Published at 7th of June 2024 05:30:49 AM

Chapter 61

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Chapter 61

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Chapter 61: The Crusade(2)


Damien stepped out for a duel.

“It suddenly got serious,” said Margata, clenching her fist with a troubled expression.

“Oh, by the way, I’ll let you know in advance. There’s no need to apologize. I didn’t like the behavior of those guys either.”

Margata pointed a finger toward Dionysius, who was preparing for battle.

“They’re just a bunch of assholes. Always picking fights over trivial matters.”

“They’re definitely harboring a grudge because the Black Snow lost to our master.”

“I think so too. Damien, since it’s come to this, show them what you’ve got. Make sure nobody doubts you.”

Damien nodded.

Then, he suddenly thought of something and asked, “Then why didn’t Lady Margata suspect me?”

Even Sanus of the Blinding Pain who held no grudge against the ‘ The Incinerator’ suspected Damien. In contrast, Margata had been trusting him from the beginning.

“Huh? Of course, if Agnes believes in you, then I do too.”

Margata said it nonchalantly.

“Even though Agnes is a bit naive, she’s good at reading people.”


Damien stepped onto the open field for the duel.

Many people had gathered around to watch the duel between the two.

“Are you ready? Prepare yourselves mentally. The consequences of insulting our sect are severe.”

Dionysius said while gripping his spear.

Damien responded with a silent smirk. There was a spark in Dionysius’s eyes.

“Now, are both of you ready?”

Sanus stood between the two, serving as a judge for the duel born out of the conflict between the two factions.

“Since we, the ‘Blinding Pain,’ are here, don’t worry and fight to your heart’s content. Even if your arms and legs are cut off, we’ll reattach them in no time.”

Sanus casually spoke with a smile on his face.

“Let’s begin.”

Sanus raised his hand high and then brought it down.

As soon as the starting declaration was made, Dionysius used his divine power to cover the spear.

Originally, divine power was bright and dazzling, often compared to light. However, Dionysius’s divine power was the opposite. Shades of gray and black mixed like remaining ashes.

‘Mixed Blizzard.’

A sect formed by peoples who awaken the power of coldness, known as the ‘Mixed Blizzard.’

As soon as Dionysius unleashed his divine power, the temperature in the vicinity plummeted. It wasn’t an illusion. Ashen frost started covering the ground.

Simultaneously, a chilling cold pressed against Damien’s entire body, as if he had been left naked in the middle of winter.

‘It seems he has learned how to wield his abilities properly.’

The primary tactic of the ‘Mixed Blizzard’ sect was to create ice shards to pressurize their enemies.

However, it’s a trick to fool enemies, the real weapon of ‘Mixed Blizzard’ is something else.

The chilling effect of the ‘Mixed Blizzard’ drained the warmth from the bodies of nearby enemies, causing their movements to become sluggish and slow.

In the case of Black Snow, a Great Saint, it was enough to freeze enemies who got too close and kill them with its coldness alone.

Dionysius, being a 3rd-grade paladin didn’t possess such abilities.

Nevertheless, he was threatening enough. It would have been challenging for knights of the same level to withstand the chill emitted by him.

For Damien, however, the chill posed little threat. All he had to do was circulate his mana and drive it away.

‘There’s an easier way.’

Damien opened his spatial ring and drew the Holy Sword.

As he pulled out the sword, a dazzling blade was revealed.

“A Holy Sword? How can someone who’s not a paladin possess a Holy Sword?”

“Who on earth gave him the Holy Sword?”

Paladins shouted with an astonished expression on their faces.

Margata and Agnes subtly glanced at each other, but Gamal wouldn’t let it slide.

“Margata! What is that? How can an outsider possess the Holy Sword!”

“Well, there’s no rule against it, is there? The Holy Sword isn’t some extraordinary treasure.”

“If the symbol of the Church isn’t an extraordinary treasure, then what is?”

