Published at 7th of June 2024 05:31:28 AM

Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Chapter 35: The Return (1)

The feast lasted all night.

The soldiers were strewn across the plain in a drunken stupor. Fortunately, the weather was hot enough to prevent any major problems.

As the day dawned, both Duke and Marquis began to prepare to return home.

“Elder Brother, please stop by our house sometime.”

Michael Ryan Bloom grabbed Damien’s hand and urged him on.

“You have to stop by, okay? You have to.”

“Okay, now let go of me.......”

Only after Damien assured him that he would visit was he released.

The convoy back to the Duke’s estate set off.


Upon returning to the duchy, Damien immediately informed the Duke of his intention to leave.

“Already leaving?” the Duke asked, widening his eyes. Damien bowed his head and spoke.

“To leave so suddenly... I’m in the midst of preparing for the festival. Can’t you wait until then?”

The Duke had no intention of ending the celebration he had thrown in the plains as a congratulations.

He had planned to hold a festival to announce it to the world. The Duke Goldpixie had defeated the Marquis Ryan Bloom in a duel.

“I’ve been away for too long. My family must be worried, so I want to return quickly.”

The Duke looked at Damien with a disappointed expression.

“If that’s your wish, I suppose I can’t help it. Instead, wait just for today. I need to choose a knight to escort you.”RreAd lateSt chapters at nô(v)e/l/bin/.c/o/m Only

“Escort?” Damien asked with a face questioning why such a useless thing was being prepared.

“I know very well that you’re skilled. However, the situation is getting complicated. Ernest Horowitz, the middle-class knight, has disappeared.”

The Duke said, clicking his tongue briefly.

“Is that really true?”

“Yes, I don’t know why he disappeared... As you know, Ernest Horowitz was particularly close to Chelsea.”

As the Duke said, Ernest Horowitz was on the side of Chelsea Goldpixie.

He was not punished because he had no idea that Chelsea Goldpixie was collaborating with a dark mage, but many in the duchy did not believe him.

“Ernest Horowitz may attack the duchy. It doesn’t matter to me since Sir Karl Heimlich protects me, but others don’t have the same luxury.”

Mid-classes were classified as strategic weapons because of their immense power.

Such a being targeting the duchy? It could truly be considered an emergency.

“Perhaps he might attack you. The downfall of Chelsea Goldpixie started with you.”

“So, are you trying to assign a guard to me?”

“That’s right. It might not be pleasant, but have an escort until you reach your hometown.”

In truth, an escort was unnecessary. Middle-class knight like Ernest Horowitz, Damien could handle things alone.

However, externally, Damien was known as a low-class. It was necessary to conceal his abilities.

“I appreciate your consideration, Your Excellency.”

He accepted the Duke’s favor.


The next day, Damien came to the castle’s inner gate.

“Oh, have you come?”

Within the inner gate, the Duke awaited Damien along with Karl Heimlich.

“Come and meet them. These are the men who will escort you..”

The Duke pointed to those who had been waiting.

Three knights and ten soldiers stood ready.

Damien scrutinized the faces of the knights, recognizing a familiar one.

“Hmm? Who’s this? Sir Sebastian Vincenzo, isn’t it?”

As Damien identified him, Sebastian Vincenzo’s expression crumpled.

The two had a far-from-friendly history. On the day of their duel, Sebastian Vincenzo had strategically involved his child, resulting in a humiliating defeat.

“All the other mid-classes are currently on missions. Sebastian was the only one available,” the Duke explained.

He couldn’t be oblivious to the tension between them, but the urgency of the situation seemed to mandate entrusting Damien’s protection to Sebastian.

“Sebastian, take good care of Damien.”

“Yes, Your Excellency. I will protect him with my life if necessary.”

Sebastian Vincenzo placed a fist over his heart and pledged.

“Safe travels.”

Damien extended his hand.

“Do your best,” he added.

Sebastian Vincenzo, though visibly displeased, reluctantly shook Damien’s hand, acknowledging the unavoidable circumstances.


