Published at 7th of June 2024 05:29:59 AM

Chapter 90

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Chapter 90

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Chapter 90: Reunion (2)


Damien couldn’t help but stare at Michael with a surprised expression.

“How did you get here?”

Michael held a significant position as the eldest son of Marquis Ryanbloom.

Even though Damien wanted to help, he never expected Michael to come personally.

“My brother requested assistance. How could I just stand by? I dropped everything and came running.”

“Marquis probably tried to stop you.”

” No, He said if I don’t leave, he’d come after me with a sword. Don’t worry about him. Would he really swing a sword at his own son?”

Michael chuckled, making Damien suddenly feel a headache coming on.

“Next time, please contact me immediately if something like this happens again!”

“...Yeah, I’ll make sure to do that.”

Contrary to his words, Damien had no intention of calling Michael again.

If such incidents recurred, it would only worsen his relationship with Marquis Ryanbloom.

“I wanted to bring other knights too... but one was the best I could manage.”

It was a bit disappointing. Knights known for their skill under Marquis Ryanbloom’s command would have been a great help.

“Well, just having you is more than enough.”

But instead of those knights, Michael Ryanbloom came.

One Michael Ryanbloom was worth more than ten other knights.

Moreover, Michael was no longer of low class.

“You’ve risen to the middle class in the meantime.”

“As expected, you noticed right away.”

Michael smiled faintly.

Unlike the last time they met, Michael was now of middle class, not low class.

Considering Michael’s talents, it wasn’t surprising. He was among the top of the master class.

“As for you, sir...”

Michael looked silently at Damien, his pupils trembling slightly.

“...You remain unchanged. Still high and distant.”

Damien responded with a silent smile to Michael’s words.

During their first meeting, Michael had a big misconception that he and Damien were on the same level.

And now, having risen to the middle class, Michael had immediately realized the gap between him and Damien. It was a significant improvement.

As they were having various conversations...

“Damien, guests have arrived.”

The steward came and informed them. With doubts, Damien went outside.

As they reached the castle gates, they could see why the steward referred to them as guests.

Ten knights clad in armor were waiting for Damien.

“Sir Damien, we’ve come to assist you under the orders of Duke Goldpixie!”

Surprisingly, all ten were low-class knights. The duke had sent a formidable force.

“This is much appreciated. I’ll have to thank the duke separately.”

“He’s been feeling a bit disappointed lately as his grace hasn’t been visiting often.”

Damien burst into laughter at the knight’s words.

With two middle-class and ten low-class, they had gathered quite a force.

It was a force to rival any major noble’s. And the two middle-class were none other than Damien and Michael Ryanbloom.

There was enough surplus to not worry about numbers.

Damien was feeling quite satisfied when a soldier approached him with a worried expression.

“Sir Damien, something big has happened.”


“There’s a strange... no, a crazy woman causing a commotion on the streets of the capital. She insists on meeting you and her swordsmanship is so superior that the guards can’t handle her!”

“...A strange woman?”

“Just tell me!”

“Now that we’ve gathered the combatants, we need to develop a concrete plan. We need to secure funding, purchase provisions, and discuss how to reach the operational area.”

In truth, Damien wasn’t well-versed in this field. He only had a rough idea.

“I would like you to handle this task.”


Hesitation flickered across Oliver’s face. It was a natural reaction, as he had never undertaken such a task before.

“...Trust me.”

But Oliver didn’t back down. He didn’t show any signs of worry either.

Damien once again realized the change in Oliver.


So the preparation for the expedition began.

Damien focused on understanding the individual skills of the knights. That way, they could be used effectively in appropriate situations.

“Today’s the day to settle this!”

“Just as we hoped! Don’t even think about running away like yesterday!”

Michael and Veronica had yet to reach a conclusion on the second day. Fighting in the training grounds had become their routine for the past few days.

And Oliver...

“We might need to reselect the route. According to the report from three years ago, it’s difficult to use the main road in this area because wolf packs gather periodically.”

Oliver was handling tasks beyond Damien’s expectations.

The reason Damien entrusted the preparation to Oliver was that he believed Oliver wouldn’t draw too much attention, whether he acted or not.

With many other capable officals around, there wasn’t a pressing need for Oliver to excel.

“Your highness, the Duke Goldpixie has offered to supply all the goods needed for this expedition.”

“With the small number of troops we have, carrying goods would only slow us down. It would be better to get the necessary amount in the villages and towns along the way.”

However, Oliver wasn’t just being led by the officials; he was leading everything himself.

‘I knew he was clever, but I didn’t expect him to be this good.’

In his past life, Oliver had hastily ascended to the throne, resulting in a significant weakening of the Apple Kingdom’s power.

However, viewed differently, it was also a testament to his leadership that he managed the affairs of the kingdom to some extent despite ascending to the throne unprepared.

“Contrary to rumors, His Highness the Crown Prince seems to be quite remarkable.”

To the extent that Michael even said so.

“But when are your fight going to reach a conclusion?”

“Oh! Well, you see...!”

Michael was greatly flustered by Damien’s question.

“Just a bit... Just a bit more, please wait...”

“You told me. The world is vast, and there are quite a few people who can rival me.”

After saying that, Michael spoke with a serious expression.

“But I can’t admit that but such a strange woman is my match.”

With that said, Damien was left speechless this time.

“So, I must win today at all costs!”

Michael spoke with a determined expression.

“Stay strong.”

Damien replied with little interest.


A tapping sound came from the window. When he turned his head, he saw a crow staring at him.


As Damien inspected the crow, he realized that something was tied to his ankle.

Opening the pouch tied to the crow’s ankle revealed a piece of paper.

When he unfolded the paper, a brief line was written on it.

– Midnight Tonight –

And below it was written ‘Green Incense’. As Damien read the words, he smiled quietly.

Finally, he could participate in the auction at the Black Market.


[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!