counterattack. Salik was struggling just to block. No, she wasn’t even blocking properly.

Damien’s attacks occasionally grazed Salik’s body. Her clothes and skin were slashed, and blood flowed out.


Eventually, Salik had to swallow her pride and call for help.

“Are you just going to stand there and watch!”

At that shout, Barche snapped out of his daze. In fact, he had been in a stupor until just now.


A madwomen who gave up her position as a giant evil to become Sla’s lover.

Her skills were on par with any giant evil.

Such a person was being overpowered without being able to put up a proper fight. It was unbelievable even when seen with his own eyes.

“What the hell is going on here!”

Barche shouted as he rushed towards Damien.


Barche swung a huge punch at Damien. Damien dodged by leaning back.

At the same time, he swung his sword, aiming to cut Barche. But there was only a scraping sound. Barche’s body wasn’t cut.

“Do you think such a lukewarm attack can pierce my ‘Carcass’?”

The disciples of the Weapon Master were all given demonic weapons and armors.

In Barche’s case, he was given demonic armor instead of a weapon. Although no armor could withstand an aurablade, it was a different story when the armor was imbued with aura.

With the armor’s capabilities enhanced by aura, Barche was almost invincible.


Barche continued his assault by swinging his fists and feet at Damien.

There was no time to dodge or block. The aurablade severed Salik’s neck and embedded itself in the wall.


Blood sprayed out and drowned out Salik’s scream.

As Salik’s neck was severed, Barche, who had been sprawled on the ground, let out a scream.

“Salik! I told you! Be careful when you throw...”

Damien swung his sword. The sword and the demonic armor clashed.

“It’s useless...”

As Barche shouted, Damien’s sword pierced the armor. Simultaneously, he severed Barche’s neck.

Blood spurted from the cracks in the armor.

* * *

No matter how strong a Master Class is, they can’t survive with their necks severed. The victor was decided at this point.

If they were ordinary Master Classes, that is.

“Guh... gah...”

Salik pressed her head with her hand. Moving despite having her neck severed was not normal.

But the real bizarre event was yet to come. Suddenly, the wound area began to swell as if it were rotting.

Soon, the flesh began to stick together. The wound healed instantly.


Barche struggled to utter a name. Suddenly, the armor around his neck started to flow like liquid.

The liquid armor covered the wound.

The armor, which had turned to liquid, sealed his wounds.

“Ha, we almost died there.”

“Haha... Carcass, you truly are the best.”

The two sighed in great relief.

Despite the bizarre sight, Damien didn’t look particularly surprised. It was as if he had known they wouldn’t die from such wounds.

“Damn it, this is insane... Where did such a monster come from...”

“Our master... made a mistake... That thing... is not normal...”

Even after escaping death, they couldn’t shake off the shock.

In the recent exchange of attacks and defenses, they had clearly realized something.

They finally understood what kind of being stood before them and the true nature of the hierarchy among the three of them.

“Damn it, I... how could I suffer such humiliation... I won’t accept this!”

With intense anger, dark mana erupted from Salik’s body. It was far more massive than before.

“I’ll show you... my true power!”

The dark mana transformed into aurablades. Soon, nine swords formed from the aurablades.

The nine swords hovered freely in the air as if they were alive.

‘She finally used it.’

Barche looked at the nine swords with a face full of reverence.

He had heard of it. It was said that Salik had reached the rare realm and could produce nine swords.

Back when Salik was a giant evil, no one could stand against the nine swords she created.

At that time, Salik was a figure of fear not only in Pandemonium but also in the Empire.

“I can’t just stand by either.”

Barche also drew out his mana. He used the realm that he had learned from his master.

All Weapons Beloved.

It was a realm where the potential of weapons was drawn out, and it was applied to his demonic armor.

The armor, Carcass, began to pulsate like a living creature. Spikes sprouted all over, and it emitted immense dark mana.


Salik briefly admired the sight.

The All Weapons Beloved realm itself was not extraordinary, but its effects when combined with demonic weapons and armor were terrifying.

Confidence surged back into Salik and Barche’s hearts.

“What is it called?”

Suddenly, Damien asked the two. The unexpected question brought puzzled expressions to Salik and Barche’s faces.

“What do you mean, suddenly...?”

“I asked for the name of that realm you used.”

Damien looked at Salik and asked. Salik was bewildered and replied.

“...It’s called Azure Sky’s Flight.”

“Thank you for telling me. Otherwise, I would have had to come up with a name for it myself.”

Damien flicked his finger. At that moment, swords made of aurablades were created in the air.

Salik’s eyes widened as if they were about to burst.

“It seems this is the first time I’ve seen a realm related to the Nine-Swords. You’ve acquired a useful realm.”

Damien declared with a satisfied expression.

“Then shall we start again?”


[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!