Rome Must Fall - Chapter 32

Published at 27th of May 2024 05:56:02 AM

Chapter 32: Victory and Sorrow

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Chapter 32: Victory and Sorrow

Content Warning: This chapter contains graphic violence and mature themes. Reader discretion is advised.

I also just added this warning in the first chapter because Ive forgotten it. I wont put this content warning in the future chapters.


After seeing the battle at the farm, Glaber quickly sent out the few soldiers he had left to attack the rebel forces from both sides, hoping to trap the rebels and bring the retreating Roman soldiers back to reinforce the farms defenses. However, just as the Romans were about to recover the routing troops, to their surprise, Hamilcar and a few hundred men arrived just in time. Although they lacked weapons, these rebel soldiers, mostly former slaves with frail bodies, carried a deep hatred for the Romans. They used their bodies to collide, their fists to strike, and even their teeth to bite, exhibiting a ferocious and frenzied appearance.

The Roman soldiers completely collapsed amidst the screams.Follow current novels on novelb((in).(com)

Charge in! Follow me into the farm! Hamilcar shouted, brandishing his sword high.

It was too late for the Roman soldiers inside the farm to close the gates. First, the routing troops rushed in, and the defenders hesitated to stab out with their swords at their comrades. In an instant, the thin defensive line was thrown into disarray by the fleeing soldiers.

The rebel soldiers then poured in and launched a frenzied attack on the disorganized Roman soldiers in the courtyard.

If these Roman recruits had fought in formation, they might have been able to withstand the rebel soldiers assault due to their excellent equipment. However, they were surrounded by chaos, and the rebel soldiers furious roars sounded like a death knell to them. Already terrified, they completely lost their fighting spirit and knelt down, surrendering one after another.

Glaber, standing on the balcony of the main building, immediately shifted his gaze. Outside the farm was the Roman camp engulfed in flames. Those damn slaves, like wild beasts, were crazily hunting down the scattered fleeing Roman soldiers, their screams echoing throughout the camp

Glaber closed his eyes in anguish, then let out a long sigh. He straightened his military attire, picked up his short sword, and turned to descend the stairs. I am a Roman magistrate, the commander of this army, Gaius Claudius Glaber. I am willing to surrender with my troops and hope that

Before he could finish his words, someone rushed forward and delivered a powerful punch, knocking him to the ground. F*ck off! Youve all become prisoners, yet you still have so much nonsense to say!

Maximus recognized this brutal guy; it was none other than Torquevado.

How are things over here? What about our casualties? Spartacus asked with concern.

Hammilcar replied, We lost 86 men in battle, and 42 were wounded, but all of them have minor wounds. We killed and wounded over 1,200 enemies (in fact, more than half of them were trampled and killed in the chaos and panic of the night). We captured nearly a thousand prisoners, including their legatus, Glaber We havent had a chance to tally the captured weapons and armor yet. Last night, the Romans were caught off guard while they were sleeping, and most of them left their weapons and armor in their tents. We should have made a significant gain, however, many of our brothers have already put on Roman armor

Let them wear it if they want. After all, it was meant for them. If we had enough weapons and armor from the beginning, we wouldnt have had so many casualties, Spartacus lamented, and the others fell silent.

Spartacus quickly changed the subject, Maximus, is breakfast ready? Were all hungry.

Our logistics team just came down from the hill and theyre busy in the kitchen. Breakfast may take a while, Maximus truthfully replied.

Spartacus jokingly rubbed his stomach, Oh, were all hungry

Spartacus! Crixus! Oenomaus Artorix! Hamilcar! A rider galloped towards them, shouting non-stop, Something terrible happened!

Omarkel, calm down. What happened? Spartacus asked calmly.

Just now, I was riding with a few comrades on the captured warhorses, chasing after the fleeing enemy to the west and not far from there Omarkel pointed behind him, his expression filled with grief and anger, We found so many bodies! The Roman prisoners we captured told me that yesterday evening, under the order of their legion commander, they killed all our brothers that were captured there. There were over 900 of them! Over 900!

Spartacus and the others faces instantly turned pale.

This was a large elliptical pond, surrounded by stone embankments made of Roman cement. It was used as water storage and irrigation for the large farm. However, the pool was now filled with bodies, strewn haphazardly: Their eyes were vacant, their faces were contorted, with multiple sword wounds on their chests, and dark red scabs covering their bodies. It was evident that they had endured painful struggles before their deaths

Maximus stood in silence by the edge of the pond, and one of the nearby bodies caught his attention: she had gray hair, a frail body, and a wrinkled face

Maximus recognized her because she was a member of the logistics team named Saria. When she was assigned to his team initially, Maximus had noticed her weak physique and out of sympathy, he had suggested to Hamilcar to assign her light tasks in the kitchen. Saria had always been grateful, and every time she saw Maximus, she would warmly greet him and sometimes offer him a cup of goats milk to quench his thirst. Normally, goats milk had a strong odor, but the goats milk she prepared was not only light in smell but also had a slightly sweet and sour taste. Maximus hadnt expected this elderly woman to have such a skill. After becoming the leader of the logistics team, he had planned to have Saria exclusively responsible for preparing goats milk in a few days

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!