Published at 7th of June 2024 05:31:27 AM

Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Chapter:36 The Return (2)


Damien shouted to the soldiers, “Drop your baggage and mount the horses immediately! We need to leave this place!”

Startled by the sudden noise, the soldiers hastily obeyed Damien’s command.

“Knights, mount your horses as well,” Damien directed towards the two knights.

However, one of the knights hesitated and spoke, “Sir Damien, going to aid Sir Sebastian even now might be...”

Damien struck the knight across the face, leaving him dumbfounded.

“Would meddling in a duel between mid-classes with a low-class like yourself be of any help? It would only be a hindrance.”

“But, sir...”

“Stop the nonsense and get on the horses. Do you intend to let all the soldiers here die?”

Fear seized all the soldiers, and the knight who observed their trepidation nodded solemnly.

“...Understood. Let’s go.”

“Where are you heading?” an unfamiliar voice interrupted. The knights turned in surprise.

A middle-aged man and a woman stood a bit away. While the man appeared ordinary, the woman possessed an astonishing beauty.

However, the soldiers paid little attention to the woman’s appearance. It was the mysterious unease emanating from the pair that unsettled them.

“Who are you?” Damien inquired, facing the two. The man chuckled and responded, “Seems like a question we’re not inclined to answer. We’d rather keep our identity secret.”

The middle-aged man raised his voice.

“Our objective is Damien Haksen. We won’t harm the others if you hand over him and leave peacefully.”

Upon hearing this, the knights shouted without hesitation, “Nonsense! Do you think we would listen to the likes of you? Sir Damien Haksen is a benefactor of the Duke! Do you think we would abandon a benefactor?”

The middle-aged man sneered at the knights’ response.

“So, this is what knights are like... They need a clear display of their inferiority to come to

their senses.”

With a gesture, the middle-aged man spread his hands, releasing dark mana that flowed down his arms. The tendrils of dark magic meticulously formed intricate runes on the exposed skin outside his clothes.

Woo! Woo!

With eerie sounds, the man’s body began to contort, bones and muscles growing rapidly. In an instant, his once ordinary body transformed into a giant exceeding three meters. His skin turned entirely crimson, resembling not human flesh but the hide of a monstrous creature.

Most peculiar were the four tentacles protruding from the man’s back. Thick as tree trunks and covered in scales, they presented a gruesome sight.

The transformed man’s appearance was horrific, akin to a demon crawling up from hell.

“...Berserk Sect.”

One of the knights murmured with a terrified expression. The Berserk Sect referred to individuals who utilized their bodies as conduits for dark magic.

The dark magic wielded by the Berserk Sect surpassed mere body enhancement; it triggered profound transformations. The altered physique could manifest abilities surpassing those of humans, reaching levels comparable to monsters.

The Berserk Sect was renowned for possessing the highest combat capabilities among dark magic factions.

“Can you now feel the gap between us?”

The extent of the transformation indicated the man’s proficiency in Berserk Arts. The middle-aged man had created entirely new sections on his body, evidence of being an advanced practitioner.

In the realm of knights, a high-ranking Berserk Arts practitioner would be on par with a mid-class level expert. Faced with such a formidable opponent, the odds were overwhelmingly against the three low-class knights.

“As a final offer, I suggest you abandon Damien Haksen and leave. I will spare those who choose to flee.”

The faces of the two knights turned pale. Their hands, holding the swords, trembled.

“...Sir Damien, we will help.”

“If you give the command, we will strike.”

Despite the situation, they didn’t choose to flee. Instead, their determination ignited.

“If I had disclosed it, wouldn’t you all have just fled? That’s why I deliberately concealed it. So that you would come to kill me.”

The middle-aged man added with a face that showed complete incomprehension,

“Why did you drag us into this? What’s your hidden agenda?”

“No hidden agenda. I just want to kill you with my own hands.”

Damien hates dark mages. He couldn’t get enough of them without destroying them whenever he saw them.

Moreover, the Yulan was a faction of black mages who had attempted to meddle with his home.

“Now that all the curiosity is satisfied, let’s stop wasting time. I need to quickly kill you and go to aid Sebastian Vincenzo.”

According to Damien’s calculations, Sebastian Vincenzo wouldn’t die easily. However, there was no room for complacency; one never knew what unexpected events could occur during battle.

“I understand very well that you’re a madman.”

The middle-aged man said with an absurd expression.

“Anyway, my decision to kill you was not wrong. We can’t afford to let someone who knows our identity live.”

A cruel smile appeared on the middle-aged man’s lips.

“Formally introduce yourself. I’m Mustang Fury, the leader of Yulan. That over there is our vice-leader, Rebecca.”

Damien’s gaze changed slightly. While he knew about Yulan, he hadn’t expected them to have a leader and a vice-leader.

Considering the risky plan of taking down the Duke Goldpixie, it was only natural that they had prominent figures leading the charge.

“To preemptively block such a dangerous person. This must be the grace of the great Archlich, nothing else.”

Damien’s body tensed as he heard ‘Archlich’. He asked reflexively.

“Archlich? Dorugo?”

This time, Mustang Fury’s pupils widened at the mention of that name.”

“How do you know his name...”

With a snap, his mouth closed.

Without anyone touching him, his muscles contracted, and his mouth shut involuntarily.


He tried to open his mouth, but words wouldn’t come out.

As Mustang Fury, he couldn’t help but be bewildered.

His body had defied the owner’s will and moved on its own.

“Ah, what’s happening?”

At the voice, Mustang Fury looked at Damien.

Only then did Mustang Fury understand why his mouth had closed.

The atmosphere had changed.

Until just now, Damien had consistently acted calmly and leisurely.

But now, it was different.

Behind the pupils staring at Mustang Fury, an intense aura of hostility emanated.

The concentration was so thick that it was hard to meet his gaze directly.

It felt as if he were pushing his face close to a giant pit of fire.

Unconsciously, Mustang Fury found himself breathing heavily.

Every muscle in his body stiffened. If he didn’t consciously breathe, it felt like his breath would stop.

“Were you a subordinate of Dorugo?”

A smile appeared at the corner of Damien’s mouth.

A sense of exhilaration emerged within the immense hostility.

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader -Kawaii]

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!