Published at 7th of June 2024 05:30:23 AM

Chapter 77

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Chapter 77

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Chapter 77: Her (2)


That didn’t mean Veronica Sánchezz was going along with Damien.

“Oh! I feel a presence there! It’s definitely a thief! I’ll find and kill him!”

“It’s almost dinner time. Shall we catch some prey? How about roasted wild boar?”

“I have something to do! It’s a big one! It seems to be coming out soon!”

She tried to run away by giving various reasons. Every time, she was caught by Damien again.

“Why do you keep catching me!”

“Because you’re weak. Who told you to have knowledge about only killing people?”

“What does killing people have to do with me not being able to escape!”

“You’re still rebellious because you haven’t been properly educated.”

“Ahh... No! I’m fine!”

After getting hit a few more times, she became very humble.

The reason Damien took her with him was to definitely rehabilitate her.

‘That’s what the Personality Corrector does. You can’t let your guard down just because you’ve rehabilitated someone.’

The Personality Corrector had also been accompanying criminals for a while, constantly checking to see if he or she was rehabilitated.

‘If rehabilitation not going to work, I should kill her right away.’

While exploring the Longhost Mountains, he continued to observe Veronica.

“Are you telling me to prepare for camping? I can just sleep on tree branches!”

“I was talking about my sleeping place, not yours!”

“That’s your job!”

“It means reflecting on your mistakes while doing your work.”

“I don’t want to! You do it! I won’t...”

Damien raised his club. She ran to prepare for camping.

‘This is quite comfortable.’

Thanks to Veronica, Damien was able to be freed from annoying tasks.


Juan and the mercenaries began preparing for camp.

On one side, they were preparing meals and laying out sleeping bags on the ground.

Juan was in charge of preparing the meals. In addition to the bonfire, he placed an iron pot on it and boiled various ingredients.

He was stirring the thickened vegetables with a ladle.

“Captain, can you give me a moment?”

Bread approached Juan and asked.

“Don’t you see that I’m cooking? Speak here.”

Juan said as he stirred the ingredients with a ladle.

Cooking was all about sincerity. There was no room to leave even for a moment.

“Who is this Victor guy?”

“I don’t know either. It’s our principle not to ask about the personal information of the client.”

There were a few rules among the mercenaries.

One of the most important was that once you’re paid, you’re paid.

It meant not to be curious about the client first.

“Then I’ll change the question. Are knights always so great?”

Bread said with a dreamy face.

“Captain, you’ve experienced it during the day. Everything changed when the Viror gave orders.”

The battle during the day was a fight that Juan’s mercenaries couldn’t win because there were too many thieves.

But as soon as Damien started giving advice, the situation changed.

“That’s not all, He also easily subdued that strange woman.”

Many criminals gathered in the Longhost Mountains.

Among them, the Hedgehog was particularly skilled and was leading a large force by unifying the surrounding thieves.

Especially last year, when two low-class knights who came to suppress the thieves were turned into corpses, it was being passed down among the thieves like a legend.

But Hedgehog was easily killed by that woman.

Even low-level thieves who do not know much about swordsmanship could see the overwhelming difference in skills.

And Damien subdued the woman like a child.

“Captain, since you were a knight trainee, you should know about knights.”

Juan was a knight trainee. He had been trained for about a year, although he was driven out due to lack of talent.

The instructor who taught Juan and the trainees at the time was a junior knight. Sometimes, low-class knights came and taught the trainees.

The low-class knights he saw then...

“There’s no way.”

The knights who taught Juan were just talking nonsense. They were people who disappeared after boasting about themselves, they never taught.

Compared to them, that knight gave necessary advice at the right time.

Just following that advice made their skill improve significantly.

“That knight was a real knight.”NEew stories at no/vel/bi/n(.)com

Juan said briefly, looking down at the iron pot.


The next day, Damien started traveling again.

Unlike yesterday, they didn’t encounter thieves along the way.

“It seems like the rumor that the Hedgehog died has spread.”

Juan said as he climbed the mountain.

“He died with a single blow from that woman, but the Hedgehog was quite notorious in the Longhost Mountains.”

Since a strong guy died, the guys below would take care of themselves.

Thanks to that, Damien reached deep into the Longhost Mountains without fighting once.

He was resting for a moment. Damien sat down and spread out the map.


Damien reached out his hand and said. Then Veronica held out a water bottle as if she had eaten shit.

“You... you treat me like a maid... Do you think I’ll stay still forever...!”

Damien slowly picked up the club he had set aside and she fled in a panic.

Damien sipped the water and examined the map.

He had obtained memories of the hideout from the captain of the mercenaries, but there were many uncertainties. Therefore, he had to keep checking the map.

“Victor, do you think we should go further inside?”


Juan’s expression hardened at Damien’s answer.

“Hmm... Victor, it’s dangerous to go further. The inside is called forbidden and even thieves avoid it.”


“No one who has gone inside has come back alive. Not even knights like the Hedgehog.”

