Published at 7th of June 2024 05:23:13 AM

Chapter 233

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Chapter 233

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]


Chapter:233 The Unbreakable (1)


The grueling training ended only after the sun had set.

“Ugh... ugh...”

“Pant... pant...”

The students all collapsed onto the ground. They were utterly exhausted.

Their heads and clothes were drenched with sweat as if they had just been caught in a downpour.

“Pathetic! You collapse after just this much running?”

Damien clicked his tongue as he looked at the students.

An expression of resentment rose on the students’ faces. It seemed that their hard work was being met with disdain, and this was fueling their discontent.

“What? Do you have a problem with what I said?”

Of course, as soon as Damien glared at them, they all put on their best poker faces.

“Starting tomorrow, I’ll double the intensity of the training.”


“Dou-double it?”

The students exclaimed in surprise, their eyes wide with disbelief.

Even the training they had received today was so intense that they thought they might die.

No, this wasn’t training. It was torture.

“Did you think it would be easy for lazy slackers like you to get good grades in just a week?” Damien’s outburst once again brought a sense of injustice to the students’ faces.

They had never once expressed a desire to get good grades in exams. Everything was due to Damien’s coercion.

“But it seems like it’ll be difficult for you to train tomorrow in this state.”

Suddenly, Damien drew his sword, startling the students as they recoiled.

“T-Teacher! P-Please spare us!”

“P-Please don’t kill us!”

The students pleaded, banging their heads on the ground. Their desperation was so palpable that it even seemed to surprise Damien.

“Who ever said I was going to kill you? Just watch and learn.”

Damien thrust the sword into the ground, then used the Authority of Envy.

The third authority Damien unlocked, ‘Envy’, allowed him to convert mana into a different form of power.

After converting mana into divine power, Damien infused it into Dawn.


Dawn resonated as it absorbed the divine power, amplifying the miracles it could perform.

Originally, Dawn could generate its own divine power and perform miracles. Now, with Damien’s divine power added to it, its miracles became even more potent.

Dawn emitted light, enveloping the students’ bodies.

“Huh? What’s happening?”

“What’s going on?”

Surprise filled the students’ faces as the pain they had felt all over their bodies suddenly vanished.

The students’ faces lit up with surprise. The pain they felt all over their bodies seemed to have washed away.

The students got up from their positions and moved their bodies to and fro. To their surprise, their bodies were completely recovered.

“Even the highest healing potion doesn’t heal this quickly...”

“What the heck is that?”

“I’ve heard of it. It must be the Legendary holy sword that the teacher received when he went to the Church.”

“Legendary holy sword? How did he manage to get such a precious thing?”

The students murmured in awe.

Once all the students had recovered, Damien put Dawn away. Then all the light disappeared.

“Are you all okay?”

The students nodded in unison. Then a smile appeared on Damien’s face.

“Then I guess you’ll be able to train tomorrow too.”

At these words, the students’ expressions twisted.

It was not something to be happy about that their bodies had recovered. As long as that holy sword was there, Damien would torture them every day.

“Then I’ll see you tomorrow. But let me tell you this in advance, if anyone skips class and runs away, I’ll kill them.”


The students replied weakly. Damien turned away.

“Oh, right.”

Then he looked back at the students.

“Give me some of your hair.”

“Don’t tell me...?”

“That’s right. I know a few secret passages.”

Oliver’s words caused students’ faces instantly brighten.

“We escape through the secret passages at dawn and return a week later. By then, Damien will have been kicked out of the academy, right?”

The students’ faces lit up with joy.

“Oliver, you rascal! You had such a great plan all along!”

“You’re the best!”

The students flocked to Oliver as they cheered and shouted.


But students had no idea what was coming.

“All they could come up with was a secret passage?”

The truth was that Damien had been listening to their entire conversation from outside the training ground.

With his Master Class-level senses, he could even hear their conversation from this distance.


Damien clicked his tongue. It was ridiculous that they thought they could escape him this way.

“I knew they would try this, so I’ve already made preparations.”

Damien pulled out a leather pouch from his pocket. It was the pouch he had just put the students’ hair in.

There was only one reason why Damien had collected the students’ hair.

It was because he could use tracking magic if he had a part of their body.

“Well, I could find them without this too.”

The so-called secret passage would eventually lead back inside the academy.

Damien’s detection range covered not only the academy but also the entire city.

It was difficult to detect them if they were underground, but he could sense them as soon as they showed their heads.

Still, there was a reason why Damien was determined to use dark magic.

He needed to find Sla.

He was already busy looking for Sla, and he couldn’t waste any time on the students. So he was looking for a convenient way, and dark magic came to mind.

“I’ve got to get them for sure tomorrow.”

Damien mumbled in a small voice and clenched his fist. There was a cracking sound from his knuckles.


The sun had set, but Damien’s work was not yet over.

Damien headed not to his dorm but to the library building. It was late, so there were no students using the building.

Damien went inside the building. And he headed to the last classroom on the third floor.

There was a man standing there.

He had a plain face and wore large glasses. He didn’t seem aggressive at all.

“Damien, you’re right on time.”

The man said with a smile. Damien approached the man and asked.

“The Extermination Squad. Right?”

“Yes, my name is Jake. Please call me by my first name, as I am a commoner.”

This man was the Extermination Squad member that had infiltrated in advance. He was a commoner by birth, but he was a true member of the Extermination Squad.

“May I confirm something for a moment?”

Damien took out a small monocle from his pocket and put it on. Then he saw the mark on Jake’s forehead.

Sla could disguise himself as another person. There was a chance that the Extermination Squad member who had infiltrated might have been replaced by Sla.

Therefore, as a minimum safety measure, Sword Saint had placed a magic mark on the foreheads of the Extermination Squad members.

The Extermination Squad members themselves did not know what shape the mark was. Only Damien had learned it in advance through Sword Saint.

“You’re the right person. Have you investigated Sla?”

“I tried my best, but I couldn’t find any decent clues.”

Jake shook his head from side to side.

Jake had infiltrated the academy as a staff member around the same time as Damien. It was a short time, so there was only so much information he could have found out.

“However, I have heard some strange things from the staff.”

“Strange things?”

“They say that the number of students disappearing has increased noticeably lately.”

Damien narrowed his eyes at these words.

“Students are disappearing, but why is the academy quiet?”

“Ah, that’s what I’m talking about. The students say they didn’t disappear from inside the academy.”

Jake said, scratching the back of his head.

“They say they disappeared outside the academy.”


[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!