Published at 7th of June 2024 05:31:29 AM

Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Chapter 34: Leaf Plains (4)

The duel ended in the triumph of the Duke.

After winning the duel, the first thing the Duke did was...

“Drink and enjoy to your heart’s content!”

A feast was prepared on the plains.

Animals brought in beforehand were slaughtered, and barrels of alcohol were opened. The aroma of cooking now wafted through the air, filling the surroundings.

“There’s an abundance of meat and alcohol, overflowing even! So, everyone, indulge to your heart’s content.”

The Duke also invited the people of the Marquis to the banquet. Thanks to that, the Duke’s soldiers sat on one side, while the Marquis’s soldiers sat on the other.

The Marquis’s soldiers, forgetting their grudges, indulged in the feast of meat and alcohol.

Just by looking at this, it seemed like the Duke was behaving generously.

“What a narrow-minded person.”

Damien had noticed it a while ago. This gathering was arranged by the Duke to mock the Marquis until the end.

The evidence was in the expression of the Marquis sitting next to the Duke right now.

“Marquis Ryan Bloom! Why is your expression like that? We may have quarreled for a moment, but since everything is over, forget it and enjoy the moment together.”

The Duke poured alcohol into the Marquis’s cup while saying this.

“As the winner, I’ll pour it first. I’m the winner”

In response to the Duke’s words, the Marquis made a disgusted expression look like he’d eaten the shit.

It was evident that he wanted to leave immediately. However, refusing the winner’s invitation was not in line with the etiquette of the defeated.

Moreover, the Marquis’s soldiers were also enjoying themselves with alcohol and food.

There was no way to break this atmosphere.

“Come on, drink!”

Thanks to that, only the Duke was in high spirits. The Duke happily poured alcohol into the Marquis’s cup again and again.

Damien watched this scene and smirked.

“Well, that solves my problem.”

The reason he intervened in the duel between the two families was to keep the Marquis in check by preventing the Duke’s downfall.

The Duke’s defeat in the duel was the beginning of his downfall. Damien stopped the dark mages who had planned to control the Duchy and prevented the downfall of the Duke.

Now that he prevented this incident from taking place he was much more relaxed, however

‘All that’s left is Yulan.’

The murder of Yulan’s executive by Damien thwarted plans of Yulan to consume the Duke.

Yulan would no doubt try to kill him. He was hoping for that, so he kept giving them opportunities.

“Maybe they’ll appear on the way back.”

People are most vulnerable when a big event is over, in the midst of joy.

This was exactly the case now.

Damien was lost in various thoughts. Someone approached him.

Turning his gaze, he saw Michael Ryan Bloom.

“Oh, do you mind if I sit at the front?”

Michael spoke with a stiff, firm face.

It was an unexpected approach from Michael.all new stories at nove/lbi/n(.)com

‘I wanted to have a sincere conversation for once, but I never expected someone like him to approach me first.’

“Do as you please.”

Michael’s face lit up as Damien graciously agreed.

He cheerfully sat across from Damien. He seemed inexplicably happy, laughing softly.

“May I call you Sir Damien?”

“Oh, sure. Can I call you Sir Michael then?”

“Y-yes, of course! It would be an honor!”

Damien tilted his glass. As the cup emptied, Michael skillfully lifted a bottle and filled Damien’s cup.

“Uh, I was impressed during the duel!”


Damien couldn’t help but ask at the unexpected word.

“Well, I mean, throughout my entire life, I never thought I would actually have a rival!”

Blushing, Michael continued, “But Sir Damien, you are not like me... No, you are far more impressive than someone like me!”

The reason Michael willingly accepted defeat in the last duel was not simply because Damien was stronger.

It was because he had glimpsed Damien’s talent through his extrasensory perception.

“Oh, I didn’t expect you two to become so friendly.”

When Damien unintentionally gained a younger brother, both the Duke and the Marquis approached them.

“It’s always wonderful to see young people forming friendships, isn’t it?”

The Duke chuckled and turned to the Marquis, who still had a stern expression.

“Your Excellency, what brings you here?”

Damien stood up and spoke. The Duke was Damien’s employer, so in public, he needed to maintain courtesy.

“It’s fine. Please, stay seated. I can’t let the hero of this recent victory stand on ceremony, can I, Marquis?”

In response to the Duke’s question, the Marquis maintained his stern expression.

‘He looks quite upset.’

Damien inwardly scoffed at the Duke’s actions, which were still bothering the Marquis.

“Sorry for interrupting your drinking session. I thought I’d drop by after the meeting with the Marquis ended.”

“A meeting?”

“Didn’t we agree to open the Marquis’s treasury to you as a dueling reward?”

Due to Michael Ryan Bloom drawing his sword during the conference, there was a slight alteration in the duel victory reward. If Damien won the duel, the Duke was supposed to take over land near a gold mine, and in return, Damien was to receive a treasure from the Marquis’s treasury.

“I had to endure quite a bit to convince him not to be stingy.”

“Stingy? If you knew the value of those items, you wouldn’t say that!”

“If you open the treasury, you have to part with something of that value.”

A lighthearted quarrel ensued between the two.

“Damien Haksen.”

After concluding their banter, the Marquis turned to Damien.

“First, I offer my apologies to you.”

If the Marquis’s subordinates had heard this, they would have been astonished. Due to the Marquis’s strong pride, he hadn’t readily apologized before. Moreover, Damien hadn’t exactly treated him well.

“I apologize for sending knights for a show of force.”

Damien could roughly guess the reason behind the change in the Marquis’s attitude.

He realized that treating Damien Haksen as an enemy would not lead to anything good.

Yet, killing him was not an option, as behind Damien stood the Duke.

If he couldn’t kill him, it was best to get along.

Therefore, the Marquis decided to lower his head.

“Of course, I don’t intend to settle this with just words. As an apology and as a reward for the duel, I present this item.”

The Marquis took a small box from his pocket.

The leather-made box exuded an elegant atmosphere.

However, the contents of the box were quite basic.

Inside was a plain gray ring with no notable decorations.

“It’s a ring enchanted with subspace magic.”

Despite its simple appearance, the true value of the ring exceeded imagination.

Subspace magic.

It referred to magic that twisted space, allowing various items to be stored. The secret treasury could only be opened by its owner, making it the safest storage in the world.

“This item was crafted by the White Magic Tower and can store up to 100kg.”

Even magical items had different grades. According to Damien, the lowest-grade spatial magic item could store 10kg of items. This subspace magic item, ten times that capacity, held immeasurable value.

“100kg would allow you to carry a decent set of armor, several spare weapons, food, potions, and even gold coins comfortably.”

Thinking ahead, Damien realized he wouldn’t need to carry a heavy backpack on future travels.

“I appreciate it, Your Excellency.”

Damien received the spatial ring that the Marquis offered.

He put the ring on his finger and infused it with magic. The ring memorized Damien’s mana signature. Now, only Damien could use the ring.

“If there’s anything else you need, feel free to let me know. While I can’t offer more items from the treasury, in the estate I’d quite a collection of fine weapons.”

The Marquis Ryan Bloom, being the highest-ranking knightly family in the Apple Kingdom, boasted an abundance of exceptional weapons.

“Oh, then may I make one more request?”

“Go ahead.”

Damien casually spoke.

“I’d like to receive a bow.”

“A bow?”

The Marquis shook his head in response to the unexpected request.

Damien explained nonchalantly, “I need it for my younger brother’s wedding.”

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader -Kawaii]

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!