Published at 7th of June 2024 05:30:38 AM

Chapter 69

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Chapter 69

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Chapter 69: The Hunt (1)


The Flesh Golems crumbled into pieces of meat and fell apart. The ground was stained red with blood and flesh.

Corpseplay looked at Damien with a face full of shock.


He began to clap.

“You destroyed my dolls in an instant! I’ve never seen such incredible skill!”

Corpseplay wasn’t at all surprised by the sight of his dolls being destroyed.

“Such incredible talent! You will be the best material for my life!”


Damien’s mouth twisted. It was truly a disgusting word.

Especially from the perspective of Damien, who was turned into a Death Knight by Dorugo.

“Sir Damien... How did you get here...?”

At that moment, Agnes spoke with great effort, raising her head.

“Run... Please... That man... is too dangerous...”

Corpseplay heard Agnes’ voice with a very interested face.

“Are you two very close?”

Corpseplay flicked his finger.

Kite pressed Agnes’s head harder. Agnes groaned.

“His name is Damien? Well then, Damien, I want to ensure you are in the best possible condition when you become my material. So, let’s make a deal. If you wish to save this woman, surrender quietly.”

“Sir Damien... No... Run... quickly...”

Corpseplay flicked his finger again. Kite’s pressure became stronger. Agnes’s groans grew louder.

“I’ll tell you in advance. There’s one more hostage. Would you like to see over there?”

Corpseplay pointed to the side. Margata was being held by the Flesh Golems.

“You’re truly a piece of shit.”

Damien said with an uninteresting face.

“But it’s fortunate. Because you’re a trash that doesn’t exceed expectations.”

Damien raised his head and shouted upwards.

“You two save Margata. I’ll take care of Agnes.”

From the hole that Damien had opened, Gamal and Dionysius came down and moved quickly.

Gamal threw a spear emmating chilling aura. A chilling aura froze all the Flesh Golems.

Dionysius threw a spear next. The flying spear shattered the Flesh Golems into pieces.

The remaining Flesh Golems tried to attack Dionysius and Gamal.

At that moment, Margata, who was now free, summoned blue flames.

The flaming fist exploded the Flesh Golems. As soon as she swung her fist, Margata collapsed, vomiting blood.


Gamal supported Margata. It seemed that she was injured. Margata kept vomiting blood from her mouth.

“Don’t touch my material!”

Corpseplay spat out in anger and tried to command the other Flesh Golems.

At that moment, Damien swung his holy sword.

The sword aura flew towards Corpseplay. Corpseplay shouted desperately.


Kite, who was holding Agnes hostage, stepped in front of the Corpseplay.

The aura hit Kite’s body. But it disappeared without a single scratch.

“Kite! Secure the material!”

Corpseplay’s talent was so great that even Dorugo had to admit it.

The dolls he created with that talent also showed great performance.

When his talent was at its peak, he continued to mass-produce high-class dolls.

But the high-class dolls created by Corpseplay had never won against real high-class opponents.

The power of their bodies, the amount of dark mana they contained, and their bizarre features.

Looking at those things alone, it was clear that they were of high class. But there was one thing missing.

That was skill.

Corpseplay was an expert in flesh golem making, not an expert in skills.

If it were a high-class knight, he could easily see through the dolls’ movements.

A fake that only looks good on the outside.

That was Corpseplay’s doll.

From Damien’s perspective, the dolls made by Corpseplay were nothing more than stiff wooden dolls.

Such low-level attacks could be avoided even with closed eyes.

“I can’t accept this....”

Corpseplay, who was watching his beloved Masterpieces being cut down, muttered in a low voice.

“You’re no longer needed. I won’t use you as materials. Just die.”

Corpseplay raised his hand. Two dolls descended from the dark ceiling.

Surprisingly, the two dolls were floating in mid-air using dark magic.

“Adjustment isn’t complete yet, but it can’t be helped.”

The two dolls spread their hands. A magic circle made of dark magic appeared around them.

Damien looked at the magic circle and recognized the level of the dark mages.

Shockingly, the two dolls were manifesting high-level dark magic.

“Kite. I’ll need your help too.”

The doll that had been protecting Corpseplay stepped forward.

Plates shaped like scales began to wrap around Kite’s skin.

In no time, Kite’s whole body was wrapped in plates. Then, three blades each appeared on his forearms and calves.

Kite emitted dark mana. The mana emitted by Kite alone was much stronger than that of all the Masterpieces combined.

“Isn’t it cool? Kite is the best ‘masterpiece’ I’ve ever made. I prepared him to fight high-class opponents.”

Corpseplay’s face relaxed. He already seemed to be sure of his victory.

Corpseplay had the qualifications for that.

One Doll is his greatest masterpiece.

Two dolls were made by using the bodies of high-level dark mages.

In addition, five other Masterpieces that Corpseplay boasted about.

It was a tremendous force. The reason the crusade had been completely annihilated in their past life was not for nothing.

Perhaps even if there had been no betrayal of Blinding Pain, they still would have been killed.

“You’re having a hard time controlling all your toys.”

Of course, from Damien’s perspective, it was pathetic.

With Damien’s swordsmanship, he could sweep away Kite or anyone else.

But Damien didn’t have the peace of mind right now.

He wanted to suppress Corpseplay as quickly as possible and ask about Dorugo.

He wanted to find out where that skull-faced bastard who ruined his life was, and then he wanted to smash that body into pieces.

The desire for revenge burned within Damien.

“There’s no other way.”

Damien removed the bracelet he was wearing on his wrist.

The dark mana contained in the bracelet was released.


[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!