Published at 7th of June 2024 05:30:35 AM

Chapter 70

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Chapter 70

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Chapter 70: The Hunt (2)


The dark mana released by the bracelet spread in all directions and the entire area was filled with it.

“The member of the crusade has dark mana?”

Even Corpseplay couldn’t help but be shaken by the sight.

Damien was not an ordinary knight, but a helper of the church.

Such a person has dark mana stored?

Moreover, the amount of dark mana was extremely high. It was as much as three high-level dark mages combined.

What was truly surprising was not just the quantity of dark mana, but the fact that Damien was able to control such a vast amount of dark mana all by himself.

Dark mana is usually gained through negative things like death and pain. Since it could easily disperse with a slight mistake, it was much more difficult to handle than ordinary mana.

However, Damien was controlling all that vast amount of dark mana.

“You... What’s your identity?”

For the first time, fear was felt in Corpseplay’s voice.

“My identity? You don’t need to know, trash like you.”

Damien began to use the dark mana.

The dark mana intertwined with each other and began to form a magic circle and an incantation.

“He even uses dark magic...?”

Not only dark mages use dark magic. There were also demons, bizarre monsters, and even some mages who were not dark mages who could use dark magic, although they were rare.

The Corpseplay naturally thought that Damien was a swordsman who used dark magic.

But that was a mistake. Damien was more than that. He was a dark mage himself.

He was even implementing a magic circle and an incantation with dark magic at the same time.

It meant that he did not learn dark magic superficially.

“This crazy...”

Corpseplay broke out in a cold sweat.

Moreover, since it was the first time the Corpseplay had seen a magic circle and an incantation together at the same time he could not know what Damien was preparing with dark magic.

But he could instinctively feel that it was extremely dangerous.

“Block him from completing the dark magic!”

The ‘Masterpieces’ rushed towards Damien.

Generally, the most dangerous situation for a mage is when they are preparing a large-scale magic. This is because they cannot move because they are controlling their magic.

And that was no exception for dark mages. Even if Damien was a great knight, he could not fight with dolls while preparing dark magic.

The judgment of the Corpseplay was shattered the next moment.

Damien moved his left hand. The dark mana in the air gathered and created countless spears.

Creating a spear itself was a simple dark magic. But the other dark magics attached to the spear were different.

Three types of top-class curses, decay, corrosion, and collapse, were attached to the spear blade. The air behind the spear began to compress.

All this dark magic was completed in the blink of an eye.

“Multiple projectiles...?”

A trick that even the highest-level dark mages above the high-level dark mage could not easily do.

The moment Corpseplay recognized the level of dark magic, spears were shot toward the dolls.

The compressed air exploded and pushed the spear. The spears pierced the dolls.

With a roar, the dolls pierced by the spear became a mess. Their whole bodies were shattered and could not move.

Even the dolls that were in good shape were destroyed in an instant because of the curses attached to the spear blade.

“... Attack! Hurry up and stop Damien!”

The Corpseplay shouted evilly. The dolls made by bodies of dark mages had just unleashed their finished dark magic.

The two dolls were originally from the Doom sect.

Dark mages from the Doom sect are famous for using the most destructive dark magics among all practitioners of dark magic.

Demon’s Breath.

A dark magic that turns everything within a certain range into dust.

As the dark mana gathered in the air, it rotated fiercely and created a sphere. It looked like a storm had been compressed.

The two dark magic dolls sent the sphere towards Damien.

At the moment the sphere was about to collide with Damien, he raised his hand.

A runic symbol began to shine on the back of his hand. Instantly, the sphere formed by high-level dark magic disintegrated and the dark mana scattered in all directions.

Damien had dismantled all the dark magic coming towards him.


The Corpseplay thought he was dreaming. Otherwise, such a thing would not have happened.

Even though they had been transformed into dolls and had lost most of their skills, they were still high-level dark mages.

To dismantle the dark magic that high-level dark mages had carefully prepared so easily? Not only that, but he could also move while controlling the dark mana.

“Delrunt the Corpseplay.”

Damien opened his mouth. For a moment, the corpse play wondered if he had ever revealed his name.

“Where is Dorugo?”

However, the question was promptly overshadowed by the following words.

“...How do you know his existence.”

Archlich Dorugo.

He was a savior who taught and set goals for Yulan when they were just a group of ordinary dark mages.

Dorugo thoroughly concealed his identity. Only a tiny fraction of dark mages knew that he even existed.

Eventually, one hypothesis came to the Corpseplay’s mind.

“Could it be...are you also a person who received teachings from him?”

If Damien was a covenantor, everything made sense.

Even the swordsmanship skill at the mid-class level and the dark magic skill beyond the highest rank.

“Yes, a dark mage of this level is rare...But if you’re a covenantor, why did you attack me?”

The Corpseplay’s face was filled with confusion.

“I am also a covenantor like you! A comrade who promised to bring the era of dark mages with Dorugo on the day of the promised...”

Damien flicked his finger. Another chain sprang out and pierced his body.


The Corpseplay screamed in pain. He bowed his head in agony and gasped for breath.

“Answer me. Where is Dorugo?”

“Huh, huh...hehe...”

The Corpseplay let out a strange laughter.

“Why covenantor like you betrayed him...I don’t know...But...I don’t think I’ll tell you even if I do.”

“If not, I’ll kill you and ask your soul.”

“Haha! That’s right. If you’re also a dark mage, you should do that! But, you see, my soul is already sealed!”

Corpseplay’s words made Damien’s eyebrows twitch.

“I’ve sealed my soul so that I can’t reveal anything about him! If you ask me about him, my soul will be destroyed!”

Damien stared at the Corpseplay. Eventually, he licked his lips briefly.

“Really. Crazy motherfucker. Sealing his own soul.”

“Now do you understand? You can’t find out anything from me!”

The Corpseplay shouted loudly. Damien calmly looked at the Corpseplay and said,

“Then I’ll just have to kill you.”

Even though death was imminent, there was no fear on the Corpseplay’s face.

Instead, it was filled with joy. Being able to die for him. It was truly the best situation.

“You’re going to die anyway. Let the deceased have their revenge.”

But the following words made the Corpseplay unable to help but be confused.

“The dead...? What are you talking about...”

Damien raised his finger high. Then, the remaining dark mana began to react.

The dark mana formed a symbol in the air. Soon, strange sounds began to burst out.



It was an incomprehensible sound for humans. Just hearing it made them shiver with cold and goosebumps.

“Can you hear it? It’s the voices of the dead who hate you.”

“Nonsense... There are no dead here!”

“A dark mage like you couldn’t see it. You’re no different from a blind man.”

Damien hadn’t witnessed the resentment of the dead on Corpseplay, but he could still sense it. The grudges of the deceased surrounded him.

Their numbers were in the thousands, but the dark mana of the Corpseplay was too strong to have any effect on him.

But now it was different. Damien was directly lending his strength to the dead.

“No matter how you think about it, this method will bring the most terrible pain.”

The pupils of the Corpseplay widened. He tried to bite its tongue.

But the chains that pierced his body did not allow it.

“No... Don’t... Just kill me...!”

The Corpseplay pleaded with Damien.

As a dark mage, he knew too well what the dead could do to someone they held a grudge against.

“Please, just kill me!”

Thousands of vengeful spirits entered the Corpseplay’s body by chains.

A scream full of despair and pain burst from the Corpseplay’s mouth.


[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!