Published at 7th of June 2024 05:23:19 AM

Chapter 228

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Chapter 228

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]


Chapter: 228 Temporary instructor (2)


When the Emperor received the letter from the Sword Saint, he couldn’t help but be moved.

It was already a great feat to have defeated Vanexia, the giant evil of the Pandemonium, but it was natural to react this way when he had defeated two other powerful figures equal to her.

What particularly moved the Emperor was the fact that the person who had defeated these two was none other than Damien Haksen.

‘Indeed, it is Damien. He is a person I have kept an eye on!’

Does it make sense for a knight who has just entered the Master Class to fight and defeat two powerful beings?

Such a doubt arose for a moment, but he decided to ignore it. After all, there have been geniuses born in the world who sometimes break common sense.

Moreover, it was none other than the Sword Saint’s guarantee. There was no room for doubt.

‘There’s no doubt that Damien has imperial blood flowing in his veins. If not, he couldn’t have such talent.’

At the end of the letter was the Sword Saint’s special request.

“Your Majesty, it is presumed that the giant evil Sla is hiding in the academy. Please allow Damien Haksen to be hired as a temporary instructor to find her. This is also Damien Haksen’s request.”

Before he even finished reading the sentence, the Emperor had firmly decided to grant this request.

Was it because it was the Sword Saint’s request? No, it wasn’t. It was because it was Damien’s request.

The Emperor immediately held a secret meeting. A small number of courtiers who knew about the Extermination Squad gathered.

There, the Emperor revealed the letter the Sword Saint had sent and declared.

“I will allow Damien Haksen to be hired as an instructor at the academy.”

As expected, the courtiers protested vehemently.

“In the long history of the academy, there has never been a time when a person from another kingdom was hired as an instructor!”

“This is undermining the tradition of the academy!”

The courtiers exclaimed, startled by the Emperor’s declaration.

Normally, he would have listened to their words. After all, that is the virtue of a true monarch. However, the Emperor had no intention of upholding that virtue now.

Moreover, the Emperor now had a very good excuse to ignore the dissatisfaction of his courtiers.

“This is a request from the Sword Saint, the leader of the Extermination Squad. Do you mean to let the giant evil Sla go because of the academy’s outdated tradition?”

The courtiers were all forced to shut up at the Emperor’s roar.

The giant evil Sla was a particularly dangerous figure among the giant evils of Pandemonium.

More than three hundred nobles and talented knights had been deceived by Sla and turned against the empire, and more than fifty thousand citizens of the empire had been sacrificed to Sla’s experiments.

“Your Majesty, if you hire a knight from another kingdom as an instructor, the dissatisfaction of the nobles who are currently attending the academy will reach the heavens.”

However, the courtiers did not give up easily. This is because the academy had such a high status.

“Then do you mean to leave Sla alone?”

The Emperor was now in a position to hold the perfect justification. He could be as stubborn as he wanted.

“But Damien Haksen is from the Apple Kingdom....”

“That’s enough! I don’t want to hear anymore!”

When the Emperor could no longer take it, he spat out his anger.

So what if he’s a knight of the Apple Kingdom? He might even be of imperial blood.

“Damien has not hesitated to do dangerous things for the empire! He has even defeated two powerful figures who are notorious in Pandemonium! How can you refuse his request when we didn’t reward him for his contributions.”

While speaking, the Emperor thought for a moment.

Yes, for such a great accomplishment, he should be rewarded.

Thinking about what kind of reward to give, the Emperor continued,

“Above all, it is not permanent, but only temporary. Didn’t Damien ask to stay at the academy only until he catches Sla?”

Rachel asked with a bewildered face. As an imperial citizen, she seemed to have immediately grasped how absurd Damien’s words were.

“The academy wouldn’t do that, would they? Is it really true?”

“If you don’t believe me, see for yourself.”

Damien handed Rachel his employment certificate from the academy. Rachel’s eyes widened three times at the sight of it.

“Wow, brother! That’s amazing!”

Michael reacted belatedly. Respect and admiration were overflowing from his face.

“Pooh, poo-hahahaha!”

However, Veronica was different. She was holding her belly and laughing.

“Y-you, instructor! Damien Haksen is an instructor. N-no way. Poo-poo-hahahaha! A-ack! Aaaack!”

Damien grabbed Veronica’s head with his fist and squeezed it. Not satisfied with hitting her once, he hit her twice more.

“Sir Liam, I have some business to take care of in the empire, so please take Michael and Veronica back to the kingdom first. I will finish my work and follow you.”

“I understand. I will do as you say.”

“Michael, when you arrive in the kingdom, go to the Count Haksen’s House and deliver my letter.”

Damien handed Michael a letter. He thought he would send a letter since he might be late.

“Veronica, you... just figure it out yourself.”

“Ah, why are you only asking me to do things!”

Veronica immediately shut her mouth as Damien raised his fist again.

“Well, I’m going out now. I have to arrive at the academy by tomorrow or the day after.”

With that, Damien went out first.

“Sir Damien is being called to be an instructor at the academy... That’s really a great achievement.”

As soon as Damien left, Liam Bluegreen exclaimed in admiration.

Liam Bluegreen also knew how great the Imperial Academy was.

It was a great achievement for a knight of the Apple Kingdom to be invited as an instructor at that place, which was a symbol of the empire.

“But will it be okay?”

Then, as Rachel muttered softly, the eyes of the three men turned to her.

“Damien as a swordsmanship instructor... Well, his skills are certainly solid... and he teaches well... but...”

Three of the four, except for Liam Bluegreen, had experience being trained directly by Damien.

Damien’s guidance itself was very high-level and profound.

However, the problem was his teaching style.

If they even showed a little laziness or lack of achievement, he would mercilessly pick up a club.

-I guess I need to ‘rehabilitate’ your laziness.

-Oh, don’t worry. I’ll ‘rehabilitate’ your bad habits for you.

Every time he hit them with the club, their whole body ached.

What was even more amazing was that no matter how much he hit, there were no signs of injuries.

Since there were no injuries no matter how much he hit them, Damien Haksen beat them with the club without hesitation.

Thanks to that, they improved their skills by leaps and bounds, but it was just as painful and horrible.

“And there are a lot of children of high-ranking nobles in the academy...”

The four of them looked at the door Damien Haksen had gone out of.

All four of them had a common question.

Was it really okay to send Damien off like this?


[PR/N- Legends of Bonking is about to begin.]

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!