Published at 7th of June 2024 05:31:12 AM

Chapter 47

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Chapter 47

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Chapter 47: Banquet(2)


“It was truly an entertaining story.”

Earl Copperhead said with a very satisfied expression as Damien’s story came to an end.

“Sorry, but I need to step out for a moment.”

The Earl added, looking somewhat embarrassed. It seemed like he had consumed a lot of alcohol, judging by the signals.

Earl Copperhead briskly walked out of the tent, giving Damien a chance to catch his breath for a moment.

‘I’m tired.’

Damien thought to himself, not accustomed to entertaining others in this manner.

If it weren’t for Abel, he might have left abruptly, even if the individual in question had been a king instead of an Earl.

“But is this guy doing well?”

Damien glanced toward where Abel was.

“I really want to see Viscount Haksen’s wheat fields.”

“Oh, um, really? Well, then, in the autumn, would it be alright if I extend an invitation...”

“I’d be delighted.”

Olivia responded, her face adorned with a blush.

It seemed that Damien’s efforts were not in vain; the relationship was progressing quite well.

‘Yeah, he’s doing well,’ Damien thought.

The bond between Abel and Olivia swiftly grew strong, and even the major obstacle, Earl Copperhead’s favor, was gained.

So far, everything was unfolding smoothly.all new stories at nove/lbi/n(.)com

“When I visit the Viscount and Viscountess Haksen, I shall be sure to pay my respects to them, and what kind of gifts do they like?”

“Oh, you don’t have to worry about that. Your visit alone will make them happy,” Abel assured with a pleased expression, and Damien watched the two with a contented face.


Sofia couldn’t take her eyes off Damien, who was seated next to Earl Copperhead.

‘A bow made by Auguste? He didn’t give me anything, yet he casually presents something so valuable?’ she thought, irritated. The bow crafted by Auguste was an impressive item, evident from Earl Copperhead promptly seating it beside him.

But that was not the real reason for her irritation.

‘I thought you had a small grudge against me?’ Sofia doubted Damien’s feelings toward her.

Her conviction was now wavering.

‘That’s why it looks like you’ve come to ...... to woo Olivia.,’ she thought, filled with jealousy.

Sofia shot a jealous gaze towards Olivia Copperhead.

‘What’s so beautiful about her... well, she is pretty...’ Despite her jealousy, Sofia couldn’t deny that Olivia Copperhead was indeed beautiful, not just in appearance but also with the powerful background of being the daughter of Earl Copperhead.

‘But my body is better,’ Sofia thought, looking down at herself. In contrast to Olivia’s blandness, Sofia exuded a sensual presence.

[PR note- WTF, ‘my body is better’. Whore + Delusional]

Sofia’s jealousy became palpable as Earl Copperhead excused himself, leaving Damien alone. Damien silently observed Abel Haksen and Olivia Copperhead.

‘Why doesn’t he talk to Olivia Copperhead?’ Sofia wondered, sensing a distance that made proposing to Olivia seem unlikely.

As Damien remained silent, Abel Haksen was growing closer to Olivia.

‘Could it be... he’s trying to match Olivia with his brother instead?’ Sofia pondered, finding her speculation plausible.

‘Phew... was that it? I worried for nothing,’ Sofia sighed with relief. Then, she remembered, ‘No, don’t think useless thoughts. I have Jackson.’

Sofia shook her head in dismissal, but at that moment, her gaze locked with Damien’s.

Damien was precisely staring at Sofia, and in his gaze, Sofia felt her heart unexpectedly racing.

‘Among all these people, he found me...?’ she wondered.

Damien’s clear lingering feelings became evident, and as Sofia acknowledged it, a blush quickly spread across her face.

Ignoring his gaze, Sofia fanned herself, attempting to divert her attention.

‘At least it won’t be a total loss.’

‘If I can manage to suck up the Earl of Copperhead as planned, and have Damien Haksen’s treasure as well.......’

It would be a win-win situation.

‘Damien, you better be prepared,’ Jacques Noiré’s eyes gleamed with a sinister light.


The banquet continued until late at night.

“Well, let’s call it a night for today. Everyone, go back and prepare for tomorrow’s jousting tournament.”

The nobles left the banquet hall and headed to their quarters.

Damien and Abel also made their way to their accommodation. As they reached the tent, Abel immediately flopped onto the bed.


Abel let out a deep sigh, finally feeling relieved.

“Were you that nervous?”

“Of course. I was in front of Lady Olivia, after all.”

Abel replied, lifting his head.

“So, how was it when you met her?”

“She’s truly beautiful... lively... and a delightful person.”

Abel blushed as he spoke. It was evident that he had become even more infatuated with Olivia during their conversation.

“Think about what you’ll talk about tomorrow in advance.”

“What? What do you mean?”

“Aren’t you planning to avoid meeting Olivia tomorrow?”

“I want to meet her, but... tomorrow is the day of the jousting tournament... and there will be a lot of people gathering around her... I don’t think I’ll have a chance to strike up a conversation...”

“Hey, you boring guy. If there’s no opportunity, you have to create one.”

Damien said mockingly.

“Don’t worry. I’ll make sure to create one no matter what.”

At Damien’s confident words, Abel gave a puzzled look.

“You’ll understand when you see it tomorrow.”

In response, Abel sat quietly, observing Damien. Damien smirked.

“You’re telling me you’re not going to tell me? I’m not going to pry that out of you again.......But Thank you, brother.”

Out of the blue, Damien fell silent at Abel’s unexpected words.

“I appreciate you getting a gift for me... and arranging this opportunity... I don’t know how to repay you.”

“Why are you suddenly being so formal? It’s embarrassing... You don’t have to thank me for that. I just did what I had to.”

Abel’s least favorite person in the family was Damien.

Even after seeing the changes in him after the regression, whenever something happened, Abel blamed Damien.

It wasn’t Abel’s fault; it was all because of Damien.

His own foolishness, his sheer pathetic nature—constantly letting his brother down at every turn.

The frustration gnawed at him relentlessly, reaching a point where he simply couldn’t bear it any longer, and led to verbal expressions of discontent.

On the grand scale of bad things, what Damien had done was far worse.

In a previous life, Damien had killed Abel with his own hands.

He could still feel the sensation of slitting Abel’s throat.

“Don’t worry about it. It’s only natural for an older brother to think about his younger brother. So, just focus on proposing to Olivia.”

“Yes, I will do that!”

Abel replied loudly. Damien gave a faint smile.

Looking at Abel’s happy face, Damien felt a sense of forgiveness for his past mistakes, even if just a little.


[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!