Rome Must Fall - Chapter 5

Published at 27th of May 2024 05:56:56 AM

Chapter 5: Serving as a Guide

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Chapter 5: Serving as a Guide

You traitor, how dare you show your face! Crixus immediately rushed forward, grabbing his chest and raising a huge fist. His scarred face had a pair of wolf-like eyes, emitting a fierce and menacing light. He viciously said, Youve killed so many of our brothers, and now

Enough, Crixus. Now is not the time for internal strife. We need Maximus help! Sure enough, Spartacus quickly stepped in to stop the confrontation.

Ptui! Crixus spat a thick phlegm onto Maximus face before reluctantly being separated by Spartacus.

Maximus wiped the phlegm off his face and momentarily felt relieved. If Spartacus hadnt intervened, he was genuinely afraid that Crixus might have killed him. Based on the memory of the original Maximus, this guy, although was only second best gladiator of the gladiator school, either left his opponents dead or seriously injured in the matches he participated in. Even during training, he often caused injuries to his companions. He was a dangerous man who valued human life very little.

Even though Crixus had let go, his sharp gaze remained fixed on Maximus, piercing through him like a sharp knife. It sent a chill down Maximus spine, making him regret his decision to step forward a little.

Maximus, are you really familiar with the roads here?! Spartacus asked very seriously.

Maximus collected himself and confidently said, I grew up in Capua. I can find my way around here with my eyes closed! With me leading the way, we can leave here quickly. However

Maximus paused for a moment, and continued with a hint of show-off, Our current location is in the south of the city. From Capua, there are two main roads to the south. One is the Appian Way, heading southeast towards the Samnite Mountains. The other is the Via Annia, heading south, crossing the entire Campanian Plain. Which one should we take?

South of Rome, Capua was one of the few large cities intersected by two major Roman roads. It was an important transportation hub, thriving not only in agriculture but also in commerce.

We should go to the mountainous region, it would be easier for us to hide, Artorix suggested from the side.

Its getting dark, and its not safe to go to the mountains at this time. Plus, the Samnites are not to be trifled with. We should head south. Although the uprising was sudden and somewhat hasty, Spartacus had a plan in mind. However, he didnt intend to reveal it at this moment, so he came up with another reason.

However, everyones opinions were reasonable. Not far to the east of Capua was the Samnite mountain region. The Samnites were impoverished but fierce, and they were a major source of auctoratus (a term used for those Roman citizens who volunteered to become gladiators). Although they were not from the same gladiator school, they encountered them as opponents in the arena, and their strength should not be underestimated. Therefore, no one objected.

However, Maximus boldly suggested based on the memory of the original Maximus:Read latest chapters at nov(e) Only

Some gladiators, led by Oenomaus, rushed over and intercepted it. Soon, he excitedly shouted, Spartacus, come quickly! There are many weapons in this wagon!

Spartacus perked up and rushed towards the intercepted wagon with Crixus and the others.

Inside the wagon were numerous weapons such as short swords, long swords, spears, rectangular shields, round shields, helmets, greaves, and even a few fishing nets, but there were no breastplates, as these were all gladiator equipment.

Spartacus touched the cold shield and excitedly said to the gladiators, Brothers, our actions have received the blessing of Ares. He has brought us weapons!

The gladiators erupted in cheers, with some even shouting, With weapons, we have nothing to fear! Lets go back and take down Batiatus!

However, someone immediately countered, Fool, Batiatus has already fled into the city. There is no way we can catch him.

Spartacus ignored their argument and turned around and said, Hamilcar, carefully count how many weapons there are.

Before Hamilcar could respond, Maximus eagerly said, Let me do it.

It was another opportunity to show his abilities. Seeing Spartacus not objecting, Maximus jumped into the wagon and began to count seriously.

Meanwhile, Spartacus approached the driver who quickly begged him for mercy. Spartacus asked in a deep voice, Tell me, where did you bring these gladiator weapons from? And where were you taking them?

To to the arena inside the city, trembling, the driver replied. Because the day after tomorrow is the founding day of Capua the magistrate is hosting a large gladiator competition to celebrate and they were afraid there wouldnt be enough weapons so I was ordered to transport some from Naples

Spartacus and Crixus exchanged a glance. In fact, their gladiator school had also received an invitation from the city lords mansion. It was said that the rewards were quite generous. If it werent for this uprising, many of their brothers might have fallen in the arena to satisfy Capuas bloodthirsty audience.

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