Published at 7th of June 2024 05:23:11 AM

Chapter 235

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Chapter 235

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]


Chapter:235 The Unbreakable (3)


Even after Damien disappeared, the students of Class 13 remained motionless.

They were too exhausted to move. Rest felt as sweet as honey. Some students even collapsed to the ground.

How much time had passed like that?

“Hey, Oliver.”

One of the students called out to Oliver. He raised his head without getting up.

“Why are you calling me?”

“You clearly told us it was a secret passage, didn’t you? But how was Damien waiting at the exit?”

At that question, the other students also got up and stared at Oliver. As everyone’s eyes focused on him, Oliver’s face turned red with embarrassment.

It was a clear misunderstanding, but there was no way to explain it. Even when he thought about it, it was a situation that was just perfect for being suspected.

“Did you sell us out to Damien?”

“Somehow, the only person who didn’t get beatings was you.”

“Ah, no, it’s not like that...”

Oliver was so wronged.

The reason he hadn’t been beaten by Damien because he had been assigned the task of getting the unconscious students out of the hole.

And he didn’t have anything to be happy about either. His own shoulder felt like it was going to dislocate from dragging the unconscious students out of the hole.

“Look, you can’t say anything! You were in cahoots with Damien, weren’t you?”

“I’m not going to let you get away with this, you little punk! Just stand there and don’t move!”

Just as the angry students were about to surround Oliver.

“Wow, what’s this? All the trash is gathered in one place?”

A strange voice was heard. The students of Class 13 reflexively looked towards the entrance of the training ground.

Two male students were walking into the training ground. The moment they saw the faces of those two people, the expressions of the students of Class 13 hardened.

“So the rumors were true that the trash of Class 13 is training here? Was the sun rose in the west today?”

One of the male students said mockingly.

But none of the students of Class 13 got angry. Or rather, they couldn’t get angry.

The two people standing before them were the top student and the second top student of the first grade, respectively.

Even the students of Class 13 couldn’t mess with these two.

“But where is that Oliver kid?”


Oliver emerged from among the students. As soon as he saw Oliver’s face, the male student scowled.

“You should have come out as soon as your older brother arrived. What are you mumbling about?”

“B-big brother G-Gelliver, that’s, that’s...”

Oliver, who had talked back to Damien earlier, couldn’t even make a peep in front of the male student.

Gelliver Fortina.

He was the third son of the Marquis Fortina, a famous noble family of the Empire, and Oliver’s older brother.

“What are you going to do if a dimwit like you can’t even read the room? Huh?”

If it had been just that, Oliver wouldn’t have been so flustered.

Unlike Gelliver, who was born to the first wife, Oliver was born to the second wife.

Their positions and status within the family were bound to be different.

“I’m, I’m so sorry...”

“Alright, why do you think I came looking for you?”

“I, I don’t know.”

Standing in front of Gelliver, Oliver couldn’t even finish his sentences. Even at a glance, his nervousness was evident.

“I came here because I was afraid that a blockhead like you would tarnish the family name again.”

As he said that, Gelliver flicked Oliver’s forehead with his index finger.

“You Fucking stupid little brother. Have you already forgotten? What happened when someone like you, who has no talent or intelligence, stepped up?”

“I’m, I’m sorry...”

“And on top of that, you’re taking training from a knight like Damien who has no foundation? Do you think Father will stay still if he hears about this?”Aall newest chapters on n.o./velbi/n/(.)com

Oliver’s eyes widened as his father’s name was mentioned.

“B-brother... Ah, please, please don’t tell Father... P-please...”

“Oh, you trashy little bastard.”

Gelliver clicked his tongue and shook his head from side to side.

“You guys are the same. You blockheads. Even if you don’t have any sense, you’re taking Damien’s class?”

Gelliver said, looking around the students of Class 13. The students of Class 13 bowed their heads deeply.

Gelliver sneered at this.

“Pathetic brats. That’s why you’re called the scum of the family.”

“Gelliver, stop it.”

At that time, the other male student who had come with Gelliver said.

Like it or not, Damien had no choice but to stay with Class 13.

Then, he needed to not just ‘rehabilitate’ them, but also give them a proper boost.

“No, really, there’s no need.”

“Sir Damien, you don’t have to feel burdened.”

“Please accept our goodwill.”

And he didn’t like the attitude of these two men for some strange reason.

The fact that they called him ‘Mr.’ even though he was a instructor, and the way they kept talking about ‘goodwill’ was grating.

But what annoyed him most was the look in their eyes. It was as if they were looking down on him.

“You’re being a real pain in the ass.”

Damien said this and expressed his displeasure outright. At that, Emilio and Gelliver’s eyebrows narrowed.

“What did you just say?”

“You’ll get the hint and leave soon enough, I don’t know why you’re talking so much.”

At his continued words, their eyebrows narrowed even more.

“Now get lost, both of you, because I have to start training. We’re running out of time, and I don’t know what all the fuss is about.”

Damien waved his hand in the air.

“Mr. Damien, are you... refusing our goodwill?”

“Goodwill? Goodwill...”

Damien let out a laugh.

The two men were only at the level of apprentice knights. Considering their age, it was a great achievement, but compared to Damien, they were nothing but dust on the floor.

It was ridiculous that apprentice knights were talking about goodwill to him, a Master Class knight.

“Don’t you know who we are? It’s not going to be good for you to act like this...”

Emilio’s words were cut off.

It was because Damien was holding his index finger under his chin.

“What the fuck.......”

Emilio’s face began to turn pale.

Somehow, the finger felt like a blade. It seemed like if Damien raised his finger, his chin and brain would be pierced through.

“Goodwill... It’s a very good word.”

Damien said with a face devoid of laughter.

“Then I guess you could say that it’s also goodwill on my part to spare you two here?”


“The students in Class 13 are pretty hopeless.”

When those words came out of Damien’s mouth, the students of Class 13 were greatly disappointed.

They didn’t understand it themselves. Why were they disappointed? Because Damien didn’t take their side?

It was funny. They were disappointed that Damien, who they hated so much, agreed with those two.

“It’s a great loss to the academy for a capable man like Mr.Damien to be in charge of Class 13. If you wish, we would be happy to help you transfer to another class.”

When they heard that, some of the students chuckled bitterly.

This had happened before, many times. All of the instructors who had been in charge of them had given up on Class 13 and left without exception.

Damien would too, of course...

“You’re being a real pain in the ass.”

But the next words were far from what Class 13 had expected.

“What did you just say?”

“You’ll get the hint and leave soon enough, I don’t know why you’re talking so much.”

The students of Class 13 looked at each other with surprised faces.

What was Damien saying now? Was he saying he wasn’t going to leave Class 13?

“Now get lost, both of you, because I have to start training. We’re running out of time, and I don’t know what all the fuss is about.”

The faces of the students of Class 13 all turned blank.

They hadn’t heard wrong. Damien was saying he was staying in Class 13.

It didn’t make sense, but he was on their side.

“Then I guess you could say that it’s also goodwill on my part to spare you two here?”

When Damien said that to Emilio, the students of Class 13 felt a sense of relief.

That was when it happened.

“What are you doing now!”

A roar erupted. A strong aura surged in from a distance.

A middle-aged man was walking towards the training ground. With each step he took, a huge aura swirled around him.

“Do you know who those two children are? They are the first and second place in the first grade! Are you telling me that an instructor is threatening such brilliant students?”

The students of Class 13 all looked at the middle-aged man with surprised faces.

Delong Muller.

He was the person in charge of first-grade swordsmanship classes at the academy.

He was once a Master Class knight who was called a hero of the empire.


[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!