Published at 7th of June 2024 05:29:48 AM

Chapter 97

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Chapter 97

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Chapter 97: Evidence (1)


Michael swung his sword down, cleaving through the ogre’s head. With that, the last of the ogres was slain. Michael wiped the sweat from his brow and sighed in relief.

Looking around, he saw that the orcs had also been mostly dealt with. The knights were chasing down the remaining orc stragglers.

“One, two, three... four! I got one more than you! So I win, right?”

Veronica spoke with a triumphant smile right next to him. Michael gave her a puzzled look.

“You stole two of my kills! This victory mine.”

“What are you talking about? I still killed more!”

“You have to consider the process. What are you complaining about when you’re stealing someone else’s prey?”

Michael and Veronica glared at each other and growled.

“Whatever. I’m going to go see Damien... no, brother Damien. You can have fun on your own.”

Michael finally managed to shake off Veronica, who was still grumbling in dissatisfaction, and headed towards Damien.

He had been watching even while fighting the ogres. The way Damien fought the chimera.

‘Brother is really amazing.’

Michael also knew a thing or two about chimeras.

One of the most horrific monsters in this world.

Creatures that should never be taken lightly.

The nicknames for the chimera were numerous. That’s how dangerous a monster it was.

Damien had chased down such a monster without any difficulty.

Michael was always confident, but he didn’t think he could do what Damien did.

‘The technique he used to cut down the chimera at the end was especially amazing.’

Originally, the aura was strongest when it was on the sword of the aura. If it was released outside, it was bound to diminish in power.

However, Damien had released the aura and still exerted tremendous power. Michael, who was far away, could feel it.

Michael had no idea how to do that.

‘Now that the subjugation is over, I need to learn a lot from brother.’

The teachings he had received from Damien that day had greatly raised his power very quickly.

Without Damien’s help, he would not have been able to become a middle-class in such a short period of time.

‘Maybe this time, if I learn from brother, I’ll be able to get a clue on how to get to high-class...’

It was while Michael was lost in thought.


A sudden scream broke Michael’s reverie. Michael was startled and quickened his steps.

And he could clearly see the very cruel scene.

A dark mage lying on the ground, screaming in agony.

“P-please stop! Aaaah! Kyaaaah!”

The dark mage’s eyes rolled back and her body trembled.

Michael looked at the sight with a puzzled face.

There was no trace of torture on the dark mage’s body.

But he couldn’t understand why she was in so much pain.

“This shouldn’t be this painful. I still have more to show you.”Aall newest chapters on n.o./velbi/n/(.)com

Damien tapped the woman’s back with his finger. The woman’s eyes widened.

“P-please, just kill me! Kill me... Aaaah! Aaaah!”

Michael, who was watching the dark mage, could not help but be horrified.

As soon as Damien touched her back, her muscles began to squirm like snakes.

It was so obvious that it could be seen with the naked eye. Every time the muscles squirmed, the woman’s screams grew louder.

“Aaaah! Aaaah!”

“It’s not working well. Was that not the way to do it before?”

As Damien tapped the dark mage’s shoulder, a horrible sound of joints twisting could be heard.

Now the dark mage couldn’t even scream properly.

“You kidnapped people and tested poisons?”

“Yes, yes! But, but I didn’t waste test subjects! If they seemed like they were going to die, I somehow saved them and used them again! Really!”

Michael’s face hardened.

In other words, she forcibly saved people and kept using them for poison testing.

Those who became test subjects must have suffered for a long time.

“Michael, do you get it now? All dark mages are like this. They deserve no sympathy.”

At Damien’s words, Michael slowly nodded.

“Then step back. There’s still a lot of information we can squeeze out of these scum.”

As soon as Damien finished speaking, Michael retreated further away.

He understood how terrible dark mages were. But Michael was worried.

The smile that crept onto Damien’s lips while torturing the dark mages wouldn’t leave Michael’s mind.


“Sir Damien, what on earth... are you talking about?”

After returning to Walnut Castle, Damien told Oliver the truth.

“You mean my uncle joined hands with the dark mages... and planned to drive us into a corner by making the expedition fail...?”

“That’s not all. All the incidents that he has solved so far were actually self-directed plays by these dark mages.”

Oliver staggered at the sudden truth.

“W, why... why on earth would he do that? Why...?”

“Don’t you know the answer, Your Highness?”

At Damien’s words, Oliver hardened his expression.

“It’s for the throne... isn’t it?”

Oliver took a deep breath. It seemed that he still couldn’t accept the truth.

“Sir Damien, what should I do?”

“There is only one thing you can do, Your Highness. Expose the truth and expose that traitor in front of the king.”

Oliver’s eyes shook at those words.

Oliver respected his uncle. He admired his charisma and outstanding abilities.

He couldn’t help but hesitate at the thought of having to deal with his family and expose his own uncle’s with his own hands.

“Your Highness, come to your senses. Now is not the time to be conflicted.”

Damien urged Oliver.

“Alexander Apple is a royal who has joined hands with the dark mages. Not only that, he deliberately caused chaos in the kingdom in order to grow his own power. On top of that, he tried to harm you.”

Damien was right. Alexander had crossed the line a long time ago.

It was foolish, to show mercy to such a man.

“......Sir Damien is right. Alexander Apple is nothing but a traitor who caused chaos in the kingdom.”

Oliver looked back at the dark mages. The dark mages were out of their minds due to the long torture.

“I will take them and expose the whole truth.”

Damien smiled with satisfaction at the decisive answer.

“Thank you for making a wise decision. However, we cannot bring down Alexander just like this.”

“What do you mean?”

“Isn’t it possible that Alexander will deny his relationship with the dark mages and claim that we framed him?”

Oliver could only nod at Damien’s words.

“We need more solid evidence or witnesses cut off his breath.”

“What should we do?”

“I happen to have a good plan.”

Damien took something out of his pocket. It was a parchment paper that was old and stained.

“This is a magical tool that the dark mages used to communicate with each other. I figured out how to use it after interrogating them.”

Damien whispered something in Oliver’s ear.

Oliver laughed out loud after hearing the whole story.

“That sounds interesting. I’ll do as Sir Damien says.”


[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!