Published at 7th of June 2024 05:29:47 AM

Chapter 98

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Chapter 98

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Chapter 98: Evidence (2)


Alexander Apple was in his room, listening to the news about the expedition.

A smile never left his lips as he only heard good news.

“Leona, is it true that the expedition is failing too badly?”

“Yes, I received the news from my sisters this morning.”

“Hahaha, that’s good news.”

Leona had a communication tool that only worked with dark magic. Through that tool, he was able to constantly hear the news.

According to the dark mages, the current situation of the expedition was truly a failure.

They charged in thinking there were only orcs, but there were many casualties from the orc warriors.

Thanks to the poison spread in the castle, the knights’ stamina and morale were greatly reduced.

They even recklessly rushed into the forest and were massacred by the ogres.

“When do you think that idiot Oliver will give up the expedition?”

“According to my sisters, it won’t be long. They say it will be within 3 days at the most.”

“Good. Very good.”

Leona’s prediction was accurate. 3 days later, news came that a messenger had arrived at the capital.

The crown prince apologizes. The resistance of the orc group is too strong, and the knights are suffering heavy casualties due to unknown factors.......

The letter contained a long and detailed explanation of his defense, but in short, it meant that the expedition had failed.

“Hahaha, hahaha!”

Alexander was overjoyed when he heard the news. It was the first time he had laughed this long in his life.

“That idiot! He was too greedy and ended up failing!”

“Your Majesty, congratulations. You will finally achieve your wish.”

“It’s all thanks to you and your sisters! I will never forget this favor!”

Alexander Apple prepared to leave for the castle.

He planned to go to the castle as soon as possible to criticize Oliver’s failure and kick him out of the crown prince position.

“Are you going with me?”

“My sisters are on their way back...... I should go to them first.”

“Then come to the castle after you meet up with your sisters! I’ll be waiting!”

Leona left the room before Alexander.

Leona headed to the place her sisters had mentioned in the communication tool.

As she got closer to the place, Leona’s heart swelled with happiness.

Leona had spent a long time with Noctis and Marina. They were friends who shared both joy and sorrow.

Since she had been separated from her sisters for a long time, she planned to spend time with them this time when they reunited.

However, when she arrived at the meeting point, it was not her sisters who were waiting for her.

“You arrived just in time.”

Damien Haksen.

Leona’s mind was confused by the sudden appearance of the uninvited guest.


“You’ve set a trap.”

“You’re smarter than I thought. And quite composed as well. I thought it would take longer for you to come up with an answer.”

Leona took a deep breath. She was still shaken, but she couldn’t show any weakness in front of the enemy. She pretended to be as calm as possible.

“Surely all the communications that have been sent to my sisters until now have been fake?”

“You’re clever.”

Leona felt a sense of dizziness at his words. It meant that they had been playing in the palm of the enemy’s hand from the very beginning.

“When did you know about our existence?”

“I’ve known for quite a while.”

Damien spoke curtly. He didn’t seem like he was going to elaborate, so Leona didn’t ask any further.

“Where are my sisters?”

“Do you want them back? Then you’ll have to answer my questions.”

She bit her lip quietly. She had always been the one doing the threatening. This was the first time she had been threatened herself.

“Ask me anything. But you have to guarantee the safety of my sisters.”

He used the dark mage’s communication tool to spread false information and buy himself time.

His goal was to corner Alexander and the dark mage.

“You must tell Sir Liam Bluegreen first.”

“Trust me. I will surely persuade Lord Liam.”

And when the time came, he sent Oliver Apple to Liam Bluegreen.

“...Why are you here, when you should be fighting the expedition?”

At first, Liam did not welcome his visit.

He was Alexander’s man, even if he was a crown prince. Such a visit could lead to misunderstandings.

However, his expression gradually changed as he listened to the truth that Oliver spoke.

“Don’t talk nonsense. Why would His Majesty Alexander do such a thing!”

Of course, Liam Bluegreen didn’t believe Oliver at first.

Liam Bluegreen didn’t think highly of Oliver in the first place. He thought he was a hopeless good-for-nothing and had given up all hope.

He was only worried about the future of the Apple Kingdom, so he thought that it was okay to deviate from the procedures a little bit.

That’s why he had visited Alexander in the first place.

He had judged that Alexander Apple would be a great king to succeed the king. He thought that he could contribute to the further development of the Apple Kingdom.

So it was unbelievable to him that Alexander had joined hands with the dark mages and caused all sorts of incidents.

“I knew you wouldn’t believe me, so I brought evidence.”

Oliver brought the two dark mages he had captured this time.

Liam’s face hardened at the dark magic he felt from the two men.

“...Are you saying that these two were with the orcs?”

“If you don’t believe me, ask Sir Michael and the other knights.”

A conflict appeared on Liam Bluegreen’s face. He couldn’t decide what to judge.

Oliver told him the last words he heard from Damien.

“If you still haven’t made a decision, please come here. Then you will accept the truth.”

Oliver told Liam Bluegreen the location of Damien.

When Liam arrived, Damien was in the middle of questioning Leona.

“When did you start working with Alexander Apple?”

“...It’s been about 5 years.”

“How did you help Alexander Apple all this time?”

“I didn’t do anything great. It was just a matter of Alexander Apple dealing with the incidents we caused.”

“By repeating that, you raised Alexander Apple’s power and influence.”

Liam felt dizzy as he listened to the conversation between the two.

“It’s a pity to kill you so easily, but... the situation is urgent, so I can’t help it.”

But the situation was not good enough to just stand by and watch. Liam hurriedly threw his sword at the magic circle.

The ground was shattered by the sword filled with mana. The magic circle was obliterated and the manifestation of dark magic was canceled.

Liam landed where the sword was stuck. He pulled out the sword and looked back at Damien.

“Did you send the crown prince to show me this?”

“Yes. It was quite interesting, wasn’t it?”

Liam made a complicated expression at Damien’s words.

“Let’s catch the dark mage and talk first.”

Saying so, Liam looked back at the dark mage. The dark mage’s face distorted.

“You’re going to catch me? Do you think it’s going to be that easy?”

She released a large amount of dark mana. At that moment, Liam’s body disappeared and appeared in front of her.


And he grabbed her chin. He dislocated his jaw so that he couldn’t cast a spell. He completely crushed both hands so that she couldn’t make any sealsl.

“Ahhhhh! Uhaaaa!”

he fell to the ground and writhed in pain. Liam grabbed the back of her neck and knocked her out immediately.

“...What’s the next plan?”

Liam turned to Damien and asked. Damien answered with a nod.

“I plan to go to the royal palace and confront Alexander with his crimes.”


[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!