Rosie's Games - Chapter 105

Published at 12th of April 2024 08:08:59 AM

Chapter 105: Trouble Brewing 1

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Chapter 105: Trouble Brewing 1

Rosalind laughed. She laughed so hard, she almost fell out of her seat.

Reincarnation of the Dark Lord?

The Dark Lord was not dead, he was simply sealed away by the seven families. No one could kill the Dark Lord. Why would she suddenly reincarnate as one? To be fair, she was someone who was reborn, but she was not the Dark Lord. She was Rosalind Lux.

"I apologize I just " she cleared her throat when she finally calm down. "I just I didn't expect that it would be like this." Nor did she expect that someone would actually call her a reincarnation of the Dark Lord. It simply did not make sense.

However, instead of feeling down, the smile on Mathies' face grew bigger. "No one would."


"Who would believe that someone actually received the blessing of the dark?"

The Duke did.

She blinked as she thought about his reaction the first time she showed him her blessing. Now that she thought about it, that reaction didn't look normal. She was too absorbed with her plans that she failed to realize that it wasn't normal for the Duke to react that way.

"You are not going to tell anyone about this unless we are sure," Mr. Montgomery said.

"I know, Leader. This is something that could "

"I think it is just too abrupt for us to assume something like this exists," Rosalind inturrupted. Again, she did not want anyone to know this. There are ways to keep this a secret, but all of those ways involve making them shut their mouths forever. She did not want that. She wanted to build relationships that would benefit her in the near future, not something that would give her a bounty on her head.

Again, she sighed inwardly.

"You are not letting them decide on the place this time?" she asked, surprised at Mr. Pratt's actions.

"No," the latter shook his head. "Your previous assumption about the Duke was right. I had been careless. You need more protection after healing the Princess."

She nodded. She did not know if Mr. Pratt just thought of this because of the dagger or if this is simply his way of thanking her for saving his daughter. Frankly, she did not care. This was nothing but a transaction something that has a price.

"Very well... please give me the new crates of black and white relics, as well as the things that I gave you last time. I will be paying for them from my card." She gladly handed the man a card. This was from the gold that she accepted from both Mr. Pratt, Lucilla, and Mr. Montgomery.

Of course, she had the option to use the card that the Duke gave her in the past, but she chose not to. It would be too obvious. She could not reveal anything to them including her somewhat complicated relationship with the Duke.

After Mr. Pratt gave her the things that she asked for from the last time that she came here, she gave him another set of lists for her travel. From books to food to clothes and herbs, she decided to be prepared this time!

She did not know how long this journey would last so she just wanted to be prepared for all possible scenarios that she had in her head. Then she went home only to find a panicky Milith.

"What's wrong?" she asked, frowning.

"Miss Grace just came here she said the Madam wanted to see you."

"In the dead of the night?" she asked.

"Yes she said she wanted to see you as soon as possible."


UPDATE ON EDITING: CHAPTER 80-104 is already editing. We are working backward and slowly editing the earlier chapters. Slowly. :) Please vote for the novel.

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