Rise of the Wasteland - Chapter 32

Published at 18th of March 2018 08:48:07 PM

Chapter 32

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Chapter 32        Charge

This exchange took place at the entrance and exit of the car park of the second level of the basement.

Two of the kidnappers drove a car to use it as an obstacle to block the exit. There was already another man behind the obstacle. He yelled at the other two, “Don’t use those outdated petrol-powered cars, dumbass. Do you wanna burn yourself when we get into the fight? Get those electric cars.”

Two kidnappers drove the car away and a few new electric-powered cars came in one after the other.

After setting up the obstacles, the two kidnappers used the their mouth to suck petrol out of the car. They poured the petrol onto the slope leading to the car park of the third level of the basement. The strong smell of petrol filled the basement and the three kidnappers laughed.

Even though the idea was a little stupid, it seemed to be working. Once a spark was ignited, the oxygen in the three levels of the basement will run out within minutes. No one could survive it.

One of the kidnapper pressed the call button on his phone to call the head of the kidnappers, Locke, “Boss Locke, we have blocked the entrance and exit of the third level of the basement. The next thing to do would be to simply wait for the police to burn to death.”

Dumb Locke said angrily in the phone, “Buck, be careful. I don’t want to hear any more bad news. Should that cop just stay there and not move?”

“Yes,” the kidnapper named Buck was confused. He said, “It sounded as if the police is hitting the wall with a car at the third level of the basement. I didn’t check it out and I’m not entirely sure about the situation.”

“Hitting the wall with a car?” Dumb Locke asked, confused. “Is he crazy?”

“I’m not sure about what he’s doing either,” Buck was unsure too. “It doesn’t matter, we are pouring the petrol into the third level of the basement very quickly. It should be done in half-an-hour.”

Buck turned around and shouted to his two mates, “Hurry up, idiots. Is it that hard to suck out petrol?”

The car park of the basement was not a petrol station. The only way to draw petrol out of the car was to suck it by mouth. It was not that easy. The kidnappers would have petrol all over their mouth if they made a mistake.

Locke, who was in the monitoring room, was still a little worried. He contacted his men again via the wireless phone, “Sean, what’s going on? What is that cop doing at the third level of the basement?”

Sean brought two men with him. They carefully walked down the staircase. When they saw three of their men at the fire exit, they immediately felt weak at their knees.

The fire escape was initially enclosed and dark. The strong smell of blood and the sight of the three corpses made their stomachs lurch.

The worst thing was that one of the kidnapper had his jaw broken, but he was still alive. The unfortunate guy coughed from time to time, and coughed up blood from his lungs.

Looking at their miserable mate, Sean shot him to relieve his pain. When his boss, Locke, asked him what happened, he answered, “We didn’t see the cop. But there were sounds of a car coming from the third level of the basement. Oh…. gosh!”

“What happened?” Locked asked, hurriedly.

Sean arrived at the door of the fire escape only to realize that the door was completely blocked. He quickly yelled out to Locke, “Boss! The cop used a few cars to block the door of the fire exit.”

That was the reason Buck, who was on the other side, could hear the sound of a car hitting the wall. Zhou Qingfeng knew that there were only two ways out. He did not choose the narrow fire exit that was difficult to go through. He chose the curve of the parking bay, where he could escape with a car.

To avoid enemies coming from two directions, he used a car to block the door to the fire escape. He used another two or three cars to completely block the door.

Sean could only see through the crevice of the door from the third level of the basement. He saw a light flash. Three shots were fired in his direction.

“Argh, damn it!” Sean yelled and backed away. The bullet got through the crevice and it made a hole in the door-frame. Its broken pieces fell off and cut his eyebrow. “Boss, we can’t get in. The goddamn cop is standing guard behind the door.”

The murderous Locke was relieved to hear that Zhou Qingfeng was still at the third level of the basement. “It’s okay, let him guard the door. He will soon come out, screaming and crying.”

“Hahaha,” the kidnappers laughed into the wireless phone at the thought of Zhou Qingfeng burning to death. However, their laugh did not last for very long. Zhou Qingfeng started to attack from within.

Buck was guarding the second level of the basement and he hid behind the obstacle. He was twenty meters away from the curve of the third level of the basement. That distance was relatively safe. The moment Zhou Qingfeng appeared, he would be shot, head first, by his rifle.

“Come on, come on. Let me make a hole in your brain,” Buck kept mumbling and aimed with his rifle to the places where Zhou Qingfeng could possibly appear. He was just waiting to pull the trigger. Next to him, the two men were pouring petrol into the third level of the basement.

Zhou Qingfeng was in an electric-powered car. He started the engine and drove towards the curve of the parking bay. He sped the car up to as fast as it could go. As soon as the car arrived at the curve, he jumped out of the car.

After rolling several times on the floor, Zhou Qingfeng was covered in dirt. However, he did not stop. He instantly got onto another electric-powered car that was prepared beforehand.

The previous car dashed towards the curve of the parking bay. As there was no one driving it, the car crashed into the wall of the curve. The car did not stop immediately as it was travelling at a high speed. The powerful kinetic energy that it contained pushed the car forwards along the wall!

Buck started to fire when he saw the car coming out. He thought that Zhou Qingfeng was going to use the car as a cover to escape. What he needed to do was to just aim at the driver’s seat and to spray the bullets.

However, that car rushed out a few meters along the wall, overturned, and crashed into the curve of the parking bay.

When Buck fired, the two other men quickly came to help. Three rifles were firing at the driver’s seat. As the bullets ran out, a random bullet ignited the petrol on the ground. A wave of heat blew in their direction, followed by the sound of an explosion.

“Is he dead?” Buck poked his head out and looked at the floor of the curve. Through the distorted light caused by the high temperatures, he could not see any blood stains. “He wasn’t in the car?”

Another car dashed out from the third level of the basement and it confused Buck. Similar to the previous one, the car crashed into the wall of the curve, overturned, and landed on the same spot in the fire.

“Damn it, that goddamn cop uses these cars as cover for him to get out.” Buck yelled at his two other mates, “Get more petrol. Burn him to death and don’t let him get through.”

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!