Published at 7th of June 2024 05:31:24 AM

Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Chapter 38: Cleanup(1)


Damien reclaims the Blackness.

The shadow that had covered the sky was dispelled in an instant. The night sky returned to its original state.

Damien approached the thick blood puddle left on the ground.

The power of Blackness was truly formidable.

Even the dark mages of the 7th class, true to their name, lost their lives without a chance to resist.

Not only their bodies but also their clothes and belongings disintegrated completely.

Damien raised his head and looked into the empty air.

The dark mana that had nowhere to go because of its wielder’s death was swirling in the air.

Both being high-ranking dark mages of the 7th class, the amount of dark mana was staggering.

He absorbed all the dark mana and stored it in his bracelet. A tremendous amount of dark mana was now stored in the bracelet.

Judging by it, it seemed to be about five times the dark magic he obtained by killing Akitora.

“Ah, I forgot to ask about Dorugo.”

Being dead didn’t mean there was no way to find out about Dorugo.

In fact, there was even more information that could be extracted after death.

But Damien preferred to use something other than that method.

“Well, it can’t be helped.”

Damien stopped in front of the puddle. Something vague was sucked out of the two puddles.

Gray smoke-like orbs slowly took shape on Damien’s palm.



The two orbs emitted horrifying screams.

These two entities were none other than the souls of Mustang Fury and Rebecca.

Controlling souls was one of the greatest atrocities committed by dark mages.

Dark mages utilized the souls of living beings for various dark magic purposes.

Originally, souls went through the cycle of life and death.

However, a soul utilized in dark magic was entirely consumed after expending all its power.

It signified the complete disappearance of a human being.

That’s why Damien hesitated to use this method.

However, after extracting the souls, he felt no particular guilt.

Perhaps it was because they were the souls of abominable dark mages.

“I have to extract everything you know.”

Damien forcefully extracted the memories held by the two souls using dark magic.

-Ahh! Nooo!

-S-stop! Please, nooo!

The two souls writhed in agony, but Damien did not stop.

The memories held by the two souls streamed into Damien’s mind.

“I am Dorugo, The Archlich.”

Within that moment, he once again encountered the countenance he vehemently despised.

“You’ve likely heard of me. Most of the dark magic you’re familiar with has passed through my hands.”

Seeing Dorugo’s visage reignited the rage within Damien, but he forcefully suppressed it.

‘Now is not the time to express anger; I need information about Dorugo.’

“I’ve been observing your activities for a considerable period. Your skills are truly commendable. I have a task that I entrust to you.”

“I aspire to establish an empire for dark mages, offering a sanctuary for those persecuted. That is my goal.”

Upon hearing this, Damien couldn’t help but burst into laughter.

“An empire for dark mages? What a load of bullshit.”

Archlich Dorugo’s goal was the extinction of humanity, and dark mages were no exception.

Dorugo had used dark mages during the war, only to kill them all in the end.

“To achieve my goal, it is necessary to weaken the power of each country. So, go to the Apple Kingdom and sow chaos between them.”

The meeting between the dark mages of Yulan and Dorugo ended there.

Although it was a one-time meeting, Mustang Fury and Rebecca diligently proceeded to carry out Dorugo’s command.

Their targeting of Duke Goldpixie was also part of that mission.

That’s why he couldn’t kill Sebastian Vincenzo so far.

“Still not coming to your senses?”

Ernest Horowitz’s face turned vicious.

Ernst adjusted his posture, and a red aura gathered at the tip of his spear.

Seeing the aura, Sebastian Vincenzo made up his mind.

He was okay with dying here. But even in death, he intended to take Ernst Horowitz with him.

Sebastian Vincenzo gathered his aura.

In a single stroke of the sword, he poured all his determination and skills.

In the darkness, Sebastian Vincenzo’s aura shone brightly.

“You’re trying hard. But it’s futile.”

Ernst Horowitz spoke with a sneer.

That’s when it happened.


Suddenly, Ernst Horowitz made a gasping sound.


As if that wasn’t enough, he began to convulse.

Ernst Horowitz threw away his spear and tore at his body with his fingers.


A thick smoke began to billow from the orifices in his face.

Sebastian Vincenzo recognized it immediately.

Dark magic.

“No......! Noooo!”

Ernst Horowitz’s muscles withered, and his hair turned white as the dark mana drained from him.

In the blink of an eye, Ernst Horowitz transformed into an old man and collapsed to the ground.

“Hmph, hmph, hmph.”

Sebastian Vincenzo’s eyes widened as he observed Ernst Horowitz, who was breathing heavily.

“Did he... survive?”


As the day began to brighten, the reinforcements sent from the Duke’s castle arrived.

Surprisingly, there were two mid-class knights and a staggering five low-class knights among them.

Witnessing the utterly devastated forest, those who arrived were rendered speechless.

Even more remarkable was the fact that not a single person had perished in this onslaught.

Sebastian Vincenzo was severely injured but not in a life-threatening condition. On the contrary, Damien was unharmed. On top of that, he had even managed to kill two dark mages.

“How on earth did you manage to kill those two? According to the knights, they were not ordinary dark mages.”

Two mid-class knights approached Damien and inquired.

Damien casually replied, “I just dodged appropriately and slit their throats.”

The knights glanced at the devastated forest, skeptical of evading such powerful dark magic.

“Evaded this level of destruction?” one of the middle-class knight asked, giving a doubtful glance.

“The power was strong, but their skill was lacking. Perhaps they enhanced their power using some method.”

The two mid-class knights nodded in agreement.

Dark mages often increased the potency of their dark magic through dubious means, but the gained power wasn’t usually stable. It came with drawbacks like slow casting speed or low activation probability.

“I can’t see the corpses of the dark mages.”

“Do you see those two puddles over there? Those are the bodies. After slitting their throats, the bodies suddenly melted away.”

Dark mages often concealed themselves in such a way due to their many secrets.

Still, one of the mid-class members found it hard to believe.

“You may be skilled, but... How did you evade such large-scale dark magic?”

“Oh, you really have to see it to believe it.”

Damien disappeared before their eyes and reappeared behind a knight.

The movement was so fast that even a middle-class would have to concentrate to see it.

Seeing this, the knight reluctantly accepts Damien’s explanation.

“Truly remarkable. How on earth do you possess such skills at such a young age?”

To the knight’s inquiry, Damien casually responded, “I’m a genius.”

The knight gazed at Damien, his face adorned with a dumbfounded expression.

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!