Rise of the Wasteland - Chapter 84

Published at 18th of March 2018 08:47:09 PM

Chapter 84

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Chapter 84        Sudden Death Showdown

Zhou Qingfeng’s shoulder shook from the recoil. Every time he pulled the trigger, a scorching shell came out under the rifle’s semi-automatic mode. At that moment, the direction of his rifle decided the lives of the gangsters in front of him. Playing with other people’s lives made him feel as if he were God.

However, as Zhou Qingfeng was shooting, Yakov started to fight back. He grabbed a flash grenade from his waist and threw it into the air.

Zhou Qingfeng immediately turned around as he saw the grenade coming. He had experienced the effects of tear gas grenades from Ivan. Therefore, he was very careful not to be caught under it again. As he got three to four meters away, the flash grenade exploded.

The explosion behind Zhou Qingfeng made his back feel as if it were hit by a hammer. He felt pain in his lungs and vomited blood. Yakov, a Russian veteran, had held the flashbang for two seconds before throwing it. If Zhou Qingfeng was not quick enough, it would have been right in front of his face.

“F*ck!” Zhou Qingfeng endured the pain and turned around. He saw that the few bottles of alcohol that he planned to burn had been shattered by the explosion. The alcohol spilled and the strong smell covered the floor. “Didn’t expect that. They used a flash grenade instead of tear gas. D*mn it, ruined my plan.”

Zhou Qingfeng’s original plan required him to wait until he could no longer withstand the situation before burning the enemies. He even destroyed all the fire alarms in the building for it. However, if the alcohol ignited at that moment, he would be the one to get burn.

“D*mn it! What should I do?” Zhou Qingfeng could only stay as far as possible from the alcohol. As a result, his range of activity had decreased significantly and he would have no way back.

In the meantime, Korgan and Ivan brought more men with them into to the fifteenth floor. The increase in the enemies’ numbers made the situation even worse for Zhou Qingfeng.

“Where’s that b*stard?” Ivan angrily asked as he approached his brother.

“At the other end of this corridor. That brat chose a good place to hide. This corridor is straight with no place for cover. He threw a flashbang and stunned our men. Those idiots are lying over there.”

Yakov pointed with his finger and Ivan followed the direction with his night vision goggles. Meanwhile, his nose started twitching as he smelled something. “I can smell vodka. It’s Peter the Great.”

“B*stard, he’s going to burn us!” Yokov exclaimed angrily as he smelled it too.

“Nevermind, he wouldn’t have that much alcohol with him.” Ivan waved and yelled at his men, “Break the wall and get over there. Demolish all the rooms. Shoot the wall before you break it, make sure that b*stard isn’t hiding behind. Do it now!”

The whole fifteenth floor was filled with the sound of gunshots. The gangsters started to fire at the wall to break it down. Just as they began to break the wall, someone cried and yelled in the midst of the gunshots, “Don’t shoot, don’t shoot, I give up, I surrender!”

However, they did not stop firing. Ivan even added more people, forcing Zhou Qingfeng to come out. As the gangsters shot to break the wall, another sound of gunshots arose from another direction.

When the gangsters started to fire, Zhou Qingfeng had no choice but to break the wall too. He had to think of a way to mix himself up with the enemies. As soon as a few gangsters broke a thin layer of the wooden wall in the office, Zhou Qingfeng, who was hiding behind it, immediately jumped out.

“D*mn it!”

“He’s over here.”


Bang! Bang! Zhou Qingfeng killed the few gangsters in front of him. Following that, he threw out three stun grenades. They were the last three stun grenades he had and he had to either make it or break it. As the grenades exploded, everyone turned deaf with the thundering sound of the grenades.

Quick, quick, quick!

He could not stay any longer; he had to kill and run! Zhou Qingfeng ran while he was shooting. He shot rapidly as soon as he saw someone’s shadow. He did not even care if he hit the target. With the way he ran and fired, the gangsters were rather confused and panicked.

“He’s here, he’s here!”

“Don’t simply shoot, he’s among us.”

“Ahhh, shit! It’s on fire!”

In the dark floor, the noises of gunshots and screaming had mixed and could not be distinguished. As soon as Korgan detected the burning smell, he turned around and left. Only the Portaschi brothers were left fighting against the aggressive Zhou Qingfeng.

“Don’t move. I’ll shoot if you move!” Ivan snapped and tried to control the situation. However, even though he was using the night vision goggles, he could not clearly distinguish the people while those idiots were panicking and running around.

The worst thing was, the floor was on fire! As Zhou Qingfeng fought back, he simply lit the fire.

There were too many highly flammable things in a modern office. Since the fire alarms were broken, the fire spread rapidly. The billowing smoke was on its way to becoming a deadly threat.

“Ivan, the fire is spreading too quickly. We need to leave.” Yakov judged that the situation was not going right. “We leave before blocking the entrance. That brat will burn to death here.”

“Block your ass! The building burns as soon as this floor burns. That brat wants us to die with him!” No one expected that Zhou Qingfeng would take the initiative to light the fire. In the current situation, Ivan knew that escaping was the only way to survive.

“None of you could run away!” Zhou Qingfeng’s cold voice came closer in the dark.

As soon as Ivan turned his head around, he saw a dark shadow rushing toward him.

Too quick, it was indeed too quick!

Ivan saw that this dark shadow was five or six meters away while he turned, yet it appeared right in front of him in the blink of an eye. He tried to dodge, but he already felt the pain at his waist. He had been stabbed with a blade.

“A**hole! Ivan endured his pain, threw a punch and sent the dark shadow away. “Yakov, kill him.”

“Die!” Yakov was standing beside Ivan and was also shocked by the assault of the dark shadow. When he saw that his elder brother was injured, he instantly aimed at the shadow with his rifle and fired rapidly.

Dhak dhak dhak! The light from firing was extremely dazzling in the dark. Clearly, Yakov had aimed at the dark shadow sent away by his elder brother. However, it dodged the bullets in an instant. Yakov was astonished, and at that moment the dark shadow came closer again and snatched the rifle from his hands.

After a few dull bangs, Jacob who was strong as an ox could feel his neck receiving a few powerful blows in a row, stunning him for a few seconds. His right elbow was even broken by someone with brute force.

Yakov’s arms were even bigger than the legs of ordinary people. Brute force was necessary to dislocate his arm!

“Argh…!” Yakov screamed with an inhuman sound. However, the Russian had beast-like characteristics as well, so he was able to grab Zhou Qingfeng’s collar and give him a headbutt.

The first hit smashed Zhou Qingfeng’s night vision goggles, and the following headbutts prompted the start of a competition to see whose head was the hardest!

Zhou Qingfeng was exhausted; he had already activated his ‘As Quick as Lightning’ ability thrice. He had used up all of his bullets when he was running and shooting randomly. Even his last weapon, the blade, was stabbed into Ivan. He nearly fainted from Yakov’s headbutt.

The beast-like Yakov went crazy. He endured the pain of his dislocated arm while he grabbed Zhou Qingfeng. He shouted, “Die, die, die!” as he kept on headbutting Zhou Qingfeng.

That bloody beast was indeed terrifying!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!