Published at 7th of June 2024 05:31:42 AM

Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Demon God’s male Disciple]

[Quality Checker – Kawaii]

Chapter 26: Fake Knight (1)

What just happened?

All the people in the room were looking at the two with bewildered expressions.

As if they were about to shake hands, Guillaume Blackwing suddenly slammed his head into the ground.

Everyone only saw what happened, but no one witnessed how it happened.


Only one person, Karl Heimlich, was able to see what had happened. He had keenly observed the trick Damien had played.

‘Using the opponent’s strength to subdue them.’

As soon as Guillaume Blackwing grabbed Damien’s hand, he attempted to twist and break it.

However Damien skillfully used that force to, instead, bring Guillaume Blackwing down to the ground.

Technically, it meant that Damien was far ahead of Guillaume Blackwing in terms of skill.

‘It’s not just skills, his physical abilities are also much better.’

If it was just a matter of strength, Guillaume Blackwing was stronger than stronger.

However, in terms of agility and dexterity, Damien Haksen was far superior.

That’s why Guillaume Blackwing ended up losing as soon as Damien Haksen used his technique.

‘He achieved this tremendous physical growth, in just these few days.’

Karl Heimlich recalled the day he first saw Damien Haksen.

He had a frail and weak body, which definitely did not look like the physique of a knight.

But now, it was different, his muscles were nicely carved out, and his physique had grown significantly.

‘It seems like he has completely absorbed the Balance pills.’

Damien Haksen was truly a peculiar knight.

His skills were outstanding, but his stamina and mana were too lacking.

To compensate for these, he relied on techniques.

But now, things had changed. He had somewhat compensated for his lacking stamina.

Just that alone transformed the aura coming out from Damien Haksen completely.

‘If he can resolve the issue of insufficient mana, I can’t imagine how much stronger he’ll become.’

Karl Heimlich thought that he wouldn’t encounter a monster like Michael Ryan Bloom again in his life.

But now, he found himself facing another monster that is comparable to him.

Even as a high-class knight, Karl Heimlich felt a shiver down his spine.

“I was going to rip out your shoulder bone, but it seems to be intact? It is sturdier than I thought.”

Suddenly, Damien Haksen looked down at Guillaume Blackwing and said,

“But why are you so quiet now? Earlier, you were boasting about ripping off my arm.”

Karl Heimlich couldn’t help but give a bitter smile at Damien Haksen’s mockery.

‘Skilled, indeed. But quite harsh in retaliating against his enemies.’

Similar to the time when he fought Ernest Horowitz, this man Damien Haksen seemed to have a strong sense of justice, and takes revenge when he is wronged.

‘It would have been better if he had humility too.’

Just as Karl Heimlich was feeling regret,

“This... guy...”

Guillaume Blackwing muttered under his breath. It was a voice filled with anger and hatred.

“How dare you... bring such... disgrace to me?”

Something like steam began to rise from Guillaume Blackwing’s whole body.

It was a phenomenon unique to when mana was stirred inside someone.

“This... brat... I’ll twist you to death!”

Guillaume Blackwing shouted. At the same time, his mana exploded. Rough waves spread in all directions.

“I’ll split that backbone right away!”

Guillaume Blackwing roughly pulled out the axe strapped to his back, intending to swing it down towards Damien Haksen.

Or rather, he tried to swing it down.

However suddenly, a tremendous wave of mana spread from one side of the conference room. The air in the room was pushed out due to the massive wave of mana, creating a strong wind.

Under that tremendous force, Guillaume Blackwing’s body stiffened suddenly.

“How dare you wield your weapon in front of His Excellency.”

Guillaume Blackwing’s head turned slowly, like a rusty hinge towards the source of the voice.

On the Duke’s right side,

A knight clad in silver armor stared coldly at Guillaume Blackwing.

“Do you wish to die?”

Karl Heimlich’s two pupils gleamed ominously.

“Impressive, indeed.”

Damien inwardly admired Karl Heimlich’s momentum.

‘I was curious why one can bring weapons into the Duke’s presence.’

‘It was because he was there.’

As long as Karl Heimlich was there, nobody had the confidence to harm the Duke.


Guillaume Blackwing had a face that seemed like he might die any moment, with cold sweat incessantly streaming down his face.

No matter how famous he was, he was only a Low-Class knight. There was no way he could withstand the pressure of a High-Class knight.

“For the sake of Lady Chelsea’s dignity, I’ll overlook this matter once. But remember, you won’t get a second chance.”