The unsheathed holy sword emitted divine power. It drove away the coldness invading Damien’s body.

It was one of the abilities of divine power – to protect the owner from all sorts of harmful things. Even with the same divine power, there were no exceptions.

At first, Dionysius didn’t understand why Damien was saying such things.

“If you have any cards left, play them all. That’s the only way others will believe.”

Only after hearing the following words did Dionysius realize the intent behind Damien’s words.

“A guy like you, no matter how many come at me, won’t be enough.”

Strength involuntarily surged into the hand holding the spear. Rage pounded through his mind.

“...If you want to see it, I’ll show you as much as you want!”

Dionysius struck the ground with his spear, simultaneously releasing all his divine power.

Divine power spread in all directions from the ground. Dionysius converted all of it into cold.

Ice spikes erupted from the entire arena, aiming to pierce through Damien Haksen.

Seasonal Technique – Thorny Field.

There was no place to escape. Even if he dodged, a second attack awaited.

Once all the ice spikes emerged, they shattered explosively, scattering cold and shards.

Just as Dionysius was certain of victory, Damien took a step forward.


The Art of Sacrificial Raging Demon Manifestation.

In this mana cultivation technique, besides the method of accumulating mana, several other techniques were written. One of them was temporarily amplifying physical abilities.

The human body structure is inherently lazy. Most athletic abilities are dormant, and one must continuously move the body to gradually awaken these abilities.

However, within The Art of Sacrificial Raging Demon Manifestation, there was a technique that could instantly draw out full athletic abilities and unleash the full power of athleticism in one fell swoop.

That’s not all. With mastery of the technique, it was also possible to enhance physical abilities. Just like Damien now.

Damien manipulated mana according to the principles of The Art of Sacrificial Raging Demon Manifestation. The mana instantly activated the muscles. The body temperature rose sharply, and a pleasant tingling sensation spread throughout the brain.

At that moment, the entire world seemed to move in slow motion.

The flapping wings of a bird flying in the sky leaves swaying in the wind—everything moved slowly.

Damien lifted one foot.

Ice spikes were emerging from the ground, but it was okay. Damien’s movement speed was faster than the rate at which the spikes appeared.

He took a step forward.

The muscles in his lower body exploded. His entire body accelerated. In the blink of an eye, he reached under Dionysius’s nose.

Damien swung the sword down. Dionysius couldn’t even react to Damien’s attack.

The straight-falling sword struck Dionysius’s shoulder.

Damien had already deactivated the aura. Dionysius’s shoulder was protected by chainmail, so the blow didn’t cut him in half.

Instead, the impact shattered his collarbone. His body crumpled downward. His knees bent and touched the ground.


Dionysius blinked his eyes twice. He had no idea what had just happened to him.

“It’s my victory.”

Damien spoke briefly, then sheathed his holy sword and looked at Gamal.

“Do you believe in me now?”

No response came from Gamal.

“Do you believe in me?” Damien raised his voice once more.

Only then did Gamal exhale a deep sigh and answer.

“I believe.”

“Then, you won’t oppose my participation in the crusade?”

“One thing... just one thing I want to ask.”

Gamal asked Damien.

“We paladins participate in the crusade to exterminate dark mages and prove the greatness of the gods. Why are you participating in the crusade?”

The dungeon the Crusaders were to enter was a dark mage’s dungeon. It was a dangerous place to go and filled with potentially life-threatening dangers.

“You’re asking a stupid question.”

Damien replied as if it were obvious.

“Our family’s territory was cursed by the Yulan’s high-ranking member Akitora, who tried to kill our family. Killing just one won’t satisfy my vengeance.”

Damien said sharply.

“So, I’m going to avenge against the others.”

At that answer, Gamal’s pupils slightly widened.

“...Damien Haksen, I welcome your participation.”

Thus, Damien Haksen’s participation in the crusade was confirmed.


[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!