Published at 7th of June 2024 05:31:06 AM

Chapter 51

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Chapter 51

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Chapter:51 The Plan(1)


“Did you say it’s a private meeting right now?”

But Jacques Noiré began to walk without answering the question.

As usual, Jacques Noiré didn’t offer any explanation. Jackson sighed and folLowed his master.

They arrived at a tent used by the Earl Copperhead.

As expected of the Earl’s quarters, it was the largest tent, and elite knights stood guard.

“Let’s go in.”

Jacques Noiré headed for the tent. Surprisingly, the knights did not prevent Jacques Noiré from entering.

It meant Jacques Noiré had been here several times before.

Inside, Jacques Noiré sat in a guest chair.

“Master, since when have you been in contact with the Earl?”

Jackson couldn’t contain his suspicion and asked again.

“Two days.”

Jacques Noiré replied briefly. Jackson was deeply shocked by this revelation.

Two days ago was the night of the banquet. In other words, it was before the tournament even began.Nnew n0vel chapters are published on n0v/e(lb)i(n.)co/m

‘He really didn’t trust me...!’

He didn’t know Jacques Noiré’s intentions.

But he knew that to fulfill those intentions, he had to win the tournament.

Jacques Noiré judged that Jackson had no chance of winning and contacted the Earl to achieve his goals in another way.

“Master, what on earth are you thinking? Why do I have to marry Lady Olivia? Please explain even a little...”

It was when Jackson Cutter was pressing for an explanation.

The Earl Copperhead entered the tent. Olivia Copperhead was by his side.

“Sir Jacques, my apologies for keeping you waiting. I had to settle matters regarding the event before coming.”

“No need to worry. We just got here, too.”

Surprisingly, even in front of the Earl, Jacques Noiré spoke casually.

Even more surprising was that the Earl didn’t mind at all.

“...Father, what’s going on here?”

Olivia asked with a confused expression.

“Olivia, I haven’t told you yet. Let me introduce you. He’s Sir Jacques Noiré, and you must have seen him before. And on this side... you must have seen him too. He’s Jackson Cutter, Sir Jacques’s disciple.”

The Earl added with a bright smile.

“We are here today to discuss about marriage between Jackson and you.”


“Don’t talk nonsense!”

Olivia shouted, immediately expressing her resistance.

“I’ve never had a proper conversation with that person! And yet, you’re talking about a marriage proposal?”

Olivia seemed just as clueless as Jackson, not having heard any explanations.

“How can you make such a decision without consulting me even once!”

In response to Olivia’s outcry, the Earl spoke calmly.

“Olivia, don’t misunderstand. You’re the eldest daughter of our family. Your marriage is not something you can decide on your own. It’s for the head of the household to judge and decide.”

“But what right does Father have to judge!”

“Of course, I’m talking about the benefits our family can gain through this marriage.”

Olivia stood still and glared at the Earl.

“...What about Damien Haksen? Weren’t you considering him for me!”

“That’s right. But Sir Jacques has offered much better conditions.”

The Earl turned to Jacques Noiré. Unlike when dealing with his daughter, he had a very gentle expression.

“Sir Jacques has agreed to serve our house as a Middle-class knight if this marriage is finalized. Do you understand, Olivia, what I mean by Middle-class?”

The Earl’s eyes sparkled.

“Among the nobility in the West, only Duke Goldpixie and the Marquis Ryanbloom have the Middle-class knights. Through this marriage, our family can acquire a powerful force like the Middle-class.”

Middle-class Knight.

A strategic weapon that could change the course of the war.

In Earl’s eyes, Damien was no match for Middle-class Knight.

“Damien may be an excellent knight, but at best, he’s only Low-class. There’s no guarantee he’ll ever reach the Middle-class.”

The barrier between the Low-class and Middle-class was extremely high.

The majority of Low-class individuals struggled to surmount the barrier, ultimately remaining Low-class knights until their deaths. Among them were those who were once hailed as geniuses.