Karl Heimlich slowly retracted his mana. Only then did Guillaume Blackwing get a chance to breathe.

“There seems to have been a little disturbance.”

Clap! Clap!

An elixir made by further purifying the mana extracted from young magic spirits.

In reality, the amount of mana one could obtain from the Elixir of Mana Crystalization was not that significant—roughly equivalent to ten years’ worth.

The real efficacy of the elixir lay elsewhere. It significantly increased mana sensitivity.

With heightened sensitivity, not only does the ability to manipulate mana increases, but the natural recovery speed also increases significantly.

Because of this unprecedented efficacy, it boldly claimed a spot in the Empire’s Top Twelve Elixirs that one must take without fail, as declared by the Imperial Swordmaster.

“Let’s present this elixir to the one who wins in the duel tomorrow.”

The Duke’s declaration caused a stir among the people.

Saying this the Duke dismissed the people in the room.

Firstly, Chelsea Goldpixie left the conference room with her entourage, including Ernest Horowitz.

The attendants also started to leave the room one by one. Damien also tried to leave the conference room, mingling among the attendants.

“Sir Damien, wait a moment.”

The Duke grabbed Damien, who turned back with a puzzled expression.

“Hasn’t the longsword you were using been damaged last time because of Sir Ernest?”

“Yes, that’s correct.”

“So, you don’t have a weapon to use in tomorrow’s duel?”

“I plan to use a training sword.”

Damien replied nonchalantly. With his skill, he could easily defeat Guillaume Blackwing barehanded.

“That won’t do.”

But the Duke shook his head.

“For a knight, their weapon is like their face. Using a training weapon in a public event like a duel is the same as smearing dung on your own face.”

The Duke’s words made sense. There was a reason why knights took pride in wielding noble swords.

“Moreover, you can’t use a training weapon when dueling with Micheal Ryan Bloom, can you? There’s a workshop managed by the Duchy for external use. You can get a sword from there.”

Surprised, Damien asked the Duke.

“Is that really true?”

“Whether it’s true or not, I’ve already told you. Feel free to use it whenever you want.”

Damien felt his chest swelling.

If it was a workshop managed by the Duchy, the quality of the weapon would undoubtedly be exceptionally high.

Being able to spar with weapons made there – any knight would be delighted.

“Thank you, Your Excellency.”

Damien expressed his gratitude to the Duke, who waved it off as if it were nothing.

He then summoned an attendant to guide Damien to the workshop.

Following the attendant, Damien arrived at the workshop

He couldn’t help but marvel at the sight in front of him.

“It’s truly amazing.”

The walls were high and long. Smoke was rising from five chimneys.

He had never seen such a large workshop in his life.

“This is a workshop carefully created by the Duke. He recruited several renowned blacksmiths from all around the world, establishing a solid foundation. It’s a place exclusive for knights affiliated with the Duchy.”

The steward proudly introduced the workshop.

Unable to wait any longer, Damien opened the workshop’s door and entered.

Inside, many blacksmiths were wrestling with pieces of metal in front of the forge.

“Hmm? Who’s visiting?”

“Looks like someone from the Duchy”

Some blacksmiths glanced at Damien and the attendant.

“I came by the Duke’s order. I’m here to get a sword fitted for this young knight beside me.”

At the attendant’s explanation, the blacksmiths buzzed with excitement.

“If it’s the Duke’s guest, we can’t be careless.”

“Captain! Where are you? This is something the Captain should handle!”

Among the blacksmiths, a short and stocky man walked forward.

“I’m called Brody. I’m in charge of this workshop.”

Brody spoke as he approached.

“Please come this way. I’ll guide you to the weapon storage.”

Damien and the attendant followed Brody into the inner part of the workshop.

Once inside the storage, Damien couldn’t help but be amazed again.

“It’s impressive.”

Perfectly crafted weapons hung everywhere. Not a single one lacked in quality.

Excited, Damien explored the storage. He examined each weapon closely.


While admiring the weapons, something peculiar caught Damien’s eye.


Among the weapons, he noticed a peculiar item.

Externally, it resembled a longsword.

However, the blade was slightly longer than a typical longsword, and the center of the blade was hollow.

Two blade edges extended from the hilt, converging into one at the tip.

To anyone, it seemed like a design that might raise doubts about the durability and performance of the sword.

‘Look at this.’

But Damien’s reaction was different.

‘Why is the Sword fanatic’s weapon here?’

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Demon God’s male Disciple]

[Quality Checker – Kawaii]

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!