Rise of the Wasteland - Chapter 310

Published at 29th of August 2018 01:50:03 PM

Chapter 310: 310

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Chapter 310        My Hero

“What are you two doing here?” The tall and big General Federal showed up all of a sudden and snapped.

Shit…. It was the same scene happening again. It was totally the same as the previous time when Zhou Qingfeng held onto Mirta’s arm. On the other hand, Mirta was trying to escape but she could not. They were so close to each other.

Zhou Qingfeng laughed awkwardly and let Mirta go when he saw the angry General Federo. He said, “There’s just a misunderstanding within us.”

“There’s no such thing, you’re just an idiot!” Mirta got rid of Zhou Qingfeng’s hand and walked away. Before she left, she turned and yelled at Zhou Qingfeng, “You wait and see!”

Compared to the elegant and soft Lena Fox, Mirta was completely different. She was straightforward and did not give a damn about everything. General Federo glared at Zhou Qingfeng and went after his wife.

All of a sudden, someone with a ridiculously stupid laugh stopped Mirta. It was Jose. Compared to the past few days, he looked totally refreshed. He shouted excitedly, “Mrs. Mirta, I’ve been looking for you. I’m now officially assigned by Commander Carnell as the President of Cuba. From now on, you’ll be working for me.”

Zhou Qingfeng came out of the waiting room. He saw the scene and immediately realized why Mirta was mad. All her hard work and effort were wasted. She had to work with someone who knew nothing but flattering others. No one would be happy with that!

The moment Jose saw Zhou Qingfeng, he quickly came closer, lowered his head, and said politely, “Mr. Hugo, Commander Carnell is available now, you can meet him now.”

Zhou Qingfeng smiled and did not say anything before he walked away. Mirta was still mad and glared at him. However, Zhou Qingfeng approached her with a smile and whispered to her, “Leave Miami as soon as possible.”

Zhou Qingfeng was very close to Mirta while as he whispered in her ear; the atmosphere was a little flirty. Right after Mirta heard what Zhou Qingfeng had to say, she was shocked. At the same time, General Federo quickly came forward and stood in front of his wife because he was jealous.

“Mirta, don’t be angry about him. Victor was just teasing you, wasn’t he? Don’t worry, I’ll find a chance to get rid of him one day. You already saw that he’s working for Carnell at the moment and we can’t really do anything. But, one day he’s gonna taste his own medicine.”

General Federo was mumbling about Zhou Qingfeng next to Mirta but Mirta was not paying attention at all. Her mind was filled with Zhou Qingfeng’s words - ‘Leave Miami as soon as possible’.

Why was he whispering to me?

Why was he asking me to leave?

What is he trying to tell me?

After Jose sent Zhou Qingfeng to Commander Carnell, he returned to the waiting room. When he passed by and saw the sexy and beautiful Mirta, he could not resist teasing her even though her husband was right beside her.

“Oh my beautiful Mirta, you see, even the Polarlys Legion is working with us, what are you unhappy about? From now on, you’ll be working for me. You’ll be the administrator of San Diego, what do you say?”

Looking at Jose’s hideous laughing face, Mirta was not interested at all. However, when he mentioned the Polarlys Legion, she asked, “Is the Strategy Committee working well with the Polarlys Legion?”

“Of course we are. The first phase of our cooperation has already been drafted. It’ll be implemented next month.” Jose was confident about that.

“So what have you got from the Polarlys Legion so far?”

“Uh…., It’ll need to wait until next month when the trade will start officially. However, you saw the M270 multiple launch rocket system. It’s powerful and we’re very satisfied with it!” Jose was confident and proud of the powerful rocket system.

When Mirta heard that, she stopped hesitating. She quickly walked away while she screamed in her heart, “Little b*stard, he’s doing something crazy. He’s taking the risk. He fought General Santos, got the nuclear battery from Jose and even dared to come to the enemy’s base alone. He’s not someone who would listen to others.”

When everything connected, Mirta found out the truth. Zhou Qingfeng was not even planning to work with the Cubans who occupied Florida. The Strategy Committee only received a rocket system and they were not going to receive anything else.

“We have to leave.” Mirta spoke to her husband seriously after they were out of the town hall.

“Alright, let’s go back to our hotel.” General Federo was not in a good mood too.

Mirta shook her head and said, “No, we’re gonna leave Miami.”

“Leave Miami?” General Federo was confused. Meanwhile, Mirta had already called her driver and said the name of a place which he had never heard before. He asked, “Where are we going?”

“Lago Island. I’ve called the speedboat for us to leave.” Mirta said softly.

“There’s even a speedboat for us to leave?” General Federo was completely astonished. “Are we going back to Guantanamo? Mirta, you have to stop playing with me.”

“I’m not playing around!” Mirta shouted at him. She rushed the driver and continued, “I’m pretty sure Victor Hugo is going to start a fight in Miami. He went straight to the Strategy Committee’s base and I suspect that his target is Carnell.”

“No way. The guards would kill him immediately if something is wrong.” Federo did not agree with Mirta. “I don’t think he’ll take such a huge risk. Mirta. What you said was impossible.”

“Impossible? We’ve heard a lot about Victor Hugo. The most famous thing we’ve heard was about the time when he threw a nuclear shell on himself just to get rid of the enemies. That nuclear shell set off right above him. Nothing is impossible with that man!”

“No way, it’s impossible.” Regardless of what Mirta said, General Federo did not believe her. He refused to leave Miami. He requested for her to go back to the hotel and wait for the next stage of negotiation with the Strategy Committee.

“Idiot, Victor Hugo is so much smarter than you!” Mirta was irritated, “There will be no negotiation, you’ll have nothing. From now on, it’s gonna be a war - a planned war.”

They argued for more than thirty minutes and they were still in Miami. While they were arguing, a few F-16 fighter aircrafts arrived at Miami. A dozen of laser-guided artillery shells were dropped.

Their car was sitting at the Department of the army of the Strategy Committee. The building was completely demolished, a huge hole appeared in the ground and the ground shook. Not needing an order, the driver pushed the accelerator and headed to Lago Island.

The attack was initiated. The entire Miami was like a volcano; it was boiling. The pre-implanted bombs were detonated. A large amount of smog and smoke was produced. The entire city went chaotic.

Looking at the demolished building and the aircraft in the air, General Federo finally believed what Mirta said. He mumbled with blank eyes, “Liar, he lied to everybody, including us.”

On the other hand, Mirta was excited and happy when she saw the aircraft. She was touched and her body was shaking, “A man who’s trying to kill the enemy’s commander by himself. How can I not fall in love with the man who took the risk of divulging his plan to warn me? He’s my hero!”

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!