“I will never let Lady Chelsea’s death go unanswered. I will kill Damien Haksen, the ones who interrogated Lady Chelsea, and, finally, the Duke.”

Sebastian Vincenzo looked at Ernest Horowitz with an incredulous expression.

“You’re going to murder his Excellency? You’re truly out of your mind.”

“Yes, I am. I haven’t been in my right mind since the day Lady Chelsea was brutally murdered.”

Ernest Horowitz let out a low laugh.

“Sebastian Vincenzo, I won’t beat around the bush. Give Damien Haksen. Then I will spare your life.”

“Arrogant words. Do you think someone like you can spare anyone?”

Sebastian Vincenzo exerted his aura.

A tremendous force spread in all directions. The sounds of beasts and insects from the forest instantly ceased.

“Arrogant, you say... Yes, you’re right. Sebastian Vincenzo, you were stronger than me. That’s why I prepared.”

Ernest Horowitz took off his cloak, revealing a bizarre scene.

Dark magic circles were inscribed all over Ernest Horowitz’s body. Dark mana stones were embedded in various places of the circles.

But that wasn’t all. Despite being concealed by tattoos, traces of surgeries were evident all over the body.

Sebastian Vincenzo, seeing this, exclaimed in astonishment.

“Could it be that you dabbled in dark magic?”

“Yes, I couldn’t handle the Duke alone, so I sought a bit of assistance.”

A wry smile appeared at the corner of Ernest Horowitz’s mouth.

“Like Guillaume Blackwing, I underwent the same procedures. In exchange for depleting my life force, I gained vast aura and physical abilities.”

Ernest Horowitz unleashed his aura.

A dark-colored aura surged into the sky like intermittent eruptions. The surrounding trees shook violently due to the immense amount of mana.

“Open your eyes and see what power I’ve acquired!”

Ernest Horowitz struck the ground forcefully, thrusting his spear toward Sebastian.

Sebastian Vincenzo quickly lifted his sword to parry the incoming spear.

At the moment of impact, Sebastian’s body was forced backward.


Sebastian Vincenzo exerted force into his legs. His retreating body barely came to a stop.

Sebastian Vincenzo looked incredulously at his hand.

With just one collision, his palm was torn apart.

It was a shocking display of speed and strength.

“Why? Surprised? Something seems wrong?”

Ernest Horowitz shouted with a face full of ecstasy.

“You should have heeded my warning! I said I wouldn’t kill you if you just released Damien Haksen!”

Ernest Horowitz shouted as he thrust the spear again.

A crimson aura, like fresh blood, emanated from the spear. The aura turned into a storm, engulfing Sebastian Vincenzo.

Sebastian Vincenzo hastily moved aside. All the trees and rocks behind him were sliced into pieces.

Sebastian Vincenzo looked at the path the storm had passed.

A portion of the forest had transformed into a plain.

Seeing this, Sebastian’s face stiffened.

“What are you staring at? Run, everyone!”

The knights of the Duke hesitated at Sebastian’s words. They were torn between following the order or assisting Sebastian.

“You fools! Your presence won’t make a difference! So, go to the Duke and ask for help!”

Sebastian Vincenzo shouted vehemently. Still, the knights couldn’t easily make a decision.

“Understood! We will call for help, so please hold on for a little longer!”

At that moment, Damien shouted.

Damien turned and fled. Only then did the other knights follow suit.

Damien and the knights distanced themselves. In response, Ernest Horowitz scoffed and said,

“Do you really think you can stop me?”

Sebastian Vincenzo, with a sneer on his face, retorted,

“Who said anything about stopping you? I plan to kill you right here.”

“Oh, such remarkable confidence. Let’s see if that’s possible as we go along... By the way, do you think I came here alone?”

At that remark, Sebastian Vincenzo’s pupils widened.

“You... Surely...”

“Dark mages are lurking nearby. Damien Haksen won’t be able to go far.”

Anger flashed in Sebastian Vincenzo’s eyes.

“You, bastard!”

Sebastian Vincenzo charged at Ernest Horowitz.

In the darkening forest, the two mid-class knights collided.

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader -Kawaii]

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!