Published at 7th of June 2024 05:31:04 AM

Chapter 53

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Chapter 53

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Chapter 53: The Plan(3)


At the appearance of the paladins, the arena fell silent as if icy water had been poured.

The nobles were even more terrified of the Church’s arrival than they were of dark magic.

They knew that when it came to dark magic, the Church would rampage like a mad dog.

“Damn it!”

The first to break the silence was Jackson Cutter.

Realizing there was no good in staying put, Jackson Cutter attempted to flee.

But Damien wouldn’t let go of his wrist.

“Let me go... Ugh!”

As Jackson Cutter attempted to resist, the paladins rushed in.

They forcibly knocked him out with the back of a blade, forcing him off his horse and breaking both his arms.

While Jackson Cutter was being subdued, the one paladin addressed Damien. He was a large, chubby man with a face like a full moon.

“Mr. Damien, it is a pleasure to meet you. I am Thomas, a second-grade paladin of the Church.”

Paladins, unlike regular knights, identified themselves by their grades. A 2nd-grade paladin was equivalent to a mid-class knight.

Damien had sent Victor to contact the Church in a neighboring city last night.

Damien’s message was to dispatch a paladin to the jousting tournament in case any heretics showed up, and he specifically requested someone capable enough to face mid-class knights among them.

[PR note- Heretics are knights or common people who use the power of dark magic through artifacts or similar means.]

Not only did the paladin immediately comply with Damien’s request, but they also sent a force capable of truly rivaling the mid-class.

Thanks to this, it seemed possible to handle the current situation without directly using force.

It was akin to using poison to counter poison.

“Sir Damien was right, there is indeed a filthy heretic.”

Jackson Cutter exclaimed as if throwing a tantrum.

“Who says I’m a heretic? I haven’t done anything wro...!”

One of the paladins struck Jackson Cutter’s mouth with the hilt of his sword, producing a crunching sound.Nnew n0vel chapters are published on n0v/e(lb)i(n.)co/m

“You sure do talk a lot for someone who uses dark magic.”

“Don’t dirty our ears and stay quiet.”

The paladins growled as if they were ready to kill Jackson Cutter at any moment.

Seeing their demeanor, Jackson Cutter visibly cowered.

“But, Mr. Damien, where are the other heretics?”

Damien raised his finger and pointed to the spectator stands.

There sat Jacques Noiré.

“That man is the mid-class heretic I mentioned.”

Jacques Noiré’s expression contorted.

Simultaneously, Thomas rushed towards Jacques Noiré.


When the arena match had just begun, Jacques Noiré didn’t have a care in the world.

The bracelet handed to Jackson Cutter was no ordinary item. It was a notorious dark mage’s painstaking creation.

When Jacques Noiré was Low-class knight, that bracelet saved his life too many times.

If it hadn’t been for the significant drawback of consuming life force and mana, he would have always worn it.

As the arena match began, Damien Haksen started to move.

Watching Damien, who could knock down knights with just one horse, Jacques Noiré felt anticipation.

Jacques Noiré didn’t know what sort of secret treasure Damien had.

But considering Damien raised to the level of low class in just a few months, it must have been something very precious.

By killing Damien today, Jacques Noiré could have both the Earldom of Copperhead and that treasure in his hands.

Truly something to celebrate...

But at that moment, Damien grabbed Jackson Cutter’s wrist, causing the bracelet to shatter.


Dark magic permeated the surroundings thickly.

The unexpected turn of events left Jacques Noiré’s mind in chaos.

But before he could even begin to process the confusion, something even more shocking happened.

The paladins sitting in the spectator stands revealed themselves.


Jacques Noiré could only be astonished. Despite being so close, he hadn’t sensed the presence of the paladins at all.

It wasn’t until the paladins removed their robes that their presence could be felt.

The robes they wore were no ordinary items; they were special relics used during undercover operations by the paladins.

