Published at 7th of June 2024 05:30:00 AM

Chapter 89

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Chapter 89

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Chapter 89: Reunion (1)


“Sir D-Damien! What on earth are you doing?!”

As soon as the meeting ended, Oliver grabbed Damien and complained.

“Sir Damien help me! I-I couldn’t possibly do such a big task!”

Damien smiled.

“Then why did you say that you couldn’t do it in front of King?”

“H-How could I can say that! Everyone was looking at me with such expectant eyes!”

Oliver protested loudly. But when Damien raised his hand, Oliver stepped back in surprise.

“Still, it’s quite remarkable how the attitudes of the officials have changed, isn’t it?”

Oliver fell silent at Damien’s words. It was also a sign of agreement.

“Didn’t it feel good to see His Majesty pleased?”

Oliver nodded silently.

Oliver was a man who wanted recognition more than anyone else.

Such a person wouldn’t dislike the situation just now.

“There’s nothing to worry about. Just get it done. Then everyone won’t dare to ignore you again.”


It was when Oliver spoke with a lack of energy. An official approached Damien and spoke.

“Sir Damien, His Majesty requests a separate audience with you.”

“I’ll go right away. Your Highness, I’ll see you later.”

Guided by the official, Damien headed to the king’s chamber.

“Sir Damien, what’s going on all of a sudden?”

It seemed that the reason the king summoned Damien was to inquire about Oliver’s situation.

“I know about the Crown Prince very well. He’s not the type to get involved in such matters.”

The king wasn’t reprimanding Damien; there was pure curiosity and concern.

It couldn’t be helped. His son had gotten himself into a risky situation.

“Your Majesty, that’s a misunderstanding.”

Damien said to the king.

“The Crown Prince has a strong desire for recognition. Moreover, he respects his uncle, Alexander, deeply.”

The king listened to Damien’s words in silence.

“So he always wished to contribute to the kingdom like Alexander.”

“So is that why he supported the orc extermination?”

“That’s correct.”

The king pondered for a moment.

“...As a king and as a father, it pleases me to see Oliver taking direct action. I want to help in any way I can. But as you know, Oliver’s position as the Crown Prince is precarious.”

Oliver had lived as a spoiled brat for a long time. King had tried to hide it within the royal family, but it wasn’t perfect. The officials already knew.

“All I can offer is basic support. Doing more would only tarnish Oliver’s reputation.”

The king’s words were correct. Favoring an incompetent Crown Prince could reflect poorly on the king.

“Compared to that, Oliver bears too much risk. If this expedition fails, it could lead to a catastrophe.”

As Damien had seen with his own eyes, Oliver’s position was precarious enough for nobles and officals to openly ridicule.

In such a situation, if he volunteered for the orc extermination and failed? Perhaps the Crown Prince’s position would be in jeopardy.

“Don’t worry. I’m here.”

Damien said nonchalantly. The king found great trust in his indifferent attitude.

“With Sir Damien by his side, I feel reassured. But... I still don’t understand. Why go to such lengths for Oliver?”

The king’s question left Damien in thought.

The reason Damien was helping the prince was for the sake of the family.

In the future, due to rebellion, the king dies and Oliver suddenly ascends to the throne.

“My nephew... That child isn’t trustworthy even with empty words. His conduct is not commendable.”

He continued, oblivious to Damien’s lack of attention.

“At first, everyone tried to change Oliver. Haven’t you heard the saying ‘No fruit under the canopy is without a worm’? But he didn’t change. He always stayed the same.”

Damien didn’t pay much attention to Alexander’s words.

It wasn’t because he trusted Oliver. It was because he believed that if he didn’t listen, he could always resort to using a club again.

“Now, everyone has completely given up on him. There are hardly any people who believe in him anymore. Instead...”

“It seems uncomfortable for Prince Oliver to receive attention.”

Damien interjected. Alexander nodded.

“You suddenly say strange things. Why would he be uncomfortable with that?”

Damien smirked. Alexander thought he hid it well, but Damien had already noticed.

The moment he said those words, Alexander’s eyes trembled slightly.

“I appreciate your concern, but it seems like unnecessary advice.”

With that, Damien stood up. Before leaving the pavilion, he glanced at Liam.

“Sir Liam, I didn’t expect you to be on this side.”

Liam smiled faintly at Damien’s words.

“It’s a choice for the kingdom.”

“In that case, there’s nothing to be done.”

Damien left without further ado.

As Damien disappeared, Alexander clenched the teacup tightly. The cup shattered, turning into dust.

“That arrogant brat.”

Alexander gritted his teeth and muttered.


After that day, notices were posted recruiting troops for the orc extermination.

However, no matter how much time passed, no volunteers showed up.

Even after sending letters in Oliver’s name, it was the same.

Noble families cited various reasons for refusing participation.

“...It seems to be because of my reputation.”

Oliver said with a dejected face.

“The noble families close to the royal family all know how pitifully I’ve been living. So it seems they have no intention of sending troops.”

The fact that the Crown Prince was an asshole was undoubtedly known by nobles and knightly families connected to the royal family.

If the knightly families didn’t come forward, there was nothing Oliver could do.

He could force troops out by invoking the king’s name. But as the king had said, receiving such support would only tarnish Oliver’s reputation.

“W-What should we do? If we can’t even start the expedition like this, and if it ends...”

Oliver’s face turned pale. He already looked fearful of others’ ridicule.

“Well, there’s no helping it.”

“T-That’s right... There’s nothing we can do.”

“I’ll have to sell my name.”


Damien said nonchalantly.

“Put my name on the notice. Damien Haksen is recruiting troops to join in the orc extermination.”

So another line was added to the notice.

And not even two days after Damien’s name was included, a knight led troops and joined the expedition.

“Brother! I’m here!”

Michael Ryanbloom.

The eldest son of Marquis Ryanbloom.

The future Swordmaster had arrived.


[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!