Published at 7th of June 2024 05:30:19 AM

Chapter 78

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Chapter 78

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Chapter 78: The Secret Warehouse (1)


– Kyaa!

With a fox-like cry, Miya rushed at the skeletons and swung her hands.

A frail body with long, slender fingers.

At first glance, Miya appeared to be nothing more than a young girl or boy.

But as her thin fingers struck the skeletons, bones shattered and scattered into pieces.

Miya promptly attacked other skeletons. After a few swings, dozens of skeletons had turned into piles of bones.

– Kyaa! Kyaa!

Miya looked at Damien with a satisfied expression. Damien shook his head vigorously.

– Kyaa?

The pile of bones gathered again and reassembled into skeletons. The reformed skeletons picked up fallen weapons from the ground.

‘That’s the troublesome aspect of skeletons.’

Among necromancy spells, skeletons were considered quite challenging. Unlike zombies, they required souls to be bound.

Once a soul was bound, skeletons operated semi-permanently. Even if destroyed or damaged, they could repair themselves.

‘Disgusting necromancers.’

In Damien’s eyes, he could see souls bound to the bones, supplying dark mana. It was truly a nauseating sight.

– Kyaa!

Miya charged at the skeletons again. The skeletons raised their shields in response.

This time, she used her fists instead of her fingers. Her small fists landed on the skeletons’ heads.

With a crisp sound, the skeletons’ bones completely crumbled. The shattered bones scattered on the ground.

‘She’s got good instincts. She’s figured out how to deal with skeletons instinctively.’

The most effective way to deal with skeletons was to break their bones into small pieces. The smaller the pieces, the weaker their ability to regenerate.

– Kyaa!

Miya moved around, breaking the skeletons. The shattered bones scattered wildly on the ground.

However, there were still many skeletons left. As they fought, the broken skeletons returned to their original form, repeating the cycle.

An endless cycle of fighting.

Yulan didn’t just use skeletons as 1st line of defense in the warehouse for nothing.

‘There’s no end like this. I need to think of another way.’

It was when Damien thought to himself. Suddenly, Miya’s gaze turned toward the ceiling.

There, a flesh golem in the shape of a human held a staff.

Miya slammed against the wall and swiftly reached the flesh golem. With no chance to escape, she kicked the torso, shattering it into pieces.NEew stories at no/vel/bi/n(.)com

Simultaneously, the movements of the skeletons ceased. The dark magic dissipated, and the skeletons returned to bones.

– Kyaa!

Miya descended triumphantly, akin to a fox successful in its hunt.

“Well done.”

Damien praised, to which Miya responded with an even more triumphant expression.

At that moment, a heavy sound reverberated through the ground. The flesh golems guarding the door approached the two.

Since the first line of defense, the skeletons had been breached, the flesh golems began to move.

Upon seeing the flesh golems, Miya’s face turned fierce once again.

“Can you handle them alone?”

He asked Miya and she nodded in response. Lowering her body until her chest touched the ground, she plunged her ten fingers into the earth.

With both hands and feet pushing simultaneously, she shot forward like an arrow.

Arriving in front of the flesh golem’s nose, Miya jumped into the air. With her knee, she struck the flesh golem’s face.

With a dreadful sound, its face completely caved in, and the flesh golem staggered.

As Miya landed on the ground, she wrapped one of the flesh golem’s arms with both hands.

As her body rotated, the flesh golem’s arm twisted and tore off.

However, at the bottom, there was a name that didn’t seem right.

November 1st – Corpse Play: I need to make a masterpiece, but I don’t have enough money, so I’ll take it all.

┗Akitora: Hey, you jerk! What will we do if you take it all?

┗Mustang Fury: Return it when you’re done!

┗Rebecca: Corpseplay! Do you want to be cursed?

Damien clicked his tongue briefly. The reason the warehouse was so empty was because of Corpseplay.

“He’s a totally useless guy.”

He grumbled as he put the remaining things into the spatial ring.

Next, He went to the herb warehouse. However, there were only a few ingredients left here as well.

November 1st – Corpseplay: I need to make a masterpiece, but I don’t have enough ingredients, so I’ll take it all.

┗Akitora: Is this jerk crazy?

┗Mustang Fury: Do you know how much the herbs you took are worth?

┗Rebecca: I’ll really kill you!


He looked at the blackboard with a bewildered expression.

“Still, there must be something left in other places.”

He visited all the other warehouses, but the situation was the same. Corpseplay had taken everything from the warehouses.

“Why did this guy take everything?”

He was bewildered as he headed towards the last “treasure warehouse”.

Once again, there weren’t many items left here either.

December 1st – Corpse Play: Even after using everything I took, it’s still not enough. I need money to make a Nine, so I’ll take everything.

┗Akitora: @#$@#%@$@#.

┗Mustang Fury: %^&$%^#$#.

┗Rebecca: @#%#%#%#.

As he read the message left by Corpseplay, he looked back at Miya. She was shaking her head.

“Nine... that was definitely your old name.”

It made sense that her performance was excessively good.

Since all the treasures collected by Yulan were used to create her, she was able to perform at this level.

“Still, this regeneration ability and blood absorption ability are unbelievable.”

Damien was pondering when...

“Kyaa! Kyaa!”

Miya grabbed Damien’s clothes. There was still one box left in the corner of the warehouse.

Since Corpseplay didn’t take it, it was likely to be an item of little value.

Still, to confirm what it was, Damien approached the box.

ATTENTION:- The item ‘He’ was looking for. Keep it safe until the promised day.


There was only one person Yulan referred to as ‘He’.

He was Dorugo.

It was an item Dorugo wanted. Curious, Damien opened the box.


As soon as he saw what was inside, he couldn’t help but be amazed.

A handle that looked rough, as if it were made of obsidian.

A crossguard that looked like it was entangled with thorns.

A blade that was barely left due to being broken.


The sword Damien used during the Death Knight era was right in front of him.


[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!