The paladins immediately subdued Jackson Cutter.

Amidst the chaos, Jacques Noiré couldn’t think for a moment.

“That man is the mid-class heretic I mentioned.”

Until Damien pointed toward him.

A paladin rushed towards him. The paladin swung his blade towards Jacques Noiré.

Jacques Noiré instinctively raised his forearm to block the attack.

The clash between the protective gear on his forearm and the blade produced a sharp sound.



The Earl glared at Olivia. Olivia met his gaze nonchalantly.

“Yes, Father. I told him.”

“Olivia! Have you gone mad? Why would you do such a thing...”


Damien kicked the table with his heel. The Earl fell silent again.

“Your Grace, my talk isn’t finished yet.”


“What do you think will happen if I tell the Church that Your Grace attempted to deal with Jacques Noiré?”

The Earl’s face turned pale.

“I-I didn’t know! I truly didn’t! I never thought Jacques Noiré would resort to dark magic...”

“Do you think such excuses will work with the Church?”

The Church had zero tolerance for anything directly or indirectly related to the Dark magic.

Moreover, the Earl was implicated in an attempted murder involving dark magic.

Attempting to claim innocence to the Church would be futile.

“Sir Damien! I’m sorry! I was wrong! Please, don’t report to Church...”

“Even if I don’t say anything, Jackson Cutter will expose everything anyway, and you know how horrible the torture of the Inquisitors is, don’t you?”

As Damien pointed out, the Earl felt all strength drain from his body.

“Your Grace may not know, but I have my own connections within the Church. Defending a single person should be easy.”

Damien spoke with a subtle tone. The Earl’s expression seemed as if he’d met a savior.


“But there are conditions.”

“Sp-Speak! I-I’ll listen to anything!”

Damien raised his fingers one by one.

“First, you must grant my brother and Lady Olivia’s hand in marriage.”

“T-That’s easy enough.”

“Second, declare me the winner of this year’s tournament.”

“T-That’s only natural!”

The first two conditions Damien mentioned were quite easy. But the next one posed a problem.

“Before the year ends, transfer half of your estate to Lady Olivia.”

“That’s preposterous! Half! Are you out of your mind!”

The Earl erupted in anger. In response, Damien’s voice sharpened.

“Then go to the Church and claim your innocence.”

With that warning, the Earl had no choice but to remain silent.

“As compensation for this incident, send 300 gold to the Haksen’s Viscounty .”

“Th-Three hundred gold...”

“For someone who tried to kill me, isn’t that a small price?”

With Damien’s sharp words, the Earl could do nothing but remain silent again.

“What will you do?”

“W-Well, I need to think for a moment...”

“Decide here and now.”

Damien stated firmly. The Earl sighed and said,

“...I’ll comply with all your demands.”

“You’ve made a wise decision.”

Damien stood up. Before leaving the tent, he warned the Earl one last time.

“Your Grace, just in case. If you break our agreement today or continue to delay...”

Damien unleashed his power.

His aura and killing intent engulf the entire tent.

The Earl completely lost his senses to such overwhelming power.

“I will make sure to collect the price personally.”

The Earl’s head nodded slowly.


Damien emerged from the tent with Olivia.

“Are you sure it’ll be okay?” Damien pushed, his face filled with concern.

Last night, Damien had sought Olivia’s agreement to reveal that he had reported the incident.

The price for that was acquiring half of the estate.

With this incident, Olivia was practically estranged from the Earl.

“You don’t have to worry so much. I’m fine,” Olivia said without batting an eye.

“But Father has used me as a tool his whole life. So this time, I’ll use him as mine,” she said, chillingly composed.

Could I accept such a woman as Abel’s companion?

Damien pondered for a moment.

‘Well, Abel has his naive side. It might not be so bad.’

As they walked, someone was running towards them.

“D-Damien... you’re here!”

Sofia Russell spoke, her face on the verge of tears.


[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!