Published at 7th of June 2024 05:31:32 AM

Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Chapter 32: Leaf Plains (2)

The Marquis swiftly extended his hand to seize Michael’s hand, but someone had already intercepted Michael’s movement.

Damien reached out, gripping Michael’s wrist and thwarting his attempt to draw the sword. As a result, Michael was unable to unsheathe his blade.

Michael surveyed his surroundings with a puzzled expression, shifting his gaze between the sword hilt and Damien.

“Looks like someone’s in quite a rush,” Damien remarked, casting a glance down at Michael.

“Must be quite eager. Even so, isn’t this an inappropriate moment to draw a sword?” he added.

It was only then that Michael turned his attention to his surroundings, finally noticing the figure of the Duke standing nearby.

“Marquis Ryan Bloom, what is the meaning of this?” the Duke spoke with a sharp tone.

The Marquis sighed as he wiped his face with his hand.

“... My son has done something foolish. There was no intention to harm your knight.”

“That’s not something that can be easily dismissed, you know?”

Faced with sharp criticism, the Marquis could only break into a cold sweat.

The Duke accepted the Marquis’s invitation and arrived at this location. In such a situation, it was unusual for Michael Ryan Bloom to reach for his weapon. Carelessness in handling the situation could potentially tarnish the Marquis’s reputation.

“He appears to have a flair for the dramatic,” Damien remarked, wearing an amused expression.

Damien was well aware that the Duke’s anger was not genuine. He relished in exposing the Marquis’s vulnerabilities and could discern it from the slightly twisted gaze.

“I would like to leave this place immediately if it were up to me... but since a duel is pending, I shall refrain,” the Duke said.

“...I appreciate your leniency.”

“In exchange, let’s add a few more conditions as a reward for the duel.”

The Marquis swallowed nervously.

“...Please state the conditions.”

“If I win this duel, I will take ownership of the land adjacent to the gold mine.”

The origin of this duel was the discovery of a gold mine on the border between the Duke’s and the Marquis’s territories. The Duke intended to claim all the land along that border if he won the duel.

“Is that acceptable?”

“And one more condition: if we emerge triumphant in the duel, I request access to the Marquis’s treasury for Sir Damien here.”

The Duke pointed at Damien as he spoke.

Damien looked at the Duke with a surprised expression.

The treasury wasn’t just any storage space; it held the accumulated treasures of generations within its walls.

Asking to open such a place meant allowing Damien Haksen access to one of the Marquis’s treasures.

“...These are quite burdensome conditions.”

“But there’s the condition that you have to win the duel in exchange.”

After a moment of contemplation, the Marquis spoke, “Fine. I accept all those conditions.”


The conversation concluded with that.

The Marquis and the Duke returned to their respective camps.


On the way back, the Marquis called his son’s name resentfully.

“Why did you draw your sword in that situation? You almost destroyed our family’s reputation just now...”

“Father, did you see? I knew that guy expected me to draw my sword.”

But Michael didn’t care at all about the Marquis’s feelings.

“He could anticipate every move I’d make. I’ve never faced an opponent like him!”

Michael rejoiced like a child. His pure smile made the Marquis’s expression serious.

“...Did Damien impress you that much?”

“Yes! Father was right! Damien might fight me as an equal!”

Despite possessing master-level talent, Michael had never found a worthy opponent.

Now, he had encountered Damien, the adversary he had dreamed of.

With the arrival of his dream opponent, the boredom in Michael Ryan-Bloom’s eyes vanished completely.

A talent that had been lying dormant began to awaken.

“...If you’re satisfied, then it’s fine.”

A smile appeared on the Marquis’s face.

After all, the conditions set by the Duke would only have meaning if they won the duel.

With Michael Ryan Bloom present, losing in the duel was inconceivable.


“Lucky start.”

Upon reaching their camp, the Duke spoke.

“It would be perfect if we just win the duel, don’t you think?”

A smile adorned the Duke’s lips as he looked at Damien.

‘Damien, that peasant dares to threaten my father’s position.’

To the Duke’s knights, Damien was like a thorn in their side.

One day, he suddenly appeared, seemingly intending to seize the family’s representative position, monopolizing the Duke’s favor.

‘If only that guy weren’t around, the representative position would have been mine.’

Fabian Vincenzo thought bitterly.

‘I’ll win splendidly in this duel and change His Grace’s perception of me.’

Fabian Vincenzo faced the Marquis’s knights, drew the spear hanging on his back, and shouted, “I am Fabian, son of the Vincenzo family! Give me your name!”

In response, the Marquis’s knight named Robert spoke, “Robert. No surname.”

“What? No surname? Are you a commoner?”

Fabian Vincenzo immediately crumpled his face.

Knights were usually nurtured within knightly families. To become a complete knight, one had to acquire proper etiquette, knowledge, and understand the family’s vision.

It wasn’t a position where a commoner could dare to challenge.

“A commoner dares to confront me?”

Fabian Vincenzo could not help but be disappointed that his first opponent was a commoner.

“You’re noisy, too. Do all the knights of the Duchy fight with their tongues like a bunch of whores?”

In response to Robert’s mockery, Fabian Vincenzo wrinkled his forehead.

“A presumptuous fool. I’ll teach you a lesson right now!”

Brandishing his spear, Fabian charged. There was a determination to end the duel swiftly.

“Oh, Fabian is attacking!”

The soldiers from the Duke’s side, who were watching, erupted in cheers.

Even from a distance, one could feel the determination emanating from Fabian.

On the other hand, there was no sign of resistance from the Marquis’s knights.

It seemed like the first duel would end easily.

However, the duel that eventually unfolded took an entirely unexpected turn.

The Marquis’s knight effortlessly blocked Fabian’s attacks.

“Ha! Huh! Ha!”

Fabian shouted louder, but no matter how much time passed, the outcome remained unchanged.

“This... a commoner like you!”

Perhaps frustrated by the continuous blocks, Fabian’s movements increase.

At that moment, the Marquis’s knight moved.

He easily deflected Fabian’s thrust and closed the distance, then he kicked Fabian’s body.


Fabian fell backward, and in that vulnerable moment, the Marquis’s knight’s blade touched his throat.

The Marquis’s knight, now approaching, held out his sword.

“Do you admit defeat?”

The Marquis’s knight asked calmly. Fabian, with a trembling voice, replied, “I-I lost.”

As Fabian admitted his defeat, cheers erupted from the Marquis’s camp.

On the other hand, a heavy silence fell over the Duke’s side.


“...Send soldiers to bring Fabian Vincenzo here.”

After giving the order, the Duke turned to Sebastian Vincenzo.

“Sebastian, do you know what I just witnessed?”

In response to the Duke’s question, Sebastian couldn’t say a word.

“Your Grace... That, that was...”

“I trusted Sir Vincenzo with the training of my knights, and this is how you repay me.”

Sebastian Vincenzo seemed to attempt an explanation, but the Duke spoke with a cold gaze.

“I request that for now, you remain silent.”

Sebastian promptly sealed his lips.

“I didn’t expect such a significant difference in the knights’ abilities.”

The Duke massaged his temples, lost in thought.

“At this rate, even if Damien wins, it won’t be a victory for our side in the duel.”

The silence hanging over the Duke’s camp grew heavier, sensing the imminent defeat.

“Your Grace, may I offer a suggestion?”

At that moment, Damien spoke.

“Go ahead.”

In response to the Duke’s permission, Damien continued.

“I recommend sir Pavel Vermound as the second knight.”

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader -Kawaii]

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!