“And that’s not all. He even promised to provide our family’s knights with swordsmanship and mana cultivation techniques. He said he would provide those used by the master class.”

Jackson was astonished by this statement.

Jacques Noiré had gathered and researched a vast amount of knowledge to reach the level of a master.

Among them, what he cherished the most were the techniques used or directly created by the master class.

To openly offer things that even he hadn’t shared with his disciple.

“Now do you understand why I accepted this marriage?”

Jacques Noiré truly saw him as nothing more than a tool.

“I... I can’t obey this order.”

Perhaps due to this rebellion, Jackson Cutter spoke through gritted teeth.

“I have Sofia. I can’t abandon Sofia!”

“You’re still attached to a woman who just flutters her tail at the first sign of a better suitor?”

It was the first time.

Jacques Noiré’s words left Jackson speechless.

“Sofia Russell no longer intends to keep her loyalty to you. Are you willing to disobey my orders for such a cheap woman?”


Jackson Cutter’s pupils shook greatly. Jacques Noiré drove the nail in.

“If you reject my proposal, you will never be able to defeat Damien Haksen.”

Jackson hesitated for a moment then asked slowly.

“Was what you said inside true? Is there really a way to defeat Damien Haksen?”

In response to that question, Jacques Noiré nodded.

“Have I ever lied to you?”

“Well... what exactly... What kind of method is possible? O-or are you going to tell me about a secret method to defeat Damien Haksen...”

Jacques Noiré pulled something out of his pocket.

It was an old bracelet made of brass. Besides that, it had no other features or peculiarities.

But for some reason, Jackson Cutter felt a sense of danger when he saw the bracelet.

“This bracelet has the effect of disturbing the enemy’s mana. If used skillfully, it can even induce a mana overload.”

Mana overload.

It was a phenomenon in which the mana in a person’s body escapes their control and runs wild.

During a mana overload, not only does the user experience a massive drain of mana, but the body also sustains severe damage.

As a result, knights who experienced a mana overload lost most of their strength.

“This old bracelet... does it really have such remarkable abilities?”

“However, it’s not an ability you can use recklessly. It requires some of your mana and life force.”

Upon hearing this, Jackson frowned.

The cost was too high. Of course, it could be considered cheap if it meant defeating Damien Haksen.

Then suddenly, Jackson remembered.

Bringing about an effect by paying a price. It was like...

“Master, is this bracelet perhaps... dark magic?”

“Don’t talk nonsense.”

Jacques Noiré said in a menacing tone. Jackson sealed his lips shut.

“Choose. Will you accept my proposal, or will you refuse it?”

After deep contemplation, Jackson spoke.

“...I will follow your words, Master.”

“You’ve thought well.”

Jacques Noiré tossed the bracelet to Jackson.

Jackson caught the bracelet and held it close to his chest.

“Tomorrow, wear that bracelet and fight Damien Haksen. If Damien experiences a mana overload...”

Jacques Noiré added firmly.

“Kill him in the name of showing mercy.”


That night.

Olivia Copperhead made a decision.

“...I can’t just stand by like this.”

She had always been manipulated by her father’s orders.

The Earl Copperhead completely ignored Olivia’s wishes and handled everything.

Even this tournament was not what she wanted.

She took out a dagger from the drawer.

The tent was firmly fixed to the ground, making it impossible to lift the fabric except at the entrance.

Olivia used the dagger to tear through the tent and slipped out through the torn opening.

She hurriedly ran, avoiding the gaze of the guards protecting the tent.

She made her way to the tent where Damien was.

Having listened carefully during her conversation with Abel, she knew exactly which tent he was in.

Olivia Copperhead lifted the tent and entered.

“If brother wins, Father will be greatly surprised... Olivia?”

Damien and Abel, who were chatting, were surprised to see Olivia.

Olivia caught her breath, roughened from running, and spoke to the two.

“Sir Damien, someone is targeting your life.”


[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!