Published at 7th of June 2024 05:29:54 AM

Chapter 93

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Chapter 93

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Chapter 93: Orc expedition (1)


The sound of hooves pounding the ground echoed incessantly in the ears. The wind brushed past faces and clothing.

The orcs, who were once far away, suddenly drew closer. Damien shouted towards the knights.

“Do not spare a single one!”

“Yes, sir!”

All the knights responded with resounding voices to Damien’s command.

“Wow! Let’s go! Let’s kill them all!”

Except for one, Veronica. She was already excited before swinging her sword.


Michael looked at Veronica with a disapproving face.

Meanwhile, Damien, who was at the forefront, reached the orc group. He immediately swung his holy sword.

The holy sword slashed through the air with a sickening *swoosh*, carving deep into the flesh of the orcs. Blood sprayed in crimson arcs, painting the ground in grotesque patterns as severed heads rolled and lifeless bodies crumpled to the earth, leaving a gruesome scene of carnage in its wake.



With each swing of Damien’s sword, the orcs’ lives were extinguished one by one. He slaughtered the orcs, clearing the way.

“Don’t fall behind! Assist Sir Damien!”

“Haha! Their flesh is so thick, it’s satisfying to cut through!”

Michael and Veronica followed closely behind Damien, providing support.

“Follow Sir Damien’s lead!”

“Strike down these savage monsters!”

Following them, the knights finished off the remaining orcs. The orc group began to split apart.



The orcs sensed danger belatedly but it was too late. Damien and the knights had already broken through to the other side.

Damien pulled the reins and turned the horse’s direction. The knights acted in unison.

Damien and the knights charged towards the orcs again. The orcs wailed upon seeing the approaching enemies.Checkk new novel chapters at novelbin(.)com



Although the first assault briefly faltered their formation, the orcs’ momentum didn’t diminish. If anything, it seemed to strengthen.

“They seem to be well coordinated. The leader must be quite formidable.”

Orcs possessed a characteristic where their combat abilities varied depending on their leader.

Not only did their ferocity increase, but their physical strength also seemed to enhance.


Nothing changed. Damien charged at the orc group again.



The orcs blocked Damien’s path. Their determination not to yield was palpable.

But it was in vain. As Damien swung his holy sword, the orcs fell apart without resistance.


“Haha! Die! Die!”

Michael and Veronica also played their part effectively.

Before the Middle-class knights, the orcs were helpless.

The second breakthrough was much easier than the first. Damien and the knights emerged on the other side of the orc group.

Having been penetrated twice, the orc group was nearly disarrayed. Damien realized it was time to finish them off.

“Disperse! Completely annihilate the orcs...”

A sound of wind splitting was heard. The sound grew rapidly.

Damien raised his holy sword to shield his face. Just then, a hand axe struck the holy sword.

Despite the increased strength from Allecto’s Royal Jelly, his arm trembled uncontrollably.

Damien glanced in the direction where the axe flew. Far off, a particularly large orc was glaring at him.

“You wanna fight me?”

Damien looked at the orc with an amused expression, or rather, at the greatsword the orc held.

The surface of the greatsword shimmered with a constant crimson glow.

“Didn’t expect to encounter an orc warrior here.”

“I have never seen such courageous knights in my life! To mercilessly trample the orc horde with so few in numbers!”

Lord Walnut praised not only Oliver but also the knights.

“In particular, when I saw you swiftly defeat the Orc Warrior in one stroke, I doubted my own eyes! If it’s not too much trouble, I’d like to know your name!”

Looking at Damien, Lord Walnut asked.

“I’m Damien Haksen.”

“Damien Haksen... Could it be... that you killed the Corpseplay alongside the Church...?”

Damien nodded. Lord Walnut’s mouth widened in astonishment. It was as if he might lose his jaw.

“Indeed... As expected... It wasn’t an exaggeration at all! You’re truly remarkable!”

Pointing to the castle gate, Lord Walnut said.

“Come inside quickly! I’ll prepare a banquet today to honor you and the knights!”

At the mention of a banquet, Oliver’s expression brightened instantly.

But soon, he lowered his head with a serious expression.

“We appreciate the suggestion, but we don’t know if there are still some orc left. It seems too early to hold a banquet.”

Standing behind Oliver, Damien couldn’t help but admire.

Until recently, he would have thought of him as nothing more than a trash who would go crazy for alcohol and meat.

“Crown prince’s words are correct. Indeed, you’re wise...”

“More importantly, please explain about the orc horde. When did they appear? What’s their size? The more detailed, the better.”

“Oh, I see. According to what the scouts found...”

While the two were conversing, Damien called Michael and said.

“Michael, have you given the items I requested for distribution among the knights?”

“Oh, are you referring to the antidotes?”

“Yes, distribute them to everyone right away. But is it really necessary?”

Michael asked with a puzzled expression.

Orcs do use poison, but it’s not particularly threatening. Most people didn’t worry about poison; they worried about how to block orcs’ attacks.

“Better to be cautious in advance, isn’t it?”

Damien shrugged. But deep down, he was sure.

‘It’s obvious they’ll spread poison tonight.’

Here, alongside the Monstrum sect, there were also dark mages from the Venom sect.

During his Death Knight days, Damien had witnessed many times how the Venom sect’s dark mages behaved.

The Venom sect was a sect with weak direct combat capabilities. Thus, they pressurized enemies with very cunning tactics in unexpected situations.

“Don’t forget to instruct the knights to patrol the surroundings. If there’s any orc showing even the slightest suspicious movement, track them down and kill them without fail.”


“What? Why have those fuckers arrived already?”

A woman with messy hair, gazing at Walnut Castle from afar, exclaimed incredulously.

“Even if they rushed from Apple Kingdom, it shouldn’t take less than a week, right?”

“It’ll take more...”

The woman, with sunken cheeks due to extreme leanness, said. Her voice was very soft and feeble, almost as if she were sick.

“Ugh! We were planning to smash Walnut Territory before the expedition force arrived and isolate them... But now the plan is ruined from the start!”

The woman with messy hair vented her frustration, punching the air fiercely.

“Geez, I can’t stand it. I’m calling all the kids! I’ll bring them all here and crush those guys to pieces!”

“Noctis, calm down. You just saw it. They’re not ordinary.”

The woman with messy hair, Noctis, said with a frustrated expression.

“Marina! But they’ve ruined the plan completely! If this continues, we’ll get scolded by Sister Leona!”

“No need to worry. Sister Leona sent me to prepare for this kind of emergency.”

Marina lowered the backpack she was carrying on her shoulder. When she opened it, numerous vials filled with suspicious liquids were revealed.

“Sister Leona prepared plenty of poison with the ingredients she gave me. If we use this, those guys won’t stand a chance.”

Noctis reached out curiously towards the vial but withdrew his hand promptly at Marina’s warning.

“If you touch it wrong, your hand might rot away.”

At that, Noctis quickly retracted his hand.

“Noctis, prepare the orcs.”

“Why the orcs?”

Marina whispered something in Noctis’s ear. As the conversation went on, Noctis’s eyes widened.

“Marina, you’re really smart! I’ll prepare them right away!”


[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!