Published at 7th of June 2024 05:29:50 AM

Chapter 96

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Chapter 96

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Chapter 96: Orc expedition (4)


Despite his boiling killing intent, Damien’s mind remained calm.

When facing a chimera, the most important thing is to be vigilant and observe carefully.

A chimera is created by synthesizing multiple monsters. As such, it possessed a variety of abilities.

Therefore, it was dangerous to judge by its appearance alone. This is because you never know when, where, or what kind of ability will pop up.

“......You’re really good at bluffing. But do you know that? There are more than a few kids who died like that!”

Noctis shouted, pointing at Damien with her index finger.

“Yeppi, show him what you’re made of!”

It was a cute name that didn’t match his majestic appearance.


Suddenly, the chimera’s body disappeared. At the same time, a wind blew from the front.

The sudden strong wind shook his head and the hem of his clothes. Damien closed one eye tightly as dust got into his eyes.

At that moment, the chimera suddenly appeared in front of him and waved its hand at Damien.


Even though he had one eye closed, it didn’t matter. Damien easily dodged it, judging the distance.

At that moment, a sense of danger struck him. The moment Damien threw his body back, five long trenches were carved into the ground.

It wasn’t just the ground. The trees behind him were also split and collapsed.

“You’re a good one.”

Damien said, looking at the sight as if it was amusing.

“You can not only turn into wind, but you can also use the wind to create slashes?”

Just now, the chimera didn’t just suddenly appear in front of him. It had moved by turning into the wind.

When it waved its hand, the ground and the forest were turned into a mess at the same time because it turned the wind into slashes and blew them away.

“That’s why I said chimeras are a pain in the ass.”

Neither of those abilities was ordinary. Moreover, it was clear that there were many more abilities hidden than this.

“Now do you see how great our Yeppi is? Yeppi, go get him!”

Noctis gave the order again. The chimera waved its hands frantically.

Every time it waved its hand, a hail of wind slashes poured down. In the blink of an eye, the forest was turned into a mess.

However, Damien didn’t even bat an eye and dodged all the attacks.

“Isn’t this fun?”

On the contrary, he was enjoying himself, smiling brightly.

“Yeppi! What are you doing? That guy keeps dodging!”

Noctis got irritated as Damien continued to dodge the attacks.

“I told you to kill him right now!”

The chimera’s eyes changed. At the same time, the chimera’s body became blurry.


The chimera disappeared, turning into the wind. Soon after, it appeared behind Damien.


It immediately waved its hand. The blade of wind swept over Damien.

Damien dodged the attack by dodging sideways.

When he landed on the ground and raised his head, the chimera was already gone.


This time, the sound came from right behind him. Damien kicked off the ground and soared into the air.NEew stories at no/vel/bi/n(.)com

The chimera’s hand slashed through the air. The blade of wind gouged the ground.


The chimera turned into the wind again. Seeing this, Damien said as if he was bored.

“It looks flashy, but it’s not very effective.”

It was not bad that it could move in a blind spot by turning into wind.

However, there was a problem that it had to return to its original body to attack.

Once you figured that out, it was easy to dodge or block the attacks.

It was nothing compared to a dragon’s breath, but it was powerful enough to turn a city into a sea of flames.

“Good! Good! Who’s the show-off now? You see what happens when you let your guard down? You turn into a charcoal briquette!”

Unlike Noctis, who was already drunk with the joy of victory, Marina was looking at the flames with a tense face.

“No, Noctis!”

Thanks to her, she was able to discover it quickly.

“That, that guy... he’s alive! He’s alive, I tell you!”

She was talking about Damien, who was standing nonchalantly in the flames.

“That’s impossible! That’s the flame of a drake!”

Damien walked out, cutting through the flames. Noctis’s eyes widened in surprise.

“I can even sleep easily in this level of fire.”

Damien said, brushing the ashes off his clothes.

He can easily deal with fire because he had previously absorbed the heart of the fire spirit.

Thanks to that, Damien’s body was now resistant to fire.

“Th, that’s nonsense...”

Damien walked out, cutting through the flames. Noctis and Marina were in a panic.

“Wh, what should we do, Marina...?”

“I, I don’t know! What are we supposed to do with a monster like that...?”

Damien swung his holy sword repeatedly. The concentrated aura created a huge slash.

The first slash cut the chimera in half. The second slash cut through its waist. The third and fourth slashes cut diagonally.

Several lines were drawn on the chimera’s body. Soon, the chimera’s body crumbled into pieces.

“You, you bastard...!”

Noctis’s eyes were bloodshot as she shouted with hatred and screams.

“How dare you! You killed Yeppi? I’ll never let you get away with this... Ugh!”

Damien kicked Noctis in the abdomen as she ran towards him. Noctis was slammed into the tree behind her.

“You, you... I won’t let you get away with this...”

Even so, Noctis couldn’t come to her senses. She lay on the ground and spewed anger at Damien.

“Do you understand...? The grudge for killing our Yeppi! I will definitely! Definitely pay you back... Ugh!”

Damien stabbed Noctis’s fingers with his holy sword. Three fingers were cut off cleanly.

“M, my f, fingers...”

“If you say one more word, I’ll cut off your wrist.”

Damien said in a dry voice. It was even more terrifying because of it. Noctis covered her mouth with his other hand.

Damien pulled out the holy sword stuck in the ground and swung it sideways immediately.


Marina’s left hand was cut off. The severed hand held a bottle containing venom.

“Don’t try anything funny. It’s useless.”

Marina clutched her severed wrist and gasped for breath.

“I have a lot to ask you. I hope you will answer honestly.”

“Wh, who do you think will answer?”

“That’s right. Stop doing something useless and just kill us.”

The two dark mages said with venomous eyes. Damien laughed at their sight.

“Yeah, that’s the way to go. You should be rebellious like that. It’s more fun.”

That way, he could also vent his anger under the pretext of interrogation.

“I just learned a very good technique this time.”

He bought the half-burnt mana technique and manual at the auction house.

It didn’t take long to restore it. When he saw the complete mana technique and manual, he realized that he had obtained a treasure.

The name of the mana technique was Cotton-Lined Forbidden Needle.

It was a mana technique that could manipulate the blood vessels, the path through which mana flows in the body.

Using this, he could train his own blood vessels, or strengthen his blood vessels when exerting a large amount of strength at once.

However, that was not the true use of the Cotton-Lined Forbidden Needle.

It was the fact that he could also manipulate the opponent’s blood vessels. He could block the blood vessels or stimulate them to cause excruciating pain.

“I just needed an experimental subject. You are perfect.”

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!