The flesh golem screamed and swung its fist. Veronica shouted at the sight.

“Hey! Be careful! There’s something off about it! My aura isn’t effective!”

Damien avoided the flesh golem’s fist and swung his sword twice. The thick wrist was cut off and fell to the ground.


Veronica was greatly surprised at the sight of the troll’s wrist being cut off with a sword that wasn’t infused with aura.


Since the flesh golem couldn’t feel pain, it didn’t care that its wrist had been cut off and rushed forward.

Damien held his sword with both hands and swung it twice. Two deep gashes crossed on the flesh golem’s torso.

Eventually, the flesh golem’s body split and collapsed to the ground.


Veronica’s mouth gradually fell open at the sight.

“Get some rest.”

After a brief remark, Damien ran towards Juan’s mercenary group.

She stared back and forth between the Flesh Golem and Damien for a long moment.


Damien continued to assist Juan’s mercenary group to exterminate the zombie horde.

He didn’t directly engage but provided advice to the group, helping them gain experience.

After a fierce battle, the group gathered in one place to rest.

“Thanks to you, we’re survived again.”

Juan said while drinking water. If Damien hadn’t given advice again this time, they would have been in a dangerous situation once again.

“But why is that woman so quiet?”

Juan pointed to Veronica and asked. Since the fight with the flesh golem, she had been staring into space without saying a word.

“It seems she has something on her mind.”

Damien said nonchalantly.

“By the way... what exactly are you looking for in the mountains? It doesn’t seem like you’re just looking for simple treasure, considering the undead are involved.”

No matter how taciturn Juan was, he couldn’t help but ask questions in this situation.

Undead were not easily seen monsters. Unlike monsters, they were only created by dark magic.

Damien pondered for a moment.

Although Juan tended to be tight-lipped, it was dangerous to speak honestly in this situation.

In times like these, showing rather than convincing was more effective.

Damien opened a spatial ring. Juan’s eyes widened at the sight of the phenomenon he had never seen before.

“W-what’s that? A-are you, by any chance, a mage?”

“It’s just a magical artifact, calm down.”

Damien took out the Holy Sword from the spatial ring. When he drew the Holy Sword, a bright light burst forth.

Everyone bathed in the light experienced a miraculous surge in their health. Surprised by the phenomenon, Juan said,

“D-Divine power...? A-are you... a paladin?”

“I’m not a paladin. Instead, I received the Holy Sword from the church.”

At Damien’s words, Juan looked at him with a mixture of awe and reverence.

“Now I see, you must be an ally of the church... I understand now why you came to the Longhost Mountains. You came to deal with the undead.”

Juan nodded his head and understood.

“I hope you kept my presence here a secret. It’s a secret mission, you know.”

“I’ll keep it a secret. No one can interfere with the Church’s grand plan.”

Juan crossed his arms and nodded softly.


“I have to go in alone from here.”

As the break was ended, Damien said to the mercenary group.

“What do you mean? We’ll go with you.”

“I’m not telling you to go back. I mean, stay here and wait. It won’t take long, so don’t bother setting up camp.”

Juan hesitated. To such Juan, Damien said,

“It’s a request as a client.”

“...I understand.”

The proper attitude of a mercenary is not to interfere unnecessarily. Juan had no choice but to accept Damien’s request.


Damien approached Veronica. She looked at Damien with a blank face.

“I’ll go in and come back soon. You stay here and guard the mercenaries.”

Veronica nodded. It was a reaction like a broken machine.

Leaving the group behind, Damien entered the valley.

He encountered a few more undead on the way, but it wasn’t a big problem.

Eventually, Damien stopped in front of a cliff.

“It’s definitely here... What was the pattern?”

Damien released a bit of dark mana from the bracelet and drew a few patterns.

Then the cliff disappeared, revealing a large cave.

“I found it.”

Damien entered the cave. As soon as Damien entered, the illusion covered the cave again.


Damien continued to walk deeper into the cave. After a while, a wide hall appeared. In the hall, two flesh golems were bowing their heads.

‘They made more trolls just like the one outside.’

As Damien moved towards the center of the hall, the flesh golems suddenly raised their heads.

-Unauthenticated magic pattern detected.

-Intruder identified. Exclude according to security procedure.

Suddenly, bones and armor fell from the ceiling. The bones intertwined and formed a human skeleton.


Dark magic utilizes human souls by binding them to bones to use as soldiers. It was also a representative of the dark magic of the necromancy sect.

“As expected, the inside is also prepared to deal with intruders.”

Damien was about to draw his sword but put it back and instead opened a spatial ring.

From it, he took out a leather bag and opened it. Inside, pitch-black darkness was writhing.

“Come out.”

Something emerged from the darkness.

An androgynous appearance that was hard to identify the gender.

A petite body that was below average.

A strange atmosphere that felt unfamiliar.

“Miya, let’s see your skills.”

At Damien’s words, Miya laughed fiercely.